1. Talk to Tariolstrasz and get a ride back to Lord Afrasastrasz on the second level.
2. Once there walk out to the "balcony" in the direction Lord Afrasastrasz is facing and there will be a dragon to the left and to the right.
3. Talk to either to ride it and you know control the dragon with 5 abilities.
4. Fly outside and defeat 3 Azure Dragons and 5 Azure Drakes
6. Fly to 55.65 (the purple lloking crater to the S/W and get into the beam coming out of the groundthat is the Azure Dragonshrine.
7. Fly to the base of the beam and use ability #5 to De-stabilize the Azure dragonshire.
8. Fly back to Lord Afrasastrasz -dismount by using the little icon on the bottom (to the right of your abilities)-and turn in.
9. Profit!