We are glad to announce, that we finished closed test of Guild Houses, and we are ready to tell you more about them. Guild Houise is a unique location, where players from one guild can share experience and arrange events, without being disturbed. We suppose, that guild houses will provide new avenues for social interaction and strengthening of relations.
Even more - Guild Houses contain special NPC and objects (class trainers, equipment vendors, teleporter), that make guild members life easier and saves time.
In the last 3.3.5 updates numerous players noticed new "Guild House Keeper" NPC, now it's time to tell you his purpose, where to get the bills, and what can you find in a Guild House.
Only guild master can buy or activate preview of a Guild House, to do this - you must follow 6 simple steps:
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1. Come to Guild House Keeper NPC, click "Guild houses", and check the list of available locations (screenshots attached below), you must also pay attention to UNLOCK and RENT price.
2. If you need more than screenshots and you want to walk along the location yourselves, click "Preview" in a selected Guild House, and read the information ATTENTIVELY in a pop-up window, and click "Accept", you will have 40 minutes to inspect the selected GH, and teleport to GH following the instructions from paragraph №5.
2.1 ATTENTION, you can only inspect every Guild House ONCE, if you've checked House №1, and decided to check House №2, you won't be able to get back to the first one in preview mode, you will only have unlock and rent options.
2.2 If you unlock or rent GH №1 and you have it as a property for 30 days, and you want to INSPECT for example GH №3, do not forget, that you will dismiss GH №1 rent, and WILL NOT GET YOUR COINS BACK.
3. After inspecting and making a decision you need to open control panel and buy your char https://wowroad.info/?item=20421, amount depends on GH price, bill price: 1000 bonuses = 1 bill = 1000 guild coins.
4. After you receive an item, click "Guild Bills to Guild Coins exchange" at NPC, read the text a bit higher of the middle of a screen, and click "Accept" with a MOUSE BUTTON, in a new window you need to type bills amount you want to exchange, 8 bills = 8000 coins.
5. Next step is buying a GH, proceed to "Guild Houses", select the one you like, and click "Unlock", read the information, and click "Accept" with a MOUSE BUTTON, after accepting, you get a guild house, and one month of payed rent as a gift.
6. Now type .menu in a chat (or use https://wowroad.info/?spell=38057) and click "Move to guild house"
Unlock feature gifts you 1 month rent, and unlocks an option to use the current GH for rent in future.
If you have any questions, read the Q&A below first.[свернуть]
Guild houses. What's inside/prices:
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Name: Mountain lake north of Northshire AbbeyNPC list of a Guild House
Ear-Biter <Arena Battlemaster>
Krixel Pinchwhistle <Brutal Arena Vendor>
Tassia Whisperglen <Stable Master>
Alchemist Cinesra <Poison Vendor>
Nargle Lashcord <Veteran Arena Vendor>
Trapjaw Rix <Exceptional Arena Weaponry>
Usuri Brightcoin <Money Changer>
Heroic Training Dummy
Training Dummy PvP <Resilience 100>
Training Dummy PvP <Resilience 1100>
Training Dummy PvP <Resilience 1200>
Training Dummy PvP <Resilience 1400>
Training Dummy PvP <Resilience 1600>
FFA Zone Keeper
Oscar <Arena Teams Manager>
Teleporter <Capitals and neutral cities> - with advanced features.
Netharel <Transmogrify Master>
Guild House Sentinel
Warehouse and auction services
Specialist in all professions
Supplies and Repair
Class skills
Unusual Arthas <Statue by Vusalangelo>
Impresario <L70ETC> - available only in guild houses with a stage.
Warrior Armor
Paladin Armor
Rogue Armor
Hunter Armor
Druid Armor
Priest Armor
Warlock Armor
Mage Armor
Death Knight Armor
Shaman Armor
Emblem of Valor Quartermaster
Emblem of Heroism Quartermaster
Emblem of Conquest Quartermaster
Emblem of Triumph Quartermaster
Emblem of Frost Quartermaster
Practicing Weatherman
Character Repair Master
Greatfather Winter's Helper - ONLY AVAILABLE DURING THE FEAST[свернуть]
Location: Elwynn Forest
Unlock price: 6000 coins (+ 1 moth rent as a gift)
Rent price: 2000 coins/month
Preview: AVAILABLE at NPC(one-time usage feature)
Resume: A small GH without any extravagance, besides L70ETC, includes everything needed, from armor vendors/profession masters/class trainers, to an extended teleporter, someone will like its size.
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Name: Abandoned Troll village in mountains
Location: Darkshore
Unlock price: 6000 coins (+ 1 moth rent as a gift)
Rent price: 2000 coins/month
Preview: AVAILABLE at NPC(one-time usage feature)
Resume: Mid-size GH, still having all the default NPC, from armor vendors/profession masters/class trainers, to an extended teleporter, as a unique feature, L70ETC stopped in this GH, and plays charity concerts for everyone.
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Name: A village in the mountains north of Ironforge
Location: Wetlands
Entertainment: PvP-Zone and Event-Zone
Unlock price: 8000 coins (+ 1 moth rent as a gift)
Rent price: 4000 coins/month
Preview: AVAILABLE at NPC(one-time usage feature)
Resume: The biggest GH created, includes everything, from armor vendors/profession masters/class trainers, to an extended teleporter, as a unique feature, L70ETC band is also present in this GH, there's also a PvP Zone, where you can arrange some events, and an event zone, with 2 jumps: https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=881990, https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=952692
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Name: Abandoned Tauren camp on the plateau
Location: Mulgore/The Barrens
Entertainment: PvP-Zone and L70ETC band
Unlock price: 7000 coins (+ 1 moth rent as a gift)
Rent price: 3000 coins/month
Preview: AVAILABLE at NPC(one-time usage feature)
Resume: Mid-size GH, including all the needed NPC, PvP Zone, and l70etc band.
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Name: Abandoned logging camp
Location: Stonetalon Mountains
Entertainment: PvP-Zone, Event-Zone and L70ETC band
Unlock price: 8000 coins (+ 1 moth rent as a gift)
Rent price: 4000 coins/month
Preview: AVAILABLE at NPC(one-time usage feature)
Resume: Rather big GH, including all the needed NPC, l70etc band, PvP Zone and Event Zone with 2 jumps: https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=881990, https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=952692
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Name: North-West mountain valley
Location: Stonetalon Mountains/Аshеnvаlе
Entertainment: PvP-Zone, Event-Zone
Unlock price: 8000 coins (+ 1 moth rent as a gift)
Rent price: 4000 coins/month
Preview: AVAILABLE at NPC(one-time usage feature)
Resume:Mid-size GH, including all the needed NPC, l70etc band, PvP Zone and Event Zone with 2 jumps: https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=881990, https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=952692
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If you have any questions, read Question - Answer, under spoiler below.[свернуть]
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Question - Answer:
Q: Can one guild have 2 Guild Houses?
A: No, it can not. If you try to buy second GH, you will just lose your coins and rent time, because it does not add up.
Q: Do I need to pay for rent when I unlock a GH?
A: No, when you unlock GH for the first time, you get one month rent as a gift.
Q: GH unlock is permanent or does it end?
A: Yes, it's permanent. If you unlock it once - you will only have to pay for rent in future, even if you stopped using it for some time.
Q: I unlocked the GH, received 30 days rent time, what will happen when the time ends?
A: If you do not prolong the rent - you will be removed from a Guild House, but if you want to pay for it again - it will only cost you rent price.
Q: Where can I check when the rent time expires?
A: At Guild House Keeper NPC, there will be an option to check it [CLICK]
Q: What if we don't pay the rent?
A: You will be moved out of GH and won't be able to use it.
Q: Why do I need "Unlock all the locked GH" feature and does it gift me with 30 rent days?
A: Possibly some players would like to check different locations, and this feature helps them to save money. This feature DOES NOT gift you with rent time, because it unlocks ALREADY PURCHASED GH.
Q: Do you plan more locations for GH?
A: Yes, we plan to settle more locations.
Q: Do you plan improving GH, considering players proposals?
A: Yes, we even started a thread for it https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthre...56#post8133656
Q: Can we get a Guild House for free?
A: It is possible, you guild needs to compete with others in PvE Ladder when it starts https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=1158159
Q: Can we get a Guild House for any activity besides PvE ladder?
A: Not yet. Guild bills will possibly be added to loot, with low chance, but not soon.
Q: I've chosen the wrong GH, can I exchange it?
Q: What is an inspect feature?
A: Feature that allows to rent any GH for 40 minutes, and inspect it. This feature can be called "trial version of GH".
Q: What if I start inspecting GH №1 and decide to switch to GH №2?
A: Nothing serious will happen, you'll lose access to GH №1, and get another to GH №2 for 40 minutes, you can not inspect 2 GH at the same time, only one. We recommend to inspect the first one in details before you proceed to the next one.
Q: I started inspecting the wrong GH by mistake, what should I do?
A: You should just inspect it and than inspec the one you need, feature is for one-time use.
Q: I payed for GH rent and spent my coins, after that I decided to inspect another one and lost my rent, what should I do?
A: As we already told you - read the instruction first, seems like you ignored it. If you click "Preview" when you already have an active GH, you lose your rent time without any coins refund. BE ATTENTIVE.
You can send all your proposals about Guild Houses: https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthre...56#post8133656