1. NPC: https://www.wowhead.com/ru/npc=49875
- Двигается туда-сюда.
- Отсутствует меню для воспроизведения мувика(только для гоблинов.)
- Поправить.
4. Cata/x100He and Izzy can be found on the outdoor pavillion on the northwestern side of Bilgewater Harbor.
If you're a goblin, you get the option for a dialogue box:
(Ace) Heya <lady/bud>. What's shakin'?
(Player) Heya, Ace. Remember when we were shipwrecked on the Lost Isles?
If you click on your dialogue option, you can replay the cinematic scene where you escape Kezan on Gallywix's yacht and are subsequently caught in the Horde-Alliance naval battle.