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Исправлено Сумеречное Нагорье - Гарток

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  1. #1
    Модератор Баг-трекера Аватар для Премудрый
    Получено благодарностей: 2,242 (сообщений: 1,980).
    Репутация: 8058

    Post Сумеречное Нагорье - Гарток

    1. НИП: https://www.wowhead.com/ru/npc=46935
    2. Взяв одно из заданий:

    НИП говорит:
    Гаргток кричит: Это масло не годится для Грека! Каким местом Грек похож на слабака в робе?
    3. Диалоги:
    Gurgthock yells: All that's left of the challenger is a red stain on the floor!
    Gurgthock yells: Bah, couldn't you have dragged it out a bit! People don't pay me when you make it look that easy! Add some theatrics to it, will ya?!
    Gurgthock yells: Hailing from the semi-distant wreck of a landscape that was once Gilneas, our champion arises! Keep your pants up <name>, you don't want to show this guy a full moon!
    Gurgthock yells: Here we are once again, ladies and gentlemen. The epic struggle between life and death in the Crucible of Carnage! For this round we have <name> versus... a really fat ogre? Wait, seriously?! That's all we could come up with on short notice? What am I paying you for?
    Gurgthock yells: I DON'T BELIEVE IT! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION OF CARNAGE!!! Our big, bad beefy challenger has been defeated by a ragtag crew of nobodies! Incredible finish!
    Gurgthock yells: I've got a LITTLE somethin' special for ya this time, folks! You aren't half the man of this half-man! <name> vs. the vicious Wildhammer... SULLY KNEECAPPER!!!
    Gurgthock yells: Imagine my surprise when I was approached by the genius forsaken, Calder Gray, and propsitioned with a combatant made of all the best features of our previous champions... LITERALLY! Who could refuse a chance to challenge CALDER'S CREATION?!
    Gurgthock yells: It looks like we have one more challenger yet to face though, so let's get those wagers in!
    Gurgthock yells: Ladies and gentlemen, these deliverers of dismemberment have come out VICTORIOUS! Bets on the next round start now! Let's get this money flowin'.
    Gurgthock yells: The battle is about to begin! <name> vs. the vicious Dragonmaw, Torg Drakeflayer! I THINK he's vicious anyway - hard to tell. I just let him because they let us take over their old arena here. Here's hoping for some blood!
    Gurgthock yells: The challenger has been defeated!
    Gurgthock yells: The Twilight's Hammer: happy to serve local nefarious schemes anytime, anywhere. And today is no exception! Our final combatant hails from the not so distant Bastion of Twilight! Or is it the Twilight Bastion... bah, who cares!
    Gurgthock yells: There's no denying it - they really put that dog down! So much for our former champion!
    Gurgthock yells: They went down like a sack of orc skulls!
    Gurgthock yells: W-W-W-WINNER! We have a winner! Good job and stuff!
    Gurgthock yells: Whatever, let the fight begin!
    Gurgthock yells: WHOA! Call in the cleaning crew. They made a mess of that challenger!
    Gurgthock yells: You all love to hate him, and he's glad to shower his hate right back down on ya. LETS... GET... BLOODY!!!
    Gurgthock yells: You know what they say... if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! And in this case, you won't have the choice! Cruicible of Carnage, I adore you so.
    Gurgthock says: The grand Crucible of Carnage awaits, <name>. Remember, once a battle starts you have to stay in the arena. WIN OR DIE!
    Gurgthock says: This match is sure to be SHORT! Okay, okay, I'm done. Let the bloodbath begin!
    + локализация.

    4. Legion/x4

  2. #2
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