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Отклонено problem with quest "The Battle for Lordaeron"

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 1 (сообщений: 1).
    Репутация: 1

    Post problem with quest "The Battle for Lordaeron"

    Hello all,
    I have a problem with quest "The Battle for Lordaeron"
    I took the quest from Master Matthew Shaw and then either canceled it, or made a log, in general, after this quest chain screwed up irrevocably.
    Namely, I take the quest from Matthew, skip (like flying to Lordaeron because the admiral does not work), and me portuet tents in the port, where I have to pass the quest commander Halford Wyrmbane, but this NPC isn't there.
    Passing the quest weighs, the quest is done, but nothing can be done. Log in did, the correction of errors made in a private panel, delete the folder with the cache, the quest canceled and took anew. All what I read here before to submit this post. How to play when can't get next one for heart for Azeroth?
    Moreover, the map in Boralusa exclamation mark to take the quest Get Your Bearings (like the continuation of a chain) but it needs NPC I do not see, because I didn't return "The Battle for Lordaeron"
    My name inside BFA 8.3.7 x11 is Babok
    Thanks for your help and understanding

  2. #2
    Модератор Баг-трекера Аватар для Премудрый
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    Репутация: 11091

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