1. НИП: https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=104739
2. Текст и gossip на eu.
[00:58:46]Тиранда Шелест Ветра говорит: Do not let anything disturb my meditation. I must see through the chaos.
[00:58:54]Тиранда Шелест Ветра говорит: I see.. swirling red mist. Gnashing teeth.
[00:59:08]Тиранда Шелест Ветра говорит: Malfurion! He is in pain! Keep fighting, my love!
[00:59:21]Тиранда Шелест Ветра говорит: Such malevolent laughter... Xavius, you cruel creature! I am coming for you!
[00:59:28]Тиранда Шелест Ветра говорит: His location is still unclear, but he lives.
[00:59:32]Тиранда Шелест Ветра говорит: We must go deeper into the nightmare. Wherever he is, peril is already upon him!
3. Должны быть на Ru.
4. BFA/x11