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Opening Shadowlands 9.2.7 x5 - 23.12.23

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994
    Dear players! We are glad to announce, that we are opening fresh new Shadowlands 9.2.7 x5 realm with gradual content discovery on 23.12.23 at 15:00 GMT.

    We are quite literally the first large server complex, that launches this expansion on high quality level from the very beginning (you can assure yourself using current open beta) and have all the opportunities to support it in the long run thanks to a large development team (both personal and our partners).

    We want to unite all the fans of this expansion and will put efforts to make a unique experience for players, who missed Shadowlands for various reasons on retail.

    Our team considered launch failure of Legion (seems to be the worst launch in our project history), same situation with Shadowlands is impossible, server side has been tested by our partners and approved itself from the best side, moreover we will improve actual moments and fix some bugs according to your reports during PTR.

    In this announce we are ready to provide you basic information about future Shadowlands 9.2.7 x5 realm.

    Promo page: https://wowcircle.me/shadowlands/en/

    Registration: Shadowlands 9.2.7(click)

    Control Panel: https://cpsl.wowcircle.me/

    Current status: PTR.

    How to join: https://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=1249814

    Realm section: https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1975

    Realm opening details and features:

    • Opening date: 23.12.23 at 15:00 GMT.
    • Rates: x5 for experience, rest x2.
    • Gradual content discovery starting from 9.0 patch.
    • Good quality workability with a focus on Shadowlands content.
    • Separate independent developers team.
    • Extensive advertising campaign, that has already started, coming to its peak closer to server launch.

    Features (custom):

    • Arena RePlay - Watch arena replays to analyze enemy gameplay or your mistakes.
    • Do not have enough time to level up? You can purchase VIP account (N/A when realm starts).
    • Interactive menu (.menu) - Numerous features in one place.
    • Dynamic rates change - .xp rate command to choose rates from x1 to x5.

    Gradual content opening stages:

    - 9.0 «Shadowlands» - realm start.
    - 9.1 «Chains of Domination».
    - 9.2 «Eternity's End».

    Every new patch will be installed depending on the current realm progress and content discovered by players. Latest client version will be used, all changes are done on a server level.

    About donations:

    Items in control panel will be added gradually, but at the initial stage no features will be available, except "Character repair", this means you can not buy even gold of VIP account during the first days.
    Features and items will be added depending on realm progress.


    We are expecting more than 5.000 players from the start, but technically server can work even with 10.000 players with comfortable delay.


    We will enable an option to create characters at Shadowlands x5 few days before the start on 21.12.2021 at 16:00 GMT so that you can take your nickname and prepare the game client before the start.

    We will also launch several special promotional events before and from the start. Follow this thread to be aware.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  2. #2
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994
    Events before the start

    Repost competition:
    1. You need to join our WoW Circle public: https://vk.com/wowcircle

    2. Repost the attached post to your page: https://vk.com/wall-40672356_2316695

    20.12.23 at 15:00 GMT, we will randomly select 20 people, who joined our group and made a repost.

    Events on the start

    1. First three players who reach 60 level, will get the following reward(*):
    - first place: 6000 roubles, or 7000 bonuses
    - second place: 5000 roubles, or 6000 bonuses
    - third place: 4000 roubles, or 5000 bonuses

    2. All the first 60 level characters of each class will be rewarded with unique mount https://www.wowhead.com/ru/item=104011, and get 1000 bonuses in addition.

    3. All the first 60 level characters of each race will be rewarded with unique pet https://www.wowhead.com/ru/npc=123650, and get 1000 bonuses in addition.

    Rewards for 2 and 3 categories can not be obtained together, it means character that became the first 60 level, and first Orc Warrior of a server, he will get the reward for 1 and 2 categories, and player becoming the fourth 60 level character of a server, but first Blood Elf Priest for example get the reward only for the second category.
    It may happen that your class has already won, bout not your race and you still have a chance to win.

    1. The first 10 people+ raid that defeats https://www.wowhead.com/ru/npc=168938 in heroic mode, gets 3000 roubles per player, or 3500 bonuses(*).

    2. The first raid that defeats https://www.wowhead.com/ru/npc=168938 in mythic mode, gets 6000 roubles per player, or 6500 bonuses, mount https://www.wowhead.com/ru/item=122469 and pet https://www.wowhead.com/ru/item=115301(*).

    *You can choose either money or bonuses.

    Waiting for you at WoW Circle Shadowlands x5, 23.12.23 at 15:00 GMT.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  3. #3
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994

    Dear players! We are glad to announce, that the following content will become available 02.03.2024 at 17:00 GMT at WoW Circle Shadowlands x5 within 9.1 patch «Chains of Domination»:

    - Sanctum of Domination in normal and heroic mode (mythic and LFR one week later).
    - New 5 people Mega Dungeon, only in mythic mode - "Tazavesh, the Veiled Market" with 226 ilvl rewards
    - New location and activities - Korthia.
    - Continue your covenant quest line, new renown cap - 80.
    - New Soulbind talents.
    - Flying in Shadowlands locations!
    - New activity - Covenants attacks of the Maw!
    - 2nd mythic+ season, with new season affix, rewards level and PvP season.
    - New option to improve your legendaries.
    - New Torghast layers, and new Torment effects, new cosmetic rewards and more.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  4. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо VúSale за это полезное сообщение:

    Reiy (12.02.2024)

  5. #4
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994
    03.04.2024 the following content will become available with 9.1.5 patch:

    - https://www.wowhead.com/npc=182864, selling numerous item for twink characters - renown raise to 60 level, basic conduits of 200 item level, valor/conquest exchange for 210-220 item level chest.
    - Conquest and valor cap limit removal till next major update.
    - New cosmetic rewards.
    - Torghast rewards limit removal.

    More info:

    - [PvE] When patch finishes, after activating 9.2, players, that get into 0.5% of those who complete the highest keystone in time during 9.1, will get the following rewards throughout 7 days: https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=15327 and https://www.wowhead.com/item=76755.
    - [PvP] When patch finishes, after activating 9.2, players, that get into 0.5% of highest 2v2 score during 9.1, will get the following rewards throughout 7 days: https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=14973 (first five) and https://www.wowhead.com/item=186177 (all the others).

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  6. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо VúSale за это полезное сообщение:

    Reiy (02.04.2024)

  7. #5
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994

    Dear players! We are glad to announce, that the following content will become available 08.05.2024 at 17:00 GMT at WoW Circle Shadowlands x5 within 9.2 patch «Eternity's End»:

    - Sepulcher of the First Ones in normal and heroic mode (mythic and LFR one week later).
    - New location and activities - Zereth Mortis.
    - New legendary belt and rune power - Girdle of Unity, allowing to use 2 legendary items on one character.
    - Learn Cypher of the First Ones and use the Forge of the First Ones to create unique mounts and cosmetic rewards.
    - New Progenitor class sets become available and a catalyst to create parts of your set.
    - 3rd mythic+ season, with new "Encrypted" season affix, new mythic+ dungeons, rewards level and PvP season.
    - An option to improve your legendaries.
    - New Torghast layers, and additional mode - The Jailer's Gauntlet.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

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