Вот ты сам то паладин и должен знать что палы не наберают столько арпа что б срезать броню настолько что б дамаг имел настолько большей разброс. Так же у дк в стандартном анхолифросте нету талов снижающих входящий физический урон.
На сколько мне помнится то шоки это магический урон а маг урон игнорит броню. А с ресой у петов все в норме.
Если б за 1 агилы давалось 2 апа то тогда б мутики жировали б и не забивали все сокеты в ап.
- - - Updated - - -
Strength (often abbreviated STR) has the following effects:
Increases attack power with melee weapons:
Warriors, death knights, druids and paladins gain 2 melee attack power per point of strength.
Rogues, hunters, shamans, mages, priests, and warlocks gain 1 melee attack power per point of strength.
Improves block value by (Strength / 2), rounding down, for all classes capable of blocking (warrior, paladin, and shaman).
Increases parry rating for death knights by 0.25 parry rating per point of strength.
Paladin talent Touched by the Light (Protection, tier 9) increases spell power by +20%/+40%/+60% of Strength.
Strength does not affect the chance to land a critical strike. Strength does not improve the chance to block.Attributes Revision as of 23:22, June 2, 2010Agility (often abbreviated AGI) has the following effects:
Increases attack power with ranged weapons (not including wands) or melee weapons for certain classes.
Warriors, hunters[1] and rogues gain 1 ranged attack power for each point of agility.
Hunters,[2] rogues, shamans (as of 3.0.2) and druids in Cat Form[3] gain 1 melee attack power per point of agility.
Increases armor by 2 per point.
Increases chance to score a critical hit with a weapon.
Increases chance to dodge attacks. This is dependent on both class and level.
Agility Equivalence Points is a notable formula for calculating the contribution of agility. It might be outdated with regard to hunters.
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