1) http://db.wowcircle.com/?npc=10268
2) Должен призываться как я понял после убийства Халикон и его щенков стоящих возле него должен появится бос Гизрул Поработитель.
3) Killed this doggy at 64 lvl Feral dr00id. In fact it's realy easy. First at all kill all pups (free leather for AH), then slay Halycon (*she* is immun to dru's sleep). After Haly death go into cat's stealth and wait for Giz, loot Haly, heal, rebuff if need and the main event - Gizrul kill.
It will go into rage after 30 sec of fight but nothing to afraid but with "Bite" it deal about 250-270 dmd on 10k armor. Bash, sleep - anything you want, he isn't immun. You can cast sleep on him and heal. So GL and HF with farming.
4) 26.11.12. Logon2 x30
5) Не знаю но на какой то обнове работало.
6) 4\10
7) -