Hello, have question - i have US version of game, will these RU patches work for me? And where i have to put them, i mean witch foldier?
Hello, have question - i have US version of game, will these RU patches work for me? And where i have to put them, i mean witch foldier?
nobody doesnt know??
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Still no body didnt figure out??
Sorry, english isn't my native language.
CVPatch Collection (HD Patches from Circle's forum based on this, with minor adjustments).
google translated description
🔒 - Requirements
➤ Patch-RU-A - Creatures and Mounts (CANON)
➤ Patch-RU-B - Creatures and Mounts (UNCANON) -🔒A
➤ Patch-RU-E - Textures
➤ Patch-RU-H - Character Models
➤ Patch-RU-I - Weapons and Armor -🔒H
➤ Patch-RU-L - Boot Menu (Shadowlands)
➤ Patch-RU-M - Classic Dungeon Maps
➤ Patch-RU-S - Abilities and Spells
➤ Patch-RU-T - Environment Textures
➤ Patch-RU-U - Battlefield Textures
➤ Patch-RU-W - Water Textures
Misc patches:
➤ Patch-RU-B* - Alternate patch, only table "Spell.dbc" (modified/multilingual)
➤ Patch-RU-C - Only table "Spell.dbc" (original/Russian)
➤ Patch-RU-D - Forms of druids (Alliance) -🔒A
➤ Patch-RU-D - Forms of druids (Hordes) -🔒A
➤ Patch-RU-D - Forms of druids (Horde Epic) -🔒A
➤ Patch-RU-L - Loading menu (other)
➤ Patch-EN-R - Canonical Download Backgrounds
➤ Patch-RU-V - Spells Codex Zeratta (Warlock) - 🔒W/C[свернуть]
1) Replace "ruRU" with "enGB" or "enUS" in filenames (what's your client lang code)
2) Place patches in "Data\enGB" or "Data\enUS", not in "ruRU"
3) Same patches require modified "spell.dbc", and with it Server will disconect you (anti-cheat).
Free to use patches (without req. spell.dbc): A, D (all variations), E, H, I, L (all variations), M, R, S (part of it will work), T, U, W
B, V, part of S require modified spell.dbc and will not work with anti-cheat. «C - Only table "Spell.dbc" (original/multilingual)» not exists.
Hope i didn't make a mistake, and it was helpful...
p.s. don't forget patch exe with "Large Page Aware" (included in distribution) - more memory for client & heavy textures...
Последний раз редактировалось Hibor; 04.01.2023 в 11:46.
За Альянс! Нет... за Орду! Стой... так за кого там?
PUG: «Who needs tactics, skill or brain, just out-gear it bro...»
Okay, thanks. i`ll try it
Nah, is not working proper patches... Downloaded full at one, extracter all, renamed all, characters has no faces, mounts glitched, some random guy runs arund with glitched armors, each time i see glitched something instant disconnect. aint working for me :(
ok, wait for tomorrow, i've old official enGB client. I'll try to install it myself and write results.
p.s. fast try : remove "-ruRU" (or "-enUS" / "-enGB") from filenames and move to folder "Data"
should be, for example : "Data\patch-A.mpq" and others (A,D,E,H,I,L,M,R,S,T,U,W)
write if it's help
- - - Updated - - -
checked, it's working for me. I rename files to "patch-#.mpq" and place in "Data".
Data folder and files:
Original textures & models:
HD textures & models:
no disconnects, no glitches
not interesting - installing original LK 3.3.5a enGB :-)
patching all way to 3.3.5a
changing realmlist.wtf for WoWCircle, adding "Fonts" folder for Cyrillic fonts
copying renamed patch files, see first spoiler for folder-file structure
p.s. don't forget - only A,D,E,H,I,L,M,R,S,T,U,W, not B, C, V !
Последний раз редактировалось Hibor; 04.01.2023 в 20:10.
За Альянс! Нет... за Орду! Стой... так за кого там?
PUG: «Who needs tactics, skill or brain, just out-gear it bro...»
Keep getting 901 check fail and after dc`s.
Последний раз редактировалось Hibor; 04.01.2023 в 21:07.
За Альянс! Нет... за Орду! Стой... так за кого там?
PUG: «Who needs tactics, skill or brain, just out-gear it bro...»
i`m missing only patch-D rest is same and still getting fail check 901
Sorry, I don't know how to help. I checked on original clean installation of enGB client - all working.
All working without HD patches? May be problem in client (other files)?
p.s. it's full filelist with patches installed, may be it's help (wowLAA.exe - patched for "Large Address Aware" exe):
Скрытый текст
Код:│ BackgroundDownloader.exe │ Battle.net.dll │ dbghelp.dll │ DivxDecoder.dll │ ijl15.dll │ Launcher.exe │ Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest │ msvcr80.dll │ Patch.html │ Patch.txt │ Repair.exe │ Scan.dll │ unicows.dll │ Wow.exe │ WowError.exe │ WowLAA.exe │ ├───Data │ │ common-2.MPQ │ │ common.MPQ │ │ expansion.MPQ │ │ lichking.MPQ │ │ patch-2.MPQ │ │ patch-3.MPQ │ │ patch-A.mpq │ │ patch-D.mpq │ │ patch-E.mpq │ │ patch-H.mpq │ │ patch-I.mpq │ │ patch-L.mpq │ │ patch-M.mpq │ │ patch-R.mpq │ │ patch-S.mpq │ │ patch-T.mpq │ │ patch-U.mpq │ │ patch-W.mpq │ │ patch.MPQ │ │ │ └───enGB │ │ AccountBilling.url │ │ backup-enGB.MPQ │ │ base-enGB.MPQ │ │ connection-help.html │ │ Credits.html │ │ Credits_BC.html │ │ Credits_LK.html │ │ eula.html │ │ expansion-locale-enGB.MPQ │ │ expansion-speech-enGB.MPQ │ │ lichking-locale-enGB.MPQ │ │ lichking-speech-enGB.MPQ │ │ locale-enGB.MPQ │ │ patch-enGB-2.MPQ │ │ patch-enGB-3.MPQ │ │ patch-enGB.MPQ │ │ realmlist.wtf │ │ speech-enGB.MPQ │ │ TechSupport.url │ │ termination.html │ │ tos.html │ │ │ ├───Documentation │ │ │ Manual.pdf │ │ │ Manual_TBC.pdf │ │ │ Manual_WLK.pdf │ │ │ ReadMe.html │ │ │ │ │ ├───images │ │ │ │ bg-botleft.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-botright.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-bottom.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-left.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-merge.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-mergebot.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-middle.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-right.jpg │ │ │ │ bg-top.jpg │ │ │ │ Blizz.jpg │ │ │ │ BLWidget.jpg │ │ │ │ BRWidget.jpg │ │ │ │ BWidget.jpg │ │ │ │ CRepeat.jpg │ │ │ │ dragon-left.jpg │ │ │ │ dragon-right.jpg │ │ │ │ gryphon-right.jpg │ │ │ │ help-request.gif │ │ │ │ ItemMarker.jpg │ │ │ │ logo-blizzard.gif │ │ │ │ logo-blizzard.jpg │ │ │ │ logo-bnet.gif │ │ │ │ logo-wow.gif │ │ │ │ LRepeat.jpg │ │ │ │ MacLogo.jpg │ │ │ │ PCLogo.jpg │ │ │ │ pixel.gif │ │ │ │ RRepeat.jpg │ │ │ │ splash.jpg │ │ │ │ title-troubleshooting.jpg │ │ │ │ TLWidget.jpg │ │ │ │ TRWidget.jpg │ │ │ │ TWidget.jpg │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├───buttons │ │ │ │ contactinfo-over.gif │ │ │ │ contactinfo.gif │ │ │ │ mac-over.jpg │ │ │ │ mac.jpg │ │ │ │ pc-over.jpg │ │ │ │ pc.jpg │ │ │ │ readme-over.gif │ │ │ │ readme.gif │ │ │ │ readme.jpg │ │ │ │ troubleshooting-over.gif │ │ │ │ troubleshooting.gif │ │ │ │ troubleshooting.jpg │ │ │ │ website-over.gif │ │ │ │ website.gif │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └───titles │ │ │ contactinfo-mac.jpg │ │ │ contactinfo-pc.jpg │ │ │ readme-mac.jpg │ │ │ readme-pc.jpg │ │ │ troubleshooting-mac.jpg │ │ │ troubleshooting-pc.jpg │ │ │ │ │ ├───Layout │ │ │ BSpacer.html │ │ │ CSpacer.html │ │ │ Detector.js │ │ │ Greeting.html │ │ │ Index.html │ │ │ LBorder.html │ │ │ Nav.html │ │ │ RBorder.html │ │ │ Requirements.html │ │ │ Splash.html │ │ │ Styles.css │ │ │ StylesLeft.css │ │ │ TBorder.html │ │ │ TheScript.js │ │ │ │ │ ├───ReadMe │ │ │ (Mac)Foreword.html │ │ │ (Mac)Installation.html │ │ │ (Mac)Patching.html │ │ │ (Mac)ReadMeMenu.html │ │ │ (Mac)SystemRequirements.html │ │ │ (Mac)Uninstall.html │ │ │ (PC)Foreword.html │ │ │ (PC)Installation.html │ │ │ (PC)Patching.html │ │ │ (PC)ReadMeMenu.html │ │ │ (PC)SystemRequirements.html │ │ │ (PC)Uninstall.html │ │ │ BasicCommands.html │ │ │ CharacterNaming.html │ │ │ EULA.html │ │ │ GettingStarted.html │ │ │ ManualErrata.html │ │ │ RealmSelection.html │ │ │ │ │ ├───Support │ │ │ (Mac)SupportMenu.html │ │ │ (Mac)TechnicalSupport.html │ │ │ (PC)SupportMenu.html │ │ │ (PC)TechnicalSupport.html │ │ │ AccountAdministration.html │ │ │ BlizzardInsider.html │ │ │ Employment.html │ │ │ GameSuggestions.html │ │ │ GameSupport.html │ │ │ Password.html │ │ │ │ │ └───Troubleshooting │ │ (Mac)AudioProblems.html │ │ (Mac)BlizzardDownloaderProblems.html │ │ (Mac)ConnectionLoginProblems.html │ │ (Mac)GameplayProblems.html │ │ (Mac)Install.html │ │ (Mac)PreventiveMaintenance.html │ │ (Mac)StartupProblems.html │ │ (Mac)TroubleshootingMenu.html │ │ (Mac)VideoProblems.html │ │ (PC)AudioProblems.html │ │ (PC)BlizzardDownloaderProblems.html │ │ (PC)ConnectionLoginProblems.html │ │ (PC)GameplayProblems.html │ │ (PC)Install.html │ │ (PC)PreventiveMaintenance.html │ │ (PC)StartupProblems.html │ │ (PC)TroubleshootingMenu.html │ │ (PC)VideoProblems.html │ │ │ └───Interface │ └───Cinematics │ Logo_1024.avi │ Logo_800.avi │ WOW_FotLK_1024.avi │ WOW_FotLK_800.avi │ WOW_Intro_800.avi │ WOW_Intro_BC_800.avi │ WOW_Intro_LK_1024.avi │ WOW_Intro_LK_800.avi │ WOW_Wrathgate_1024.avi │ WOW_Wrathgate_800.avi │ ├───Fonts │ ARIALN.TTF │ FRIENDS.ttf │ FRIZQT__.TTF │ MORPHEUS.TTF │ NIM_____.ttf │ SKURRI.TTF │ ├───Interface │ └───AddOns │ ├───Blizzard_AchievementUI │ │ Blizzard_AchievementUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_ArenaUI │ │ Blizzard_ArenaUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_AuctionUI │ │ Blizzard_AuctionUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_BarbershopUI │ │ Blizzard_BarbershopUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap │ │ Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_BindingUI │ │ Blizzard_BindingUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_Calendar │ │ Blizzard_Calendar.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_CombatLog │ │ Blizzard_CombatLog.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_CombatText │ │ Blizzard_CombatText.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_DebugTools │ │ Blizzard_DebugTools.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_GlyphUI │ │ Blizzard_GlyphUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_GMChatUI │ │ Blizzard_GMChatUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_GMSurveyUI │ │ Blizzard_GMSurveyUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_GuildBankUI │ │ Blizzard_GuildBankUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_InspectUI │ │ Blizzard_InspectUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI │ │ Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_MacroUI │ │ Blizzard_MacroUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_RaidUI │ │ Blizzard_RaidUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_TalentUI │ │ Blizzard_TalentUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_TimeManager │ │ Blizzard_TimeManager.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_TokenUI │ │ Blizzard_TokenUI.pub │ │ │ ├───Blizzard_TradeSkillUI │ │ Blizzard_TradeSkillUI.pub │ │ │ └───Blizzard_TrainerUI │ Blizzard_TrainerUI.pub │ └───WTF Config.wtf[свернуть]
Последний раз редактировалось Hibor; 04.01.2023 в 21:29.
За Альянс! Нет... за Орду! Стой... так за кого там?
PUG: «Who needs tactics, skill or brain, just out-gear it bro...»