Прото вар
Прото пал
Cross[ru] (04.09.2012)
варов с друлями апнули, не дк , но все же .
Ага, об этом же хотел написать. Порадовало:
Баксикос, расчехляй своего мишутку))I mentioned that we were initially going to nerf monk and DK, but we now think they and paladins are fine. Instead, the rage tanks required too much healing, so we are causing them to take less damage and have more rage for active mitigation.
---------- Добавлено в 14:31 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было размещено в 14:28 ----------
yao-ming-fuck-that мы все еще единственный героик класс."Hero class" meant that the DK started at higher level (and also with a lot of blue gear and so on). We thought it made sense for the DK story because you're treated as a high-level character and veteran of past events. We didn't think that made as much sense for the monk, especially when there were so many low-level pandaren running around, and the (perhaps flimsy) justification for non-pandaren monks learning how to be monks from the pandaren. We might very well use hero classes again if it makes sense for a future class though. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
я не понял. дк и монков будут нерфить?
Наоборот. Дк и монки ок по мнению близард. Будут апать протоваров и медведей.
Кому нужны медведи, еще один конкурент на токен.
ДК заполонили планету!