Hello, you have announced the results of the previous arena season ( http://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=467139 ) . But there seems to be a mistake in the results in battlegroup 2: The # 1 team on Battle Group 2: (1. Команда "ПАЛЬКОЙ ДАБИТЬ ШЕСТЬ КА", Состав: Магатравмат, Senstravmatx, Nobodyknowme or 1. The "Palko DABIT SIX spacecraft" Ingredients: Magatravmat, Senstravmatx, Nobodyknowme ) Did not play atleast 50 games last month or previous month, as described in the rules here: http://forum.wowcircle.com/showthread.php?t=430778 ("Каждая команда претендующая на р1-р10 должна сыграть в каждом из 3-4 месяцев сезона не менее 50 игр, если все 200 требуемых игр будут сыграны в последний месяц, команда наград не получит, допускается пропустить лишь один месяц сезона." or "Each team claiming the P1-P10 to play in each of 3-4 months season at least 50 games, if required all 200 games will be played in the last month, the team will not receive awards, allowed to miss only one month of the season." ) . This team probably didnt play a single game for atleast 3 months. Maybe you forgot about this rule? or forgot the check the games played? Can some1 who talks english answer this matter?