Having problems to log in into game and wowcircle panel aswell. (Asking for Two factor auth.)
Thing is, i never activated it, at least what i thought. But aparently its activated somehow.
When first time i created account ( 8-9 mouths ago) i entered my tel.n. but never got any code i so i left it like that.
I never used two auth factor in this game.
So back to problem. I didnt play for 3-4 days and now its asking me this code.
I´ve tried to disable it,dosent work. Downloaded Auth (desktop ver.) on my laptop ,activated it but now i have to enter secret code which is given only in the game (as i understand) ,BUT I CANNOT LOG IN . So im stuck . Need help to log in and do it wright this time.
username : Rabbitsick
realm : Wotlk 3.3.5. x1