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May Day events and discounts 2023

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    May Day events and discounts 2023

    From 01.05.23 to 11.05.23 (including), the following discounts and events are actual for logon/legion/bfa control panel:

    All item and service prices have been reduced by 20%.
    - If you make a donation you get + 10% more reward depending on amount of donation (for example of you donate 400 bonuses - you get 440).
    - All logon/legion and BFa bans that were not permanent and should end by 11.05.23 (including) have been dismissed. The whole amount of accounts, that were amnestied is 215, logon - 200, legion - 15, bfa – 0.
    - Gift cooldown reset (once).
    - We added festive lootboxes with visual effects to 3.3.5a and 4.3.4 to "Special items" shop in control panel, they will be available till 01.06.23, you can find information about loot, drop chance, etc. there: https://wowcircle.com/go/lootbox
    - We established x2 rates for WoWCircle 3.3.5 x1 PvE from 01.05.23 to 14.05.23 (including).

    Quick start for 1 bonus [3.3.5 х1, х5, х100 / 4.3.4 x100 & 8.3.7 х11]

    Quick start for WoTLK & Cataclsym


    Quick start for WoTLK x1/х5/х100:

    1. 80 level, 1000 gold.
    2. 24 slot bag, and 2-х mounts (riding/flying).
    3. Learned class spells/double specialization and weapon/riding skills;
    4. Besides mentioned above you get one PvE or PvP 226-232 ilvl item set (by choice) for any spec you like (heal/dd/rdd/tank, depending on character class).

    Quick start for Cataclysm x100:

    1. 85 level, 1000 gold;
    2. 24 slot bag, and 2 mounts (riding/flying);
    3. Learned class spells and abilities;
    4. Besides you get one PvP set from 346 till 352 ilvl for for any spec you like (heal/dd/rdd/tank, depending on character class).

    To take advantage of this special offer at LOGON you must:

    1. Open control panel https://cp.wowcircle.net/
    2. Assure yourself that you have binded a phone number to your account, otherwise you won't be able to use an offer;
    3. Select the needed realm in the top left corner of CP;
    4. The last step will be opening "Services" section of control panel where you can purchase "Fast Start" feature for 1 bonus.


    - To activate quick start - completely re-enter your account.
    - Quick start is applied to the FIRST character you create AFTER quick start purchase, namely after you click "Apply".
    - You can only choose specialization ONCE, if you make mistake and choose the wrong spec, we won't be able to help you with this issue, this feature is irreversible, it can be neither refunded nor exchanged.
    - If you see no Quick Start available for 1 bonus, that means an activation has been already done for your Account/IP/phone number or you have not binded phone number to an account.
    - You can only use this offer at 3.3.5а х5, х100 and 4.3.4 x100 only ONCE.
    - Do not convert items at https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=13447, or you lose all the quick start items.

    Quick start for Battle For Azeroth x11

    Battle For Azeroth

    Quick start for Battle For Azeroth x11:

    1. 120 level, 1000 gold + 4 22 slot bags.
    2. Riding mount + https://www.wowhead.com/item=141605 for some classes.
    3. Riding mastery (Apprentice).
    4. 425-430 ilvl items (mostly uncommon + some rare).

    To take advantage of this offer you must:

    1. Open control panel https://cpbfa.wowcircle.me/login
    2. Bind your phone number (10 bonuses for Russia, 20 bonuses for other countries)
    3. Open "Services" section of control panel where you can purchase "Fast Start" feature for 1 bonus.
    4. Enter the game, create a character and find Boris <Winter Vell helper> NPC in starter location.


    - To activate quick start, perform a full relog to your account.
    - To activate quick start your Demon Hunter must be 98 level or less, Death Knight - 55 level or less, allied races 20 or less and 10 level for ordinary characters.
    - If you see no Quick Start available for 1 bonus, that means an activation has been already done for your Account/IP/phone number.
    - We remind, that to use quick start, after activation via control panel you must find Boris <Winter Vell helper> NPC in starter location.

    In addition to everything mentioned above from 01.05.23 to 11.05.23 (including), players will get https://wowroad.info/?achievement=4400 achievement and https://wowroad.info/?item=49362 pet for logging to Legion/BFa

    For WoTLK & Cataclysm realms starting from 04.05.23 (including) besides https://wowroad.info/?achievement=4400 and https://wowroad.info/?item=49362, will get 1-2 lootboxes:

    *rewards are binded to an achievement, if you already have it - you don't get a reward.
    event with an achievement, pet and lootboxes can be turned off ahead of schedule.

    We wish you bright and unforgettable May Day holidays at WoWCircle!

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  2. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо VúSale за это полезное сообщение:

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