Hi,i'm playing on Circle,on wotlk x1, for almost 2 years and i never complained in general,cause it's a good server.
However what I've seen in the last few days it's too much...
1 player with 5 characters at same time,in follow, 1 dk + 4 paladin,speed aura,grip,wings etc. and destroy with 4 divinestorms...all same time,not funny really.
I know,multiboxing it's not forbidden but in pvp?? it's worse than unfair.
I see them in every allies cities as well as at wintergrasp.he has no restraint.This will ruin the little pvp we have in x1...
just my opinion but not only for me i think. Have some screens on wintergrasp aniway. I hope the issue is not ignored,thanks.