От Necropenguin (51,126 – 8·38·242) <Редкий Премиум-пользователь> 10.11.2011 (Обновление 4.2.2)
I feel I have to spread some advice one of my guildies learned the hard way about race, class and/or faction changing with this quest chain active. If you didn't know, when you pay Blizzard for any of those services they will wipe your quest log as part of the process.
If you choose to go through with those paid services you will have this quest removed from your quest log.
Every Eternal Ember Eternal Ember you had collected up to that point will still be in your possession, but you must go and re-accept the quest from Anachronos. Neglecting to re-accept this quest means that if you kill a boss in Firelands you will not have any embers drop. Zero!
So, that's my cautionary tale. I'd recommend against any big account changes like those I listed above while on the collect parts of this quest. I hope this advice saves somebody else the headache.