1. https://wowroad.info/?item=42913
2. на нашем серве Символ змеиной ловушки , снижает урон с инстант аое спеллов таких как https://wowroad.info/?spell=47502 https://wowroad.info/?spell=12470 https://wowroad.info/?spell=27804
2. НЕ ДОЛЖЕН снижает урон с инстант аое спеллов таких как https://wowroad.info/?spell=47502 https://wowroad.info/?spell=12470 https://wowroad.info/?spell=27804
3. 12\10 в пвп
4. https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...-are-worthless
Most of the time all it takes to kill the snakes are Instant Cast AoE spells, even if you have the 90% AoE Resistance Major Glyph (that should be a Minor Glyph or already build into Snake Traps IMO). Hell, the snakes usually die before even a single poison is applied in most cases.
никогда снейки не жили от аое спелов мага кольца шамы и приста https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...orthless/page2Snakes have 107 health, multiplied by the glyph (90% less AoE damage), that is 1070 AoE health. Arcane explosion has 500ish base damage, and a coefficient of 42.8%. Therefore, to reach 1070 damage, a mage has to have about 1,350 SP. Any mage with 1,350 SP or more will still one-shot all your snakesи да, ни на каком вотлк серве никогда этот глиф не сейвил змеек токо на цокле после репорта в 2015My snakes have a 108 HP, I don't know if they scale with the Hunter or not (like Explosive trap does).
But experimenting with Glyph of Snake Trap (90% AoE Resistance) with a Mage who used Arcane Explosion once on my snakes. They died in one Arcane Explosion. So even with the Major Glyph that is supposed to give survivability to Snakes, they still die without even a single poison fired to one of the weakest AoE's.