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Can't Bind phone number to account

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
    Репутация: 0

    Angry Can't Bind phone number to account

    So I know this server is mainly Russian but I am in North America.
    To be more precise Canada.

    I logged into the control panel and I tried to bind my phone number
    to my account but the format of the phone number here is different
    here in North America the phone number format is like this 555-555-5555

    Now yes I tried just entering my phone number with just the digits and no
    I never got a call it was asking me to enter the last four digits of the number
    it called me from but I never get the call even just entering the digits
    so your system never called me.

    And yes I entered all of the correct digits of my phone number in there too
    and as I said I entered just the numbers. as I said I did NOT enter the hyphens
    and it still did not call me.

    Also it took 30 of my bonuses away which I believe I should be able to get back
    as well because your system is broken to enter the number when you
    are in North America it doesn't call you. I don't get a text message either or
    anything like that. But I believe it said it was supposed to call but it didn't
    do either. No SMS text message or call or anything no verification at all.

    Can you please fix your verification system or have it call me like it says
    it is going to do or find a way that I can get my daily bonuses without it in
    there please because your system seems to be broken.

    So it doesn't seem very fair to say that to get your bonuses daily you have
    to have a phone number on your account but yet your system is broken
    toj the point that if you are in North America it won't call you and it takes
    some of your already existing bonuses I believe it was 30 off my account when
    you try and bind it to your account and it doesn't even call you so I can't get
    my daily bonuses that it emails me about in game with out a phone number
    attached to my account but your system is broken when people are in North America
    and it won't let me put my phone number on my account and it won't call me
    and verify me so I can't get the last four digits of the number it calls me from which
    is the verification it was asking me for.

    So this seems really unfair can you please fix this verification system or make it
    so I can get my bonuses without that phone number being on my account please.

    I think your verification system needs to be looked at and is broken if some one is
    in North America.

    Thank you,

    Jamie (she / her)
    Последний раз редактировалось DarkShado; 01.09.2024 в 18:30.

  2. #2
    Игровой мастер WoTLK x100, BfA x11 & Shadowlands x5 Аватар для EvTech
    Получено благодарностей: 3,225 (сообщений: 2,078).
    Репутация: 8723
    You should try more, around 10 times sometimes, we have a number of this service providers and some of them work with your country, others may not.
    [Критерии банов и мутов] ◊ [Правила общения на форуме] ◊ [За что может забанить античит] ◊ [Восстановление аккаунтов и данных]
    На заявки по возврату аккаунтов в личке отвечаю каждое 9 и 24 число.

  3. #3
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
    Репутация: 0
    Цитата Сообщение от EvTech Посмотреть сообщение
    You should try more, around 10 times sometimes, we have a number of this service providers and some of them work with your country, others may not.
    Trying more isn't gonna work my phone number wont work because it is a north american number and it won't
    call me.

    So no there is no point in trying more it is an issue with their verification systems and a Canadian phone number.

    The admins have to fix it again it is an issue with their verfication system or make it so I can get my
    bonuses without a phone number entered either way.

    Trying 10 times is unacceptable it takes 30 bonuses away every time I try it! That is BS so no
    I am not doing that! Fix your verification system or make it so that I can get my bonuses
    without having a phone number on my account because your verification system
    is broken. Your system is not calling me with a north american phone number.

  4. #4
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994
    Bonuses are written off only for SUCCESSFUL binding, look at your account bonuses CAREFULLY
    If the binding doesn't work, even after 10 attempts, then we can't help you

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  5. #5
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994
    Цитата Сообщение от VúSale Посмотреть сообщение
    Bonuses are written off only for SUCCESSFUL binding, look at your account bonuses CAREFULLY
    If the binding doesn't work, even after 10 attempts, then we can't help you
    if someone calls you (no matter from what number), try to pick up the phone and listen to the code, if they don't say the code, then enter the last 4 digits of the phone number from which they called yo

    +1ххххххххх - USA(international format)

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

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