Hello, so i wanted to bring out an idea about the new 3.3.5 x1 realm, which i think will greatly help the PvE aspect of the realm. I think that getting items via shop should only be available for the past tier. For example, it would be unlogical in my opinion to have access to tier 8 loot, while tier 8 is active, but i have no problem with tier 7 loot being available, as people have already progressed that tier. Also, i highlighted the fact in another post that perhaps it's a good idea to increase the difficulty of encounters on the x1 realm, atleast while that tier is active/being progressed through. Basically, tune the HP and DMG (maybe enrage timers of encounters), so that they offer an experience similar to what people that played wotlk on retail would have experienced with the more limited knowledge at the time. Also, as my final suggestion, perhaps take the 2 legendaries off the shop atleast before enough time has passed in the final patch of WotLK. Looking forward to play on this realm in any case, thanks for making a 1x blizzlike realm.