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First Cataclysm 4.3.4 cross server arena season

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994

    First Cataclysm 4.3.4 cross server arena season

    Arena season started on 21 November 2020, every new season arena rating and mmr are reset.
    Current 4.3.4 x5 and 4.3.4 FUN arena season will last from 21.11.20 till 01.03.21.

    Rewards of current season:


    - 1-2 place: Furious Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 3 000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 3-4 place: Deadly Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2 500 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 5-6 place: Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2 000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 7-9 place: Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1 400 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 10-12 place: Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1 000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 13-16 place: Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 800 bonuses for each member of a team.


    - 1-2 place: Furious Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 4 000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 3-4 place: Deadly Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 3 500 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 5-6 place: Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 3 000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 7-9 place: Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2 000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 10-12 place: Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1 500 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 13-16 place: Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1 000 bonuses for each member of a team.

    Solo 1х1

    - 1-4 place: 2 500 bonuses + Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 5-8 place: 2 000 bonuses + Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 9-12 place: 1 500 bonuses + Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish).

    Solo 3х3

    - 1 place: 6 000 bonuses + Group 1 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 2 place: 5 000 bonuses + Group 2 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 3 place: 4 500 bonuses + Group 3 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 4-6 place: 4 000 bonuses + Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 7-8 place: 3 500 bonuses + Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish)
    - 9-10 place: 3 000 bonuses + Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 11-12 place: 2 500 bonuses + Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish).

    If we lack 2x2 and 3x3 teams to form Top-16, Top-8 will be rewarded.
    Based on the results of first cross server arena season a tournament will be held in 2x2 and 3x3 brackets, with the following rewards:


    - 1 place: 12 000 roubles for a team (6 000 roubles to each member) + Group 1 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 2 place: 10 000 roubles for a team (5 000 roubles to each member) + Group 2 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 3 place: 8 000 roubles for a team (4 000 roubles to each member) + Group 3 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 4 place: 6 000 roubles for a team (3 000 roubles to each member) + Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 5-8 place: 4 000 roubles for a team (2 000 roubles to each member) + Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish).

    If we get enough participants for Top-16:
    - 9-12 place: 2 000 bonuses to each member of a team + Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 13-16 place: 1 000 bonuses to each member of a team + Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish).


    - 1 place: 24 000 roubles for a team (8 000 roubles to each member) + Group 1 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 2 place: 18 000 roubles for a team (6 000 roubles to each member) + Group 2 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 3 place: 15 000 roubles for a team (5 000 roubles to each member) + Group 3 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 4 place: 12 000 roubles for a team (4 000 roubles to each member) + Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 5-8 place: 9 000 roubles for a team (3 000 roubles to each member) + Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish).

    If we have enough participants for Top-16:
    - 9-12 place: 6 000 bonuses to each member of a team + Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 13-16 place: 4 000 bonuses to each member of a team + Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish).

    Title groups

    Group 1 titles:

    - Deadly Gladiator
    - Merciless Gladiator
    - Vengeful Gladiator

    Group 2 titles:

    - Brutal Gladiator
    - Wrathful Gladiator

    Group 3 titles:

    - Relentless Gladiator
    - Furious Gladiator

    Important information about the season:

    - A player must play not less, than 20 games every calendar month.
    - It is allowed to skip the first month in one arena season.
    - Players that were banned for arena violations (cheats, scripts, mmr abuse, etc.) are not considered when forming the TOP.
    - If a team consists only of twink characters, it is not considered when forming the TOP.
    - If a team lacks members in the end of a season, it is not considered when forming the TOP.
    - Number of plays of every team member must be at least 75% of team plays.
    - It is forbidden to transfer characters to other players. Teams, that brake this rule will not be considered when forming the TOP.
    - If more than a half of 16 top teams will cheat - no one will get the reward in this bracket.
    - The personal rating difference of team members must not be more than 300, or the team neither gets their reward nor takes part in a tournament.
    - Only teams with 1800 rate and more are considered.
    - All actions, that are not a normal arena play, are forbidden (for example: not entering the arena, abusing MMR, wintrading, inactivity). All of these cases will be taken to be cheating and such players will be banned.
    - Bonuses at the end of the season are given to the logon account, on which your character is.
    - Bonus or money reward is given only to one unique account of a player in one bracket. If a player is a member of 2+ teams, he will get reward only for one of them, but he will get title for each of his characters.
    - All the teams with twink character that try to reach the TOP by fraud, will be disqualified.
    - Now all the titles (except gladiator/duelist/rival/challenger) given for seasons/tournaments, will be reset with the beginning of each calendar year.

    Important information about the tournaments:

    - Battles will take place at current cross server and current characters, we realized special arena training mode, also games can be watched with the help of arena spectator from any realm of Logon.
    - Each round will last till one of the teams wins twice (bo3), not more than three rounds can be played, fourth round is possible only in special and disputable situations. If a winner can not be found - team with higher rate will proceed with the tournament.
    - If a battle lasts more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams lose, if in all the three rounds fight is finished according to the lack of time, none of this pair passes to the next stage.
    - After 5 minutes of a fight you will get debuff decreasing healing, after 10 minutes its effect will increase (timing may be changed).
    - Those who lose in reference rounds does not leave, but gets into lower ladder, example: https://challonge.com/ru/cikt8a5m.
    - Battles will take place at current cross server and current characters, we realized special arena training mode, also games can be watched with the help of arena spectator from any realm of Logon wotlk.
    - Each round will last till one of the teams wins twice (bo3), not more than three rounds can be played, fourth round is possible only in special and disputable situations. If a winner can not be found - team with higher rate will proceed with the tournament.
    - If a battle lasts more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams lose, if in all the three rounds fight is finished according to the lack of time, none of this pair passes to the next stage.
    - After 5 minutes of a fight you will get debuff decreasing healing, after 10 minutes its effect will increase (timing may be changed).
    - Those who lose in reference rounds does not leave, but gets into lower ladder, example: https://challonge.com/ru/cikt8a5m.
    - Exact date and time of tournaments in each bracket will be announced in a week before the start, usually it is Friday, Saturday or Sunday, 15:00 +- GMT.
    - If a player is a member of two (or more) teams of one bracket Top, he will have to choose one team to play for at a tournament (other will be disqualified).
    - If a player is a member of two (or more) teams of different brackets, he can play for each team but will get his reward only for 1 bracket.
    - In case of any problems of team members during the fight (freeze, game crash) if he has an evidence he is granted with an option to replay one fight, arena will be the same as before, not random.
    - Payment to winners can be sent to a bank card of any country of the world, webmoney, qiwi, yandex money, not later than in a week after tournament ending.
    - Setups with more than one healer are forbidden.
    - Now all the titles (except gladiator/duelist/rival/challenger) given for seasons/tournaments, will be reset with the beginning of each calendar year. [2]

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  2. #2
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994
    Цитата Сообщение от VúSale Посмотреть сообщение
    Based on the results of first cross server arena season a tournament will be held in 2x2 and 3x3 brackets, with the following rewards:


    - 1 place: 12 000 roubles for a team (6 000 roubles to each member) + Group 1 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 2 place: 10 000 roubles for a team (5 000 roubles to each member) + Group 2 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 3 place: 8 000 roubles for a team (4 000 roubles to each member) + Group 3 title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 4 place: 6 000 roubles for a team (3 000 roubles to each member) + Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 5-8 place: 4 000 roubles for a team (2 000 roubles to each member) + Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    2v2 Tournament will take place on 24.04.2021 at 16:00 GMT.


    Цитата Сообщение от VúSale Посмотреть сообщение
    p1 - Team "Плотный партер"(FUN) - 2755, Teammate: Hatez, Bysk
    p2 - Team "на фаворитика"(FUN) - 2707, Teammate: Yespresents, Галаклион
    p3 - Team "Напукал в рот"(FUN) - 2524, Teammate: Громкопукаю, Тихопукаю
    p4 - Team "солока для даунов"(x5) - 2430, Teammate: Maqmaz, Отаку
    p5 - Team "Uberfurher"(FUN) - 2205, Teammate: Falos, Neonights
    p6 - Team "ИдемВТопОдин"(FUN) - 2121, Teammate: Harleyqueene, Lasthope
    p7 - Team "Кап"(x5) - 2105, Teammate: Perse, Akron
    p8 - Team "наруто"(x5) - 1801, Teammate: Pint, Ката
    Important information about the tournaments:

    - Battles will take place at current cross server on current characters, we realized special arena training mode, also games can be watched with the help of arena spectator from any realm of Logon.
    - Each round will last till one of the teams wins twice (bo3), not more than three rounds can be played, fourth round is possible only in special and disputable situations. If a winner can not be found - team with higher rate will proceed with the tournament.
    - If a battle lasts more than 15 minutes (launch timer when you start), it will be finished and both teams lose, if in all the three rounds fight is finished according to the lack of time, none of this pair passes to the next stage.
    - After 5 minutes of a fight you will get debuff decreasing healing, after 10 minutes its effect will increase (timing may be changed).
    - Those who lose in reference rounds does not leave, but gets into lower ladder, example: https://challonge.com/ru/cikt8a5m.
    - Exact date and time of tournaments in each bracket will be announced in a week before the start, usually it is Friday, Saturday or Sunday, 15:00 +- GMT.
    - If a player is a member of two (or more) teams of one bracket Top, he will have to choose one team to play for at a tournament (other will be disqualified).
    - If a player is a member of two (or more) teams of different brackets, he can play for each team but will get his reward only for 1 bracket.
    - In case of any problems of team members during the fight (freeze, game crash) if he has an evidence he is granted with an option to replay one fight, arena will be the same as before, not random.
    - Payment to winners can be sent to a bank card of Ukraine/Russia/Belorussia, qiwi/yookassa not later than 14-20 days after tournament ending.
    - Setups with more than one healer are forbidden.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

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