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Ca we Non Russian speaking people have some more INFO?

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  1. #1
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    Ca we Non Russian speaking people have some more INFO?


    Recently I'm getting a lot of people "angry" about Leveling in Shadowlands. I mean, we on 9.2.5 patch with 9.0 Content Open which makes it a bit Confusing. For example;
    The following Zones will always be missing 1 chapter of their Story since the last story comes in 9.2. ( Chains of Domination i think or maybe even in 9.1 not sure )

    Revedreth 7/8
    Maldraxxus 8/9
    Bastion 7/8
    Ardenweald 7/8
    ( + Campaign 8/9 )

    If we were on "true" 9.0 the zones Would show you as Completed

    Revedreth 7/7
    Maldraxxus 8/8
    Bastion 7/7
    Ardenweald 7/7
    ( + Campaign 8/8 )

    So im getting people daily "Angry" spamming "how tf do i finish this im missing one chapter" ... Truth is they not missing anything but it looks like they do. ( Because of the 9.2 Patch with 9.0 Unlocked - So a visual thing ... )

    I think there should be some info regarding this that 8/9 is Currently all you can do. Same with The Maw. Rule 7 is where you Finish instead of thinking there should be more or the Quests are bugged.

    Maybe there is info Regarding this but sadly we don't speak Russian and as i said above I'm seeing people daily asking about this and thinking its bugged.

    Also ... Ca we have English BOT in Discord for Shadowlands Changes?
    For Example somebody told me there was a Change with Renown or something but he found out 5 days after it was done.

    ( Something like "Read before playing" would be ice. Make people aware of this. I dont want people leaving )
    Последний раз редактировалось Alleyn; 23.02.2024 в 21:03.

  2. #2
    Игровой мастер WoTLK x100, BfA x11 & Shadowlands x5 Аватар для EvTech
    Получено благодарностей: 3,232 (сообщений: 2,083).
    Репутация: 8730
    We are using 9.2.7 client, that's why progress will be displayed like that.
    As for changes - we always publish changelogs in both russian and english, but only when we have a list, not after every fix done.
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