Can I use bot for this game SIR ?
Can I use Wrobot for your game SIR ? Please help me....
Thanks you.
Can I use bot for this game SIR ?
Can I use Wrobot for your game SIR ? Please help me....
Thanks you.
Bots are not allowed.
Block criteria:
1)30 days block:
1.1 Using/spreading third party software(first block is 30 days block, second one is 60, third block is permanent);
- multiboxing is allowed, but limited with 6 characters in PvP/PvE, if you use more - you get warned and if you proceed after warning - banned.
За Альянс! Нет... за Орду! Стой... так за кого там?
PUG: «Who needs tactics, skill or brain, just out-gear it bro...»