1 http://wowroad.info/?npc=26125
2.1 http://forums.elitistjerks.com/forum...g-of-anything/
***Ниже будут описаны все формулы расчёта Гули: сила, ап, хаста, хит и мастерство.Ghouls have AoE mitigation, 90% for each point in NotD. This is both physical and magical damage reduction - 2/2 http://wowroad.info/?spell=55623
Ghoul hit rating rounds down. So if you have 7.99% hit rating, the ghoul will have 7% hit rating.
Ghouls gain expertise based on your hit rating. So if you had 131 hit (4%), the pet gains 13 expertise. 263 hit (8%), the pet gains 26 expertise.
2.2 Гуля должен пытаться (если его не контрят) бить со спины;
3.1 Не особо заметен 90% резист с 2/2 талом http://wowroad.info/?spell=55623, так же кривовато работает мастерство, хаста и меткость гули (возможно и сила/ап);
3.2 Не бьёт со спины, а бьёт в ту часть, к которой к ней повернут таргет;
4 http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=155269
5 10/10 где-то
Формулы расчёта + доп. инфа про гулю
Сила Гули:
Где 331 - базовое значение силы пета, дальше идет коэффициент, рассчитывающийся от талантов.Ghoul Strength (with talents + ) = 331+1.52*Master's Strength.
АП Гули:
Где 1167 - базовое значение силы атаки пета.At level 80, the ghoul has a base AP of 1167 and a base Str of 331
Хаста Гули:
Пет берет 100% от хасты хозяина.Ghouls receive 100% of your haste rating.
Хит Гули:
Берет хит хозяина с округлением вниз.Ghoul hit rating rounds down, always. So if you have 7.99% hit rating, the ghoul will have 7% hit rating
Мастерство Гули:
Мастерство пета рассчитывается от хита дк: 13 за 131 хит и 26 за 263Ghouls gain expertise based on your hit rating. So if you had 131 hit (4%), the pet gains 13 expertise. 263 hit (8%), the pet gains 26 expertise. The Draenei hit aura does not give expertise to the pet. (Credit to Consider from the Unholy dps thread)
Ghouls scale as follows
Like all class pets, ghouls' base stats scale with their level.
Ghouls receive 70% of their master's strength untalented and 112% of their master's strength fully talented with 3/3 Ravenous Dead. A Glyph of the Ghoul causes ghouls to inherit an additional 40% of their master's strength, for a maximum strength inheritance of 152%.
Ghouls receive 2 attack power per point of strength over 10.
Ghouls receive 30% of their master's stamina untalented and 48% of their master's stamina fully talented with 3/3 Ravenous Dead. A Glyph of the Ghoul causes ghouls to inherit an additional 40% of their master's stamina, for a maximum stamina inheritance of 88%.
Ghouls receive approximately 5.4 points of health per point of stamina.
Pet Resilience: All player pets now get 100% of their master's resilience.
Claw deals 150% of a ghoul's AP-modified "weapon" damage.
Gnaw deals 12% of a ghoul's AP-modified "weapon" damage.
Ghouls gain hit chance and expertise based on their master's hit chance, according to the patch 3.2.0 "If a player is at their appropriate spell hit chance or hit chance maximum, their pet will be at the maximum for spell hit chance, hit chance, and expertise. If they are below the maximum, their pet will be proportionately below those maximums."
Ghouls do not inherit any armor.
Ghouls receive 100% of their master's haste.[свернуть][свернуть]