Гарга - немного необычный пет.
Hunter pets "inherit" the following stats from their owners:
Hit (100%) -- if the hunter is hit-capped (8% via a combination of gear and Focused Aim points), the pet will be melee hit-capped and spell hit-capped. In theory, the pet should also be expertise capped, however there is a bug whereby the hit from Focused Aim is not fully transferred to pet expertise. Hit from Focused Aim does transfer correctly.
Ranged Attack Power (22%) -- the pet talent Wild Hunt (3.1) increases this by 30%
Stamina (30%) -- the pet talent Wild Hunt (3.1) increases this by 40%
Armor (35%)
Magic resistances (40%) -- race-based magic school resistances are percent based and do not appear on the character sheet and thus presumably do not transfer to the pet
Resilience (100%) -- New for 3.3
Pets inherit Agility (and Intellect if you have 3/3 Careful Aim) only indirectly, as it raises the hunter's Attack Power.
Pets do not inherit Strength, Spirit, Crit, Haste, or Armor Pen.
Pets do not inherit the XP bonus found on heirloom shoulders.
NOTE: Hit (and thus also expertise) is transferred to pets as an integer, not including any fractions (for example, 7.99% transfers as 7%, while 8.03% transfers as 8%), therefore it is important to be fully hit-capped. [Tested 1.25.2010 and still true in 3.3]
NOTE: Heroic Presence (Draenai +1 hit aura) does not transfer expertise to pets. [1.28.2010]