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  1. #1
    Наш человек Аватар для Godmode666
    Получено благодарностей: 109 (сообщений: 87).
    Репутация: 109

    Post Важный урок

    2.Автокомпликт.Нету диалогов.
    4.Ката х100 42 ап.
    6.1/10(Не очень критично,так как никто не читает а сразу тыкает).

    - - - Updated - - -


    Скрытый текст

    От entropicdragon (59,435 – 13·73·436) 2013-12-10 (Обновление 5.4.1) 

    Squire Training

    Here is the lesson you must learn before becoming Maximillian's squire.
    Stay your sword and loosen your cap. Before we do battle with our blades, I first have prepared an assault to unleash upon your ears.

    Are you prepared?

    ◾Alright, I'm ready.

    A squire is the right hand of the knight. As you are already fully aware, hands are especially good at carrying things, and thus your first duty will be to carry my sundries, knickknacks, and other miscellaneous paraphernalia while I dispense justice across the land. To lug around such etcetera is a job unbefitting of a knight.


    Very good. Secondly, you must know that a knight embraces no tenet more tightly than that of chivalry. He clings to his generosity as he clings to his lance. His valor shines as brightly as his armor. And while his smallsword may be sharp, his manner among allies is soft and courteous.

    Now tell me <name>, do you give your oath to hold to the teachings of chivalry and gallantry?

    ◾I give you my oath.

    Ha! Did I not just say, good <name>, chivalry and gallantry are the charge of the KNIGHT? You seek only to be a SQUIRE. The colossal burden of chivalry is unfit for the squire, for as I mentioned before, the only colossal burden that you are to bear is that of my belongings.

    ◾Yes, sir.

    ◾This is ridiculous! I don't have to put up with this!

    (Both responses take you to the same next page.)
    Moving on! As chivalry is the way of the knight, and I am a knight, you must know then that my own intentions are indeed valorous. It is true, I fight for my Lady Doloria, to proclaim her beauty and majesty across all the lands. Any who question her beauty are without a doubt the most vile of enemies, and must be brought to justice.

    As I speak, it occurs to me that I am a failure. We have come quite far in the squiring ceremony, and I have not yet ascertained whether or not you deserve my charity or my righteous fury.

    I must know, now, do you agree that my Lady Doloria is unquestionably the fairest Lady across all of Azeroth?

    ◾Umm... yes, yes she is. Unquestionably.

    I'm rather glad to hear that.
    Congratulations, <name>, for you have completed your training. You may now ride beside me into the fray.

    ◾Woo hoo!
    Я в Discord'е Godmode666#4758

  2. #2
    Разработчик БД Аватар для СЭРГО
    В лесу.
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