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Second Cataclysm x5 arena season

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 23,778 (сообщений: 12,614).
    Репутация: 33994

    The Arena Season started on 10 March 2020, every new season arena rating and mmr are reset.
    The following 4.3.4 x5 arena season will be in progress from 10.03.20 till 10.06.20.



    - 1-2 place: FuriousGladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 3000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 3-4 place: Deadly Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2500 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 5-6 place: Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 7-9 place: Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1400 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 10-12 place: Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 13-16 place: Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 800 bonuses for each member of a team.


    - 1-2 place: Vengeful Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 4000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 3-4 place: Merciless Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 3500 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 5-6 place: Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 3000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 7-9 place: Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 10-12 place: Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1500 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 13-16 place: Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1000 bonuses for each member of a team.

    Solo 1v1:

    - 1-4 place: 2500 bonuses for account +Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 5-8 place: 2000 bonuses for account + Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish).
    - 9-12 place: 1500 bonuses for account +Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish).

    If there will be no enough teams for Top-16 (2v2 and 3v3), we will give rewards to Top-8.

    Important information about the season:

    - A player must play not less, than 20 games every calendar month.
    - It is allowed to skip the first month in one season.
    - Players that were banned for arena violations (cheats, scripts, mmr abuse, etc.) are not considered when making the TOP.
    - If a team consists only of twink characters, it is not considered when making the TOP.
    - If a team lacks members in the end of a season, it is not considered when making the TOP.
    - Number of battles of every team member must be at least 75% of team battles.
    - It is forbidden to give characters to other players. Teams, that brake this rule will not be considered when making the TOP.
    - If more than a half of 16 top teams will cheat - no one will get the reward in this bracket.
    - The personal rating difference of team members must not be more than 300, or the team neither gets their reward nor takes part in a tournament.
    - Only teams with 1800 rate and more are considered.
    - All actions, that are not a normal arena play, are forbidden (for example: not entering the arena, abusing MMR, wintrading, inactivity, using bugs). All of these cases will be taken to be cheating and such players will be banned.
    - Bonuses at the end of the season are given to the logon account, on which your character is.
    - Bonus reward is given only to one unique account of a player in one bracket. If a player is a member of 2+ teams, he will get reward only for one of them, but he will get title for each of his characters.
    - All team players that will try getting into top with twinks - will be disqualified.
    - Now all the titles, given for arena season will be reset in the beginning of each calendar year.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  2. #2
    Почётный КурвачУ Аватар для Aleksun
    Получено благодарностей: 2,230 (сообщений: 1,484).
    Репутация: 6620
    Winners and prizewinners of the first arena season:

    p1 - Team "i shred em all"(x5) - 3252, Teammate: Alen, Svilen
    p2 - Team "это не то что мы хотели"(x5) - 3220, Teammate: Yespresents, Галаклион
    p3 - Team "LeavePls"(x5) - 3114, Teammate: Brutalhurt, Harleyqueene
    p4 - Team "QueencocaineTOP"(x5) - 3099, Teammate: Queencocaine, Hideaway
    p5 - Team "SADSADSAD"(x5) - 2897, Teammate: Software, Iammortangas
    p6 - Team "ANTILADDER"(x5) - 2804, Teammate: Qulbrndye, Фолс
    p7 - Team "на прием к тагу"(x5) - 2758, Teammate: Wogznjuicex, Rewognize
    p8 - Team "proverochka"(x5) - 2649, Teammate: Hatez, Сэрачива
    p9 - Team "мы не говорим по русски"(x5) - 2644, Teammate: Rusowns, Baldmanx
    p10 - Team "капкапкап"(x5) - 2603, Teammate: Maqmaz, Отаку
    p11 - Team "роф"(x5) - 2592, Teammate: Rusz, Elumarain
    p12 - Team "eight"(x5) - 2566, Teammate: Mirlol, Njg
    p13 - Team "два с"(x5) - 2545, Teammate: Efkar, Kabar
    p14 - Team "МАМКИ НА ЗАНАВЕСКЕ"(x5) - 2511, Teammate: Зк, Necromonika
    p15 - Team "smooth criminal"(x5) - 2505, Teammate: Lonelinesse, Jesuschrist

    - 1-2 place: Vengeful Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 3000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 3-4 place: Merciless Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2500 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 5-6 place: Gladiator title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 2000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 7-9 place: Duelist title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1400 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 10-12 place: Rival title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 1000 bonuses for each member of a team.
    - 13-15 place: Challenger title + same title for forum account (if you wish) and 800 bonuses for each member of a team.
    Занимался ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО мирами 4.3.4

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