1. https://wowroad.info/?spell=45444.
2. Бафф не накладывается вообще.
3. Описание работы баффа:
https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=...ssing#commentsBonfire's Blessing is a zone-wide buff available during the Midsummer Fire Festival. It is automatically given to and taken away from players when the bonfire for their faction in the zone is lit or unlit, respectively.
Bonfire's Blessing does damage equal to 10 times the player's level. At level 1, it deals 10 fire damage. At level 80, 800 fire damage, etc. This can critically hit for 100% bonus damage.
Подтверждение, что на WotLK размер урона соответствующий:By 88189 (6,202 – 2·12·49) on 2008/06/24 (Patch 2.4.1)
A quick table of what the buff is all about:
Players inside an area with a burning bonfire will get the 'Bonfire's Blessing' buff.
The buff gives every attack (melee, ranged, spell) a chance to inflict fire damage equal to ten times your level. So a level 10 would inflict 100 fire damage.
The fire damage proc CAN crit, dealing twice the damage.
The buff remains until the fire is doused by a member of the opposite faction who is 'stealing' your flame. Any member of your faction can then throw a Burning Blossom in, which will result in regaining the buff.
Everyone in the zone will get the buff, regardless of being mounted, in combat etc.
The buff benefits from debuffs such as Curse of the Elements, and talents as Improved Scorch.
Please note that the damage will not be increased by items and talents that increase your spell damage done.
Although the proc chance is 30% as noted on the tooltip, don't expect it to show much. The proc has a hidden cooldown of 45 seconds.
Works in any druid form capable of attacking.
Демонстрация урона (TBC Classic): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB-Iu86a0Y4By Borelia (10,225 – 2·19·73) on 2010/06/22 (Patch 3.3.3)
I found this interesting. Every other place in the game where there's a damage spread, it's lowest to highest (for example, weapons doing 24.1 to 25.3). When I checked the buff on an 80 today, it was the reverse: "801 to 800 fire damage".
WotLK Classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVVB5hAl5Sw
Там, где костры своей фракции горят, бафф есть; в ином случае нету.
4. 25 июня 2024, logon x100.