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Blood Hoof, Mulgore Flight Path Issues

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
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    Unhappy Blood Hoof, Mulgore Flight Path Issues

    As an undead, I traveled to Mulgore to meet up with a friend. When I went to pick up the flight path it prompted me to complete a quest. The quest was supposed to have me fly to Thunderbluff and deliver goods, etc., but it just completed before I could do anything. Now it will not let me pick up the flight path in Bloodhoof, Mulgore. I even tried walking to the Stonetalon Mountains and picking up that flight path and the flight path in the Northern Barrens. I can fly all the way to Orgrimarr or Stonetalon from the Barrens but it will not allow me to fly to Bloodhoof or Thunderbluff. Is there a way to fix this flight path/quest chain so I can have the flight path? Other than that, thanks for all the hard work keeping these servers running! I'm really enjoying WoW from the Cataclysm patch. It takes me back.

  2. #2
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
    Репутация: 0
    Цитата Сообщение от decoytroy Посмотреть сообщение
    As an undead, I traveled to Mulgore to meet up with a friend. When I went to pick up the flight path it prompted me to complete a quest. The quest was supposed to have me fly to Thunderbluff and deliver goods, etc., but it just completed before I could do anything. Now it will not let me pick up the flight path in Bloodhoof, Mulgore. I even tried walking to the Stonetalon Mountains and picking up that flight path and the flight path in the Northern Barrens. I can fly all the way to Orgrimarr or Stonetalon from the Barrens but it will not allow me to fly to Bloodhoof or Thunderbluff. Is there a way to fix this flight path/quest chain so I can have the flight path? Other than that, thanks for all the hard work keeping these servers running! I'm really enjoying WoW from the Cataclysm patch. It takes me back.
    I probably should have mentioned my character's name is Grimortis on the Cataclysm pr1 X5 server

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