We want to present the main fixes, done in logon 3.3.5a core during the last months.

Status: applied to logon.



- Fixed a number of server crash reasons.
- Black market vexel can now be sent to another characters on one account.
- Added Block options to a .menu - an option to block some unwanted actions, that could be done with your character by other players.
- Added two missing priest spells for learning with .vip class.
- Fixed a bug when could drawn or get damage in strange inappropriate places.
- Auction house optimization.
- Mirage Raceway event implemented.
- Added events with fireworks (when New Year comes and Midsummer Fire Festival ends).
- Improved hearthstone effect selection display in Collections menu. You can now see which one is active.
- Fixed some anticheat false notifications.

Dungeons and raids

Wailing Caverns

- Fixed https://www.wowhead.com/npc=3835 behaviour.

The Blood Furnace

- Fixed settling before the last boss.

The Opening of the Dark Portal

- Fixed https://wowhead.com/npc=17952 aggro in heroic mode.

Shadow Labyrinth

- Ambassador Hellmaw
* Boss is now activated after killing all https://wowhead.com/npc=18794 in a room.

The Arcatraz

- Fixed endless https://wowhead.com/npc=20865 spawn in the beginning of a dungeon.
- Arcatraz Defenders no longer die from trash waves.

- Harbinger Skyriss
* Implemented encounter fail support in case of wipe on mini-boss.

Utgarde Pinnacle

- Svala Sorrowgrave
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/achievement=2043
* Fixed boss movement after wipe.

The Nexus

- Anomalus
* Arcane trap no longer deals critical damage in mythic mode.

The Oculus

- Fixed sound of dismounting a dragon.

Drak'Tharon Keep

- Fixed https://wowhead.com/npc=27909 behaviour.

- King Dred
* Fixed melee attack radius.
* You can no longer avoid https://wowhead.com/spell=48878.

Halls of Stone

- Tribunal of the Ages
* Fixed Brann health amount in mythic mode.

- Sjonnir The Ironshaper
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=62466 in mythic mode.
* In mythic mode https://wowhead.com/spell=48094 is now only active on a boss.

Trial of the Champion

- Argent Confessor Paletress
* Fixed a bug when you could kill a herald.


- Fixed https://wowhead.com/npc=11368 aggro.

Blackwing Lair

- Fixed settling of https://wowhead.com/npc=12458, https://wowhead.com/npc=12467, https://wowhead.com/npc=12465, https://wowhead.com/npc=12465, https://wowhead.com/npc=12464, https://wowhead.com/npc=12463, https://wowhead.com/npc=14022, https://wowhead.com/npc=14023, https://wowhead.com/npc=14024, https://wowhead.com/npc=14025, https://wowhead.com/npc=12459.

- Razorgore the Untamed
* You now need to destroy all eggs to activate second phase.
* NPC spawned during first phase now attack boss as a main target.

Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

- C'Thun
* https://wowhead.com/spell=26476 debuff is now also removed from pets.


- Zul'jin
* Fixed text following https://wowhead.com/spell=43215 cast.
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=43213 cast.

Serpentshrine Cavern

- The Lurker Below
* Fixed boss evade.

Sunwell Plateau

- Kil'jaeden
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=45856 of https://wowhead.com/npc=25653.


- The Four Horsemen
* Fixed fight bugging after encounter finishes.


- Fixed incorrect routes of https://wowhead.com/npc=34192.
- Fixed bugging combat of https://wowhead.com/npc=34184.
- Implemented door unlock message before General Vezax.

- Flame Leviathan
* Fixed drop chance of details for a chopper when disassembled by engineers.

- Ignis the Furnace Master
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=62680 timer.

- Assembly of Iron
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/item=45087 loot.

- Kologarn
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=63720 damage.

- Thorim
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=62320 of https://wowhead.com/npc=32877.
* https://wowhead.com/spell=62392 now kills everyone on a balcony when boss jumps to arena.
* Fixed http://wowhead.com/spell=62603 display in combat log.
* Fixed starter timer of http://wowhead.com/spell=62603 for 10 people mode.
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=62583 timer of Sif.
* Fixed melee attack speed of a boss.

- General Vezax
* Fixed boss speech when killing characters.
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=62692 effect on Shamans with https://wowhead.com/spell=30823 talent and Paladins with https://wowhead.com/spell=31930 talent.
* When the fight starts all NPC that are alive join the fight.
* Fixed partial mana recovery for hunters using https://wowhead.com/spell=34074 aura under the effect of https://wowhead.com/spell=62692.
* Fixed settling trash before the boss.

- Algalon the Observer
* Fixed summoned https://wowhead.com/npc=32955 amount.

Trial of the Crusader

- Northrend Beasts
* Fixed possible Icehowl bugging in the air after death.

Icecrown Citadel

- https://wowhead.com/npc=38075, https://wowhead.com/npc=38076, https://wowhead.com/npc=38073, https://wowhead.com/npc=38072 now has immune to stun effects.
- Fixed https://wowhead.com/npc=37023 using https://wowhead.com/spell=69871 out of combat.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=37023 no longer wastes https://wowhead.com/spell=69871 on https://wowhead.com/npc=38228.

- Deathbringer Saurfang
* Fixed incorrect immune.

- Sindragosa
* Fixed timer of repeated https://wowhead.com/spell=69762 cast during the last phase.

- The Lich King
* Encounter can now only be launched by raid leader.
* Fixed possible bugs with releasing spirit during the last phase.

Cross server Arena/ Battlegrounds

- Battlegrounds: raise of points decrease index for premade groups. Points now also decrease in case of loss.
- Battlegrounds: Maximum activity bonus in case of lost BG decreased from 10 to 5.
- Battlegrounds: inactivity mark is now applied after 1.5 minutes of inactivity.
- Battlegrounds: Combat statistics no longer counts before the fight.
- Alterac Valley: Fixed spirits teleport to the nearest graveyard when a faction loses the current graveyard.
- Wintergrasp: Teleport to Violet Hold at Wintergrasp Fortress now only works for a faction, that won Wintergrasp battle.
- Player no longer sees friends location in a friend list if he is on cross server and the player is not in a friendlist of one.
- Added new 1v1 arena victory quest.
- Arena: implemented automatic class buffs from teammates when entering the arena.
- Fixed possible false mail verification on cross server.
- Fixed spawn of several Refreshment Tables and Soulwells when entering the arena.
- Automatic receiving buffs now also works for pets.
- Character under effect of https://wowhead.com/spell=19753 is no longer considered AFK.
- Implemented "report cheater" button for battlegrounds.

Classes, races, spells and talents


- Different https://wowhead.com/spell=60052 levels can now interact.
- Fixed possible trap inactivity against large creatures.


- https://wowhead.com/spell=25898 no longer stacks with https://wowhead.com/spell=26393.
- Fixed https://wowhead.com/spell=20375 proc from https://wowhead.com/spell=53696.


- Fixed healing and mana recovery of https://wowhead.com/spell=48451 in case of dispel.

Death Knight

- Fixed haste transfer to pet ghoul.


- Fixed secondary effect applying mechanics of https://wowhead.com/spell=47897. This fixes interaction with https://wowhead.com/spell=23920 and https://wowhead.com/spell=13043.


- Fixed applying some spells (for example https://wowhead.com/spell=26017) on NPC that appear to be vehicles.
- Fixed possible incorrect display of rage/energy/rune amount.
- https://wowhead.com/spell=10060 and https://wowhead.com/spell=2825 / https://wowhead.com/spell=32182 now stack their different effects (haste does not stack).
- Fixed reflect and dispel spells interaction. Also reflect is removed from a player right after it worked, without waiting for a reflected hit.
- Fixed possible bugs with summoned creatures speed.
- Fixed combat reset for controlled creatures.
- Fixed AoE spells work if a player is in PvPFA mode but with PvP disabled.


- Fixed a bug when you could not get reward for some quests after faction change.
- Fixed localization of some quests.
- Fixed all https://wowhead.com/npc=15192 quests text.
- Fixed https://wowhead.com/npc=7790 questline.
- Fixed or approached blizzlike the following quests:
* https://wowhead.com/quest=4491
* https://wowhead.com/quest=11128
* https://wowhead.com/quest=943
* https://wowhead.com/quest=9362
* https://wowhead.com/quest=9759
* https://wowhead.com/quest=4129
* https://wowhead.com/quest=10708
* https://wowhead.com/quest=10097
* https://wowhead.com/quest=10898
* https://wowhead.com/quest=10525
* https://wowhead.com/quest=10521
* https://wowhead.com/quest=11611
* https://wowhead.com/quest=7064, https://wowhead.com/quest=7065
* https://wowhead.com/quest=4492
* https://wowhead.com/quest=12644
* http://wowhead.com/quest=604
* https://wowhead.com/quest=9033
* https://wowhead.com/quest=12979
* https://wowhead.com/quest=127
* https://wowhead.com/quest=10269
* https://wowhead.com/quest=10275
* https://wowhead.com/quest=11427


- Fixed shields position on a character https://wowroad.info/?item=11199, https://wowroad.info/?item=11200, https://wowroad.info/?item=11201.
- Fixed possible effects from https://wowroad.info/?item=40077.
- Universal sets of Valeera and Scarlet death armor added to Mr.Plyushkin and Black Market.
- https://wowroad.info/?item=22484 now stacks up to 1000.
- Fixed armor type of some cloaks for transmogrification.
- Fixed possibility to drink https://wowroad.info/?item=40077 with full mana and health.
- Fixed getting reward from lootboxes in some cases.
- Fixed name and wear type of https://wowroad.info/?item=45884.
- https://wowroad.info/?item=5815 and https://wowroad.info/?item=3761 now require 18 and 19 level.
- Added https://wowroad.info/?item=10596 to Mr.Plyushkin.
- Fixed localization of https://wowroad.info/?item=43561, https://wowroad.info/?item=18332, https://wowroad.info/?item=15053.
- Fixed drop of https://wowroad.info/?item=34090, https://wowroad.info/?item=34091.

Settling, NPC, objects

- FUN realm: added Onyxia trinkets to trinket vendor.
- FUN realm: added an option to raise Ashen verdict reputation using Arena and BG points.
- Fixed work of https://wowhead.com/npc=123517. Also his goods are updated three times a day.
- Attack of https://wowhead.com/npc=22482, https://wowhead.com/npc=16857, https://wowhead.com/npc=18212, https://wowhead.com/npc=10928 no longer activates PvP mode.
- Added route to https://wowhead.com/npc=18648.
- https://wowhead.com/npc=18750 no longer leaves water.
- Resettled https://wowhead.com/npc=18212, https://wowhead.com/npc=18214, https://wowhead.com/npc=14872, https://wowhead.com/npc=14894, https://wowhead.com/npc=21324, https://wowhead.com/npc=21368, https://wowhead.com/npc=21370, https://wowhead.com/npc=21405, https://wowhead.com/npc=19762, https://wowhead.com/npc=19784, https://wowhead.com/npc=19768, https://wowhead.com/npc=19769, https://wowhead.com/npc=1689, https://wowhead.com/npc=3.
- Resettled objects https://wowhead.com/object=184799, https://wowhead.com/object=184800.
- Fixed scripts of https://wowhead.com/npc=21368, https://wowhead.com/npc=21370, https://wowhead.com/npc=21405, https://wowhead.com/npc=5391.
- Fixed optional menu of https://wowhead.com/npc=15070, https://wowhead.com/npc=19409.
- Fixed movement of https://wowhead.com/npc=17133.
- Fixed a story about Atiesh of https://wowhead.com/npc=16116.
- Added scripts to https://wowhead.com/npc=32639, https://wowhead.com/npc=32638, https://wowhead.com/npc=32641, https://wowhead.com/npc=32642 - Tundra Mammoth passengers.

PvE Ladder

- Fixed PvE score bonus for completing ICC with all trash cleared.
- Added TOP Speedrun ICC to Informer.

Addon for collections, transmogrification and news WCollections

- Trying on visual auras can now only be seen by a player itself.
- Transmogrification of qiraji mounts is now binded to a character that owns them.

* The date of the latest update and the current online can be learned in the game by typing ".server info" command, actual update is 18.02.25.