Леди 25хм 6,2к гс гера с пула
Леди 25хм 6,2к гс гера с пула
РС 25гер
Grayscale (06.05.2020)
25 гер орк (истерия) 6 шмоток до биса
скажите если баф отравления на грани спада и у тебя 3 кп стоит ударить отравлением и обновить его или подождать прока 4 или 5 кп и только тогда разряжать?
"You start off by going into Stealth. Proceed Tricks of the Trade on the tank/random dps guy followed by Potion of Speed then Mutilate followed by Slice and Dice and Hunger For Blood. After that you spam Mutilate till you get 3+ CP for Envenom. You use Cold Blood on the 1st 4+ CP Envenom.Vanish is used once Overkill wears off. Maintain Hunger For Blood all the time.
Refresh Envenom when it has ~0.2-0.5 sec before it goes off.
The reason for going 3+ CP Envenom is to maintain Envenom buff for as long as possible. There's no reason to go for another Mutilate for the 5 CP Envenom just to get bigger Envenom numbers. Auto hits be your bread while poisons being the butter. No Envenom buff equals to a big loss of DPS. "
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