As an undead, I traveled to Mulgore to meet up with a friend. When I went to pick up the flight path it prompted me to complete a quest. The quest was supposed to have me fly to Thunderbluff and deliver goods, etc., but it just completed before I could do anything. Now it will not let me pick up the flight path in Bloodhoof, Mulgore. I even tried walking to the Stonetalon Mountains and picking up that flight path and the flight path in the Northern Barrens. I can fly all the way to Orgrimarr or Stonetalon from the Barrens but it will not allow me to fly to Bloodhoof or Thunderbluff. Is there a way to fix this flight path/quest chain so I can have the flight path? Other than that, thanks for all the hard work keeping these servers running! I'm really enjoying WoW from the Cataclysm patch. It takes me back.