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Исправлено BfA - Mistweaver Monk talent: Rising Mist

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  1. #1
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    Post BfA - Mistweaver Monk talent: Rising Mist

    1. https://www.wowhead.com/spell=274909/rising-mist
    2. Each Rising Sun Kick only extends the HOT by 2s, 50% as the original effect
    3. Quote from wowhead: “Rising Sun Kick...extends those effects by 4 sec...”
    4. 2024/9/12 10:08
    5. Maybe since Oct. 2023
    6. n/a
    7. Баг постоянен
    Последний раз редактировалось Deathreaverx; 23.10.2024 в 00:19.

  2. #2
    Разработчик Аватар для Deathreaverx
    Получено благодарностей: 1,654 (сообщений: 1,241).
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  3. #3
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    Цитата Сообщение от Deathreaverx Посмотреть сообщение
    Изменения были исходя из данной темы.
    Thank you so much for your reply!
    But I still think that it is not fair to use one bug (the effect is cut by 50% comparing with the description), to "fix" another one,
    Especially, for mistweaver monk who don't stack haste, this "fix" totally destroy the usability of this talent,
    As an old player(and also a donater) of Wowcirle, I'm wondering can we get the "4s effect" back?

  4. #4
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    Цитата Сообщение от tcry1989 Посмотреть сообщение
    Thank you so much for your reply!
    But I still think that it is not fair to use one bug (the effect is cut by 50% comparing with the description), to "fix" another one,
    Especially, for mistweaver monk who don't stack haste, this "fix" totally destroy the usability of this talent,
    As an old player(and also a donater) of Wowcirle, I'm wondering can we get the "4s effect" back?
    Last official hotfix from that ability in bfa. Now it works blizzlike..
    If you read that linked topic to the end, it was there.

  5. #5
    Получено благодарностей: 1 (сообщений: 1).
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    Цитата Сообщение от Icehotangel Посмотреть сообщение
    Last official hotfix from that ability in bfa. Now it works blizzlike..
    If you read that linked topic to the end, it was there.
    Thank you for showing us the website, friend. Here I find the true last official hotfix from that ability in bfa:
    “Mistweaver Monk Rising Mist Hotfix for April 28th”
    Let's quote from the website: “Rising Sun Kick...extends those effects by 4 sec, up to 100% of their original duration.”
    Which means, to be working blizzlike, a mistweaver monk, for example me, who have 15% haste, with the help of Thunder Focus Tea, can extend Enveloping Mist to 100% of its original duration easily.
    But since the effect is cut down to 2 sec (which hotfix was canceled within 1 week in official server), to extend the duration of Enveloping Mist by 100%, I have to stack my haste to 150%! Even with the help of Thunder Focus Tea! So does it work blizzlike? I don't think so!
    To have a blizzlike and meaningful talent choice, the effect Rising Mist should get back to 4 sec.

  6. #6
    Наш человек
    Получено благодарностей: 116 (сообщений: 105).
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    Цитата Сообщение от tcry1989 Посмотреть сообщение
    Thank you for showing us the website, friend. Here I find the true last official hotfix from that ability in bfa:
    “Mistweaver Monk Rising Mist Hotfix for April 28th”
    Let's quote from the website: “Rising Sun Kick...extends those effects by 4 sec, up to 100% of their original duration.”
    Which means, to be working blizzlike, a mistweaver monk, for example me, who have 15% haste, with the help of Thunder Focus Tea, can extend Enveloping Mist to 100% of its original duration easily.
    But since the effect is cut down to 2 sec (which hotfix was canceled within 1 week in official server), to extend the duration of Enveloping Mist by 100%, I have to stack my haste to 150%! Even with the help of Thunder Focus Tea! So does it work blizzlike? I don't think so!
    To have a blizzlike and meaningful talent choice, the effect Rising Mist should get back to 4 sec.
    In 9.0.1 it gave 2 seconds. There were no changes from 8.3 to 9.0.1 for talent. Whining on official forums also led to nothing, full haste build on TT died. There are a lot of confirmations of this in the logs, after this nerf they stopped collecting like this until the end of the addon. No need to try to expose a forgery and return the abuse that was removed in retail.
    Before nerf:
    The difference in HPS is 2.5 times, how soo...
    I have a subscription to the logs, later I can cut screenshots with a difference in duration, it will be even more obvious.

    4 seconds duration gives infinite hots. Blizzard removed this by making 2, no need to stretch an owl on a globe trying to abuse

    - - - Updated - - -

    The problem with omitting the ability tooltip edit in the changelog on wowhead - happens often. The same situation is with bdk, where in one place it is indicated 50% of the strength in armor, you open the link - inside there is 40% and the same 40% at the start of SL - and this is true. And there are no changes before. On wowhead some descriptions boiled, for the end of 8.3.7, rolling them out immediately to 9.0.1

  7. #7
    Получено благодарностей: 1 (сообщений: 1).
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    Цитата Сообщение от Icehotangel Посмотреть сообщение
    In 9.0.1 it gave 2 seconds. There were no changes from 8.3 to 9.0.1 for talent. Whining on official forums also led to nothing, full haste build on TT died. There are a lot of confirmations of this in the logs, after this nerf they stopped collecting like this until the end of the addon. No need to try to expose a forgery and return the abuse that was removed in retail.
    Before nerf:
    The difference in HPS is 2.5 times, how soo...
    I have a subscription to the logs, later I can cut screenshots with a difference in duration, it will be even more obvious.

    4 seconds duration gives infinite hots. Blizzard removed this by making 2, no need to stretch an owl on a globe trying to abuse

    - - - Updated - - -

    The problem with omitting the ability tooltip edit in the changelog on wowhead - happens often. The same situation is with bdk, where in one place it is indicated 50% of the strength in armor, you open the link - inside there is 40% and the same 40% at the start of SL - and this is true. And there are no changes before. On wowhead some descriptions boiled, for the end of 8.3.7, rolling them out immediately to 9.0.1
    Good to hear what you think. I still cannot find any evidence denies that Rising Mist gave 4 sec at the final days of 8.3. Can you please help to provide? Any official anounse or logs or other evidence, during May 2020 to Oct 2020, DIRECTLY SHOWS THAT EACH RISING SUN KICK GIVES 2 INSTEAD OF 4 SEC?(not HPS or situation of bdk) I really want to see that, if you can show, I will be grateful.

    Before the reliable and direct evidence is shown, we can only belive that in Blizzard official server, Rising Sun Kick extends HOTs by 4 sec, as a blizzlike server, we have no reason to cut it down to 2 sec. I understand that in some extrem situation, HOTs may have infinite duration, BUT that's not the problem of "4 sec", it's the problem of “there being no limit of 100% original duration”. Use one bug to "fix" another one is not acceptable, especially, for mistweaver monk who don't stack haste, this "fix" totally destroy the usability of an interesting talent, and the "fix" goes against the original blizzlike intention.

    Whatever, I'm so happy to discuss with you about our 8.3 server, you know, there are few people online, the maximun is lower then 50 at the daily peak time, gaming experience of players in 8.3 really need to improve. Can you let me know your in game ID in 8.3? Maybe we can play a M+ key this evening, I believe we can have many things to share.
    Последний раз редактировалось tcry1989; 15.09.2024 в 15:29.

  8. #8
    Наш человек
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    Цитата Сообщение от tcry1989 Посмотреть сообщение
    Good to hear what you think. I still cannot find any evidence denies that Rising Mist gave 4 sec at the final days of 8.3. Can you please help to provide? Any official anounse or logs or other evidence, during May 2020 to Oct 2020, DIRECTLY SHOWS THAT EACH RISING SUN KICK GIVES 2 INSTEAD OF 4 SEC?(not HPS or situation of bdk) I really want to see that, if you can show, I will be grateful.

    Before the reliable and direct evidence is shown, we can only belive that in Blizzard official server, Rising Sun Kick extends HOTs by 4 sec, as a blizzlike server, we have no reason to cut it down to 2 sec. I understand that in some extrem situation, HOTs may have infinite duration, BUT that's not the problem of "4 sec", it's the problem of “there being no limit of 100% original duration”. Use one bug to "fix" another one is not acceptable, especially, for mistweaver monk who don't stack haste, this "fix" totally destroy the usability of an interesting talent, and the "fix" goes against the original blizzlike intention.

    Whatever, I'm so happy to discuss with you about our 8.3 server, you know, there are few people online, the maximun is lower then 50 at the daily peak time, gaming experience of players in 8.3 really need to improve. Can you let me know your in game ID in 8.3? Maybe we can play a M+ key this evening, I believe we can have many things to share.
    I need to record key logs to compare a number of points. But at least 20+, better 25+. Write your nickname, if I see it in the game - I will write.
    At the moment I play very rarely, only recording things for tickets for edits to the realm refresh.

    2 rsk - 14 seconds env mist: 7s basic + 7 after longation from 2 rsk( +4, +3(bcs duration cap lock))

    Yes, you are right, it should still be 4 seconds, this is confirmed by the logs. Notified the developer in detail, please wait for edits.
    TY for notice.
    Последний раз редактировалось Icehotangel; 17.09.2024 в 15:41.

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    Разработчик Аватар для Deathreaverx
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