1) http://wowway.ru/?spell=68820
2) Пожиратель Душ стремительно атакует цель и, ударяясь о землю, создает колодец душ. Не наносится урона стоящим в войд зоне
Well of Souls 40 yd range - The Overseer of Souls leaps towards a target, slamming the ground creating a Well of Souls. Inflicts 2925 to 3075 Shadow damage. It's a instant cast.
Well of Souls (Heroic) 40 yd range - 3900 to 4100 Shadow damage. It's a instant cast.4) logon1 x5 1.05http://www.wowwiki.com/Devourer_of_Souls
[Well of Souls]ω ϖ 40 yd range—The Devourer of Souls leaps towards a target, slamming the ground creating a Well of Souls. Instant. Anyone standing in the Well is hit with...
[Well of Souls]ω ϖ (Heroic modeω ϖ)—Inflicts 2925 to 3075 Shadow damage. Instant. 3900 to 4100 Shadow damage on heroic.
Somewhat frequently, the Devourer will leap to another player in the party and create a Well of Souls at that player's position. The well lasts upwards of 15 seconds and does some fairly intense damage to anyone still standing in it.
5) давно
6) 3.91/10