я не знаю как сдвинуть текст на середину экрана. подскажиЭтожыкрч х100
Most of mine are really stupid, like Wormsmasher, Batgobbler, etc. And the one last night was called Pebblestealer. How very evil and intimidating....
"Go forth, minion, and steal me a pebble!", as one of my friends commented.
I tend to raise new ghouls whenever the name is rubbish, since, due to Glyph of Raise Dead, I don't need any reagents to do it anymore ^^It's unfortunate that "raider" isn't one of the suffixes... the other day I summoned a ghoul named Tombrobber.
It's close enough, I guess...Got the infamous "Corpsegrinder" today.
Posted a screenshot.http://www.wowhead.com/spell=46584#commentsI've had a ghoul named "CasketDrinker", now that was kinda weird...
Instantly exploded him to get a new one with a more fitting name.
http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/57...sion-in-arena/It can be used on your own (alive) Ghoul. It will do quite a lot of damage actually as it scales with all your buffs and debuffs such as Ebon Plague and it gets the disease modifier.
It will hit for up to 8k. And yes you can CE your Ghoul's corpse as well.
Вот за это спасибо теперь можно и БР написать.
я не знаю как сдвинуть текст на середину экрана. подскажиЭтожыкрч х100
Haters gonna hate
Гангстеритто х25
Ап тему, думаю администрация взяла на заметку эту тему и сейчас они решают проблему![]()
актуально на 113 обнове, прямо как для себя пишу только..
Две самые важные абилки сломаны..
Fire (02.07.2012)