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Best PvE players ladder - First PvE season [x1/x5/x100/FUN - WoTLK]

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  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 23,799 (сообщений: 12,620).
    Репутация: 34015

    Best PvE players ladder - First PvE season [x1/x5/x100/FUN - WoTLK]

    Dear players, we are glad to announce you, that PvE competitive system starts working from now on in OBT mode with the start of first PvE season for х1, х5, х100 и FUN realms.
    PvE Ladder is a system, where PvE players can compete with others and get rewards for the best results in categories: speedrun/solo score/guild score.

    What is PvE ladder and where you can find it:

    PvE ladder is in the control panel https://cp.wowcircle.net/pveladder, and works like structured logs of nearly all the PvE activiy on our realms, with a table for each realm:

    - "Instances" tab - is a general tab where you can find all the information about recently completed raids, find best speedrunners in 2 categories: duration from the start and boss time (spent in general). For ease of genreal table use, we added sorting like, for example, by instances/raids/difficulties. Points + Duration is used by default in "Instances" tab;
    - "Players" tab - is a table with best solo PvE players, where you can see when and what for did the player get his points, incl. check of HPS/DPS and other info;
    - "Guilds" tab - same as "Players", but with only guild activity, not its separate players. You can also check guild members by clicking its name and detailed raid statistics.

    Let us talk about every competetive category:

    - Speedrun - completing raid dungeon during the shortest amount of time;
    - Solo score - for completing dungeons/raids player gets PvE points, that form a score and will identify who gets the reward in the end of a PvE season;
    - Guild score - is a similar system, but points are given for guild activity, guild raid is a raid with 80% (20 players) guild members.

    Useful information about PvE ladder:

    - Speedrun category counts from the moment when the first player enters the raid and stopps only after last boss death, that means to be the best you must complete the dungeon as soon as possible without AFK;
    - Players, taking part in guild raids also get solo points;
    - If a player leaves the guild, points are not removed, solo score stays the same;
    - PvE points can not be transferred or sent, etc.;
    - To get guild points you raid must contain of 80% guild members;
    - In PvE ladder you can see the loot and check if a player has his right to get it.

    PvE points and how to get them:

    Pints are something like a score system, you can get them for completing the dungeons and lose when you wipe.
    Points for WotLK raids, besides default amount also have bonuses. The faster you complete the raid, the more points you get. Bonus score are also given for hard mode activation in WotLK raids.

    Default points:

    • For successful boss encounter of classic raid - 1 PvE point;
    • For successful boss encounter of BC 5 people heroic - 1 PvE point;
    • For successful boss encounter of BC raid - 2 PvE points;
    • For successful boss encounter of WotLK 5 people heroic - 5 PvE points;
    • For successful boss encounter of WotLK 5 people mythic - 10 PvE points;
    • For successful boss encounter of WotLK normal 10-ppl raid - 20 PvE points;
    • For successful boss encounter of WotLK normal 25-ppl raid - 45 PvE points;
    • For successful boss encounter of WotLK heroic 10-ppl raid - PvE points;
    • For successful boss encounter of WotLK heroic 25-ppl raid - 60 PvE points.
    Bonus points for raid hard mode:

    • Obsidian sanctum - for each hard mode "level", you get 2 more points, that means you can get 6 more points with 3 dragons;
    • Ulduar - for each hard mode "level", you get 3 more points (some bosses have one level, but they are hard enough to count it more difficult);
    • Icecrown Citadel (10 ppl) - for completing ICC without dungeon buff you get 15 points more for each boss;
    • Icecrown Citadel (25 ppl) - for completing ICC without dungeon buff you get 30 points more for each boss.

    • All WotLK bosses have their reference kill time (will be corrected from season to season), that we collected and calculated during long period of time, that is why all your WotLK points are multiplied by a coefficient, calculated like: Reference encounter time / Actual encounter time;
    • Each wipe will cost you half of encounter points, if you wipe in 25-ppl heroic WotLK raid - 60/2 = 30 - you lose 30 points;
    • General amount of PvE points can not be negative, if you had 0, wiped and got -30 - you have 0;
    • All encounter points are multiplied by a factor, depending of encounter patch:

    - Patch 3.1 - х1.5 (Ulduar, Emalon);
    - Patch 3.2,3.2.2 - х2 (ToC, Onyxia, Koralon);
    - Patch 3.3 - х2.5 (ICC, Toravon);
    - Patch 3.3.5 - х3 (RS).

    Factors and coefficient are only applied to WOTLK raid bosses.
    Reference time will be corrected after every PvE season.
    Point amount can be also corrected from season to season.
    Последний раз редактировалось EvTech; 12.07.2021 в 12:24.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  2. #2
    Получено благодарностей: 23,799 (сообщений: 12,620).
    Репутация: 34015
    Current PvE season is held only to tune the ladder in work, check if points are given correctly for different activities, remove the bugs that could not be found during tests, collect reference information from ladder logs for more correct season.
    Approximatelly 3-4 weeks after season start a new thread will be opened where you can share your ideas about the PvE ladder.
    After tune period in second season we plan to give real rewards to best players in definite categories like with arena seasons.

    General information:

    Current season lasts from 01.07.21 till 01.09.2021 - for х1/х5/x100/FUN

    Rewards and rules:

    Category №1: Speedrun

    Aim of categoty №1 is to complete full dungeon from the table below as soon as possible, and get the following rewards when PvE season ends:

    х5 / х100 / FUN (if there's any activity) wotlk

    Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic (unbuff)
    Naxxramas 25 heroic
    First place: the Prime + https://www.wowhead.info/?achievement=4576 - 65 000 bonuses First place: the Prime + https://www.wowhead.info/?achievement=1402 - 50 000 bonuses
    Second place: 50 000 bonuses + morph mount Second place: 35 000 bonuses + morph mount
    Third place: 35 000 bonuses Third place: 20 000 bonuses

    х1 wotlk

    Trial of a Crusader (25 heroic)
    Ulduar (25 + possible hard mode)
    First place: 65 000 bonuses + visual effect and morph mount First place: 50 000 bonuses + visual effect and morph mount
    Second place: 50 000 bonuses + visual effect Second place: 35 000 bonuses + visual effect
    Third place: 35 000 bonuses Third place: 20 000 bonuses


    - Speedrun timer counts from the moment when first player enters the dungeon and stopps when last boss dies, be attentive.
    - Forbidden to use any bugs or points abuse, raid using bugs will be banned for 30 days or more and will be
    disqualified till the end of a season, you'd better report the bug so that we could fix it.
    - Players, banned for cheats/using bugs will get no rewards if their last ban was less than 6 months ago, this does not spread on whole raid, only works for banned players.
    - You can skip 3 cooldowns of dungeons mentioned above, that means if you got your high score you should not stop trying, try to improve your result.
    - Best result in speedrun category reward will be only given to players that stayed in raid in a moment of last boss death (depending on information from ladder).
    - Reward is divided among raid members (65000/25=2600 to each).
    - Raid/guild, can win in both ICC and Naxxramas, if you show best result in both ICC and Naxxramas you get reward for both.
    Raid/guild, can get only ONE winning place in ONE dungeon, one guild/raid can not get all the 3 places.
    - If a player gets winning place in guild №1 and got winning place in guild №2 after joining it he will only get one reward for his highest score.
    - All raids/guilds, that try getting to TOP by twinks, will be
    disqualified, 1 guild/raid = 1 winning place.
    - One player gets bonus or money reward to one unique account, if a player participates on 2 realms, he only gets reward for his highest score.
    - Title and achievement is given for 1 year.
    - Every realm has its own separate ladder, this means rewards are given separately for х1, х5/х100 and FUN (if there's any activity).
    - When the season ends, rewards are only given after checking logs, including using bugs, point abuse, twinks, etc.

    Category №2: Solo score

    All the players from
    TOP 15 of х1/х5/х100 realms participate in this category, they get the following rewards:

    1 place: 10 000 bonuses + Predator title (х5/х100/FUN), morph mount for x1
    2 place: 7 500 bonuses + visual effect
    3 place: 5 000 bonuses + visual effect
    4 place: 4 000 bonuses
    5-10 places 2 500 bonuses
    11-15 places 1 500 bonuses


    Forbidden to use any bugs or points abuse, raid using bugs will be banned for 30 days or more and will be disqualified till the end of a season, you'd better report the bug so that we could fix it.
    Players, banned for cheats/using bugs will get no rewards if their last ban was less than 6 months ago, this does not spread on whole raid, only works for banned players.
    One player gets bonus or money reward to one unique account, if a player participates on 2 realms, he only gets reward for his highest score.
    - Title is given for 1 year.
    Every realm has its own separate ladder, this means rewards are given separately for х1, х5/х100 and FUN (if there's any activity).
    When the season ends, rewards are only given after checking logs, including using bugs, point abuse, twinks, etc.

    Category №3: Guild score

    Work in progress...

    Every realm has its own separate ladder, this means rewards are given separately for х1, х5, х100 and FUN (if there's any activity).

    Administration retains the right to change/correct rules, without notifying users.
    Последний раз редактировалось EvTech; 12.07.2021 в 13:51.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

  3. #3
    Получено благодарностей: 23,799 (сообщений: 12,620).
    Репутация: 34015
    Considering the fact how we have handled half of a ladder and made numerous changes during 1st season and inter-season, we are launching a new test season with additional categories, increased rewards for further PvE ladder improvement in the field.
    After improvements we plan to implement real rewards for best players like we do with arena tournaments.

    Current season lasts from 13.10.21 till 12.01.2022(including) - for х1/х5/x100 realms

    General information:

    We have made the following changes during inter-season:

    1. Updated reference kill timers of all dungeons using 1st season statistics.
    2. Fixed getting score for Sunwell raid in 25 heroic mode.
    3. Balanced reward score for Obsidian Sanctum.
    4. After every fight you now get a message with some statistics.
    5. Implemented bonus score for encounter achievements and for getting "Hero of Northrend" and "Conqueror of Naxxramas" titles. Personal achievements and "speed depending" achievements do not give bonus score.
    6. Characters now always get definite score amount, depending only on dungeon mode, independent from encounter run time. Score amount for guilds stays the same.
    7. Added PvE Spectator on our realms, that stands next to Stormwind and Orgrimmar transmogrificator, and also in Dalaran next to faction bank.
    + numerous minor fixes and changes.
    Rewards and rules:

    Category № 1: Spedrun

    Aim of category №1 is to complete full dungeonfrom the table below as soon as possible, and get the following rewards when PvE season ends:

    х5 / х100 wotlk

    Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic (unbuff)
    Naxxramas 25 heroic
    First place: the Prime + https://wowroad.info/?achievement=4576 + mount morph and visual effect - 100 000 bonuses First place: the Prime + https://wowroad.info/?achievement=1402 + mount morph and visual effect - 100 000 bonuses - 75 000 bonuses
    Second place: 75 000 bonuses + mount morph Second place: 55 000 bonuses + mount morph
    Third place: 55 000 bonuses Third place: 35 000 bonuses

    Sunwell Plateau 25 heroic (10 wipes) - EXPERIMENTAL
    First place: Hand of A'dal(with achievement)+ visual effect - 75 000 bonuses
    Second place: 55 000 bonuses + visual effect
    Third place: 35 000 bonuses
    Be attentive, raids, with more than 10 wipes do not count

    х1 wotlk

    Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic (unbuff)
    Trial of the Crusader 25 heroic (without wipes)
    First place: 100 000 bonuses + mount morph and visual effect First place: 75 000 bonuses + mount morph and visual effect
    Second place: 75 000 bonuses + visual effect Second place: 55 000 bonuses + visual effect
    Third place: 55 000 bonuses Third place: 35 000 bonuses


    - To be counted to speedrun table, all bosses of a dungeon must be killed (without a buff in ICC).
    - Speedrun timer counts from the moment when first player enters the dungeon and stops when last boss dies, be attentive.
    - Forbidden to use any bugs or points abuse, raid using bugs will be banned for 30 days or more and will be disqualified till the end of a season, you'd better report the bug so that we could fix it.
    - Players, banned for cheats/using bugs will get no rewards if their last ban was less than 6 months ago, this does not spread on whole raid, only works for banned players.
    - Best result in speedrun category reward will be only given to players that stayed in raid in a moment of last boss death (depending on information from ladder).
    - Reward is divided among raid members (100000/25=4000 to each).
    - Raid/guild, can win in both ICC and Naxxramas, if you show best result in both ICC and Naxxramas you get reward for both.
    - Raid/guild, can get only ONE winning place in ONE dungeon, one guild/raid can not get all the 3 places.
    - If a player gets winning place in guild №1 and got winning place in guild №2 after joining it he will only get one reward for his highest score.
    - One player gets bonus or money reward to one unique account, if a player participates on 2 realms, he only gets reward for his highest score.
    - Title and achievement is given for 1 year.
    - When the season ends, rewards are only given after checking logs, including using bugs, point abuse, twinks, etc.

    Category №2: Solo score

    All the players from TOP 15 of х1/х5/х100 realms participate in this category, they get the following rewards:

    1 place: 15 000 bonuses + Predator title + mount morph + visual effect
    2 place: 12 000 bonuses + the Malefic title + visual effect
    3 place: 10 000 bonuses + visual effect
    4 place: 7 000 bonuses
    5-10 places: 4 000 bonuses
    11-25 places: 2 000 bonuses


    - Forbidden to use any bugs or points abuse, raid using bugs will be banned for 30 days or more and will be disqualified till the end of a season, you'd better report the bug so that we could fix it.
    - Players, banned for cheats/using bugs will get no rewards if their last ban was less than 6 months ago, this does not spread on whole raid, only works for banned players.
    - One player gets bonus or money reward to one unique account, if a player participates on 2 realms, he only gets reward for his highest score.
    - Title is given for 1 year.
    - Reward is divided among raid members (100000/25=4000 to each).
    - Every realm has its own separate ladder, this means rewards are given separately for х1, х5/х100 and FUN (if there's any activity).
    - When the season ends, rewards are only given after checking logs, including using bugs, point abuse, twinks, etc.

    Category №3: Less is More

    Category №3 aim is to run Icecrown Citadel 25 heroic (unbuff), using minimal gear level from the moment of entering the dungeon, the lower ILVL/GS your raid and each member has - the better it is for you.
    Raid with the lowest itemlevel/gearscore will win in this category.
    Reward will be given to 3 winning places, one per realm, the lowest ilvl of a raid and its members will be counted.

    х1 wotlk x5 wotlk x100 wotlk
    100000 bonuses + of Ten Storms title + visual effect 100000 bonuses + of Ten Storms title + visual effect 100000 bonuses + of Ten Storms title + visual effect


    - All raid members must use minimal possible gear to run the dungeon, you have enough time to try all the possible sets.
    - Maximum itemlevel of a member during all bosses fights is counted. If a character has 264 itemlevel (maximum ilvl in a raid) and during a boss fight he takes better weapon and his ilvl becomes 265 - raid will be counted with 265 ilvl. If itemlevel is more than 264 - this raid does not fit the requirements.
    - To participate in a category you must NOT use items with more than 264 ilvl, if you equip 264 and 284 weapon you are not fitting the requirements.
    - Forbidden to use any bugs or points abuse, raid using bugs will be banned for 30 days or more and will be disqualified till the end of a season, you'd better report the bug so that we could fix it.
    - Players, banned for cheats/using bugs will get no rewards if their last ban was less than 6 months ago, this does not spread on whole raid, only works for banned players.
    - Reward is divided among raid members (100000/25=4000 to each).
    - Every realm has its own separate ladder, this means rewards are given separately for х1, х5/х100 and FUN (if there's any activity).
    - When the season ends, rewards are only given after checking logs, including using bugs, point abuse, twinks, etc.

    Category №4: Guild score

    х1/х5/х100 realms take part in this category, the best guild of a realm will get valuable reward based on the results of a season - a guild house (gh) for a 1 year term.
    To keep it simple, there will be 3 winning places, one per realm, we will count the highest score in a ladder, for each realm, that means 3 winning places will consist only of 1st places of each realm.


    - Forbidden to use any bugs or points abuse, raid using bugs will be banned for 30 days or more and will be disqualified till the end of a season, you'd better report the bug so that we could fix it.
    - If a guild master has been banned for cheats/using bugs less than 6 months ago - guild will get no rewards.
    - When the season ends, rewards are only given after checking logs, including using bugs, point abuse, twinks, etc.


    Each realm has its own separate ladder, this means rewards for 1, 2 category are given separately for х1, х5, х100, and for 3 and 4, only for the 1st place on each realm.

    Soon there will be a thread in suggestion section, where players will be able to choose mount morphs and visual effect for rewards.

    Administration retains the right to change/correct rules, without notifying users.

    Если хотите задать вопрос лично мне, то создайте тему в приватном разделе https://forum.wowcircle.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1739.

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