================================================== ============================
World of WarCraft: Retail Build (build 15595)
Exe: D:\World of Warcraft Cataclysm v.\WoW_Circle.exe
Time: May 20, 2014 3:07:20.875 PM
User: user
This application has encountered a critical error:
ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal condition!
Program: D:\World of Warcraft Cataclysm v.\WoW_Circle.exe
ProcessID: 2232
Failed to read file from local.
Details: (Streaming Status: Enabled / Mfil Not Rdy / Data Not Rdy, Build: 15595)
[20] err=0 text=SFileReadFile - Textures\GuildEmblems\Emblem_139_14_TU_U.blp - Data\art.MPQ
[19] err=87 text=System_Mopaq::mopaq_read - fail to repair offset 0 amount 23018
[18] err=87 text=System_Mopaq::SectorReadHandler::InitializeAn dRead - fail to repair offset 0 amount 23018
[17] err=-2062548855 text=System_Mopaq::SectorReadHandler::InitializeSe ctorTable - fail to read sector table of size:16, streaming:0
[16] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::MD5VerifyData::ValidateRead - InitializeMD5Buffer fail 1 0
[15] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::MD5VerifyData::ValidateBlock - ValidateBlock fail 0 3704 3 0
[14] err=1006 text=Blizzard::Mopaq::MpqRepairOnDemandErrorHandle r::HandleMD5BlockError - file is not streamed(block #0, amount = 3704)
[13] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::MD5VerifyData::ValidateBlock - ValidateBlock fail 0 3704 2 0
[12] err=1006 text=Blizzard::Mopaq::MpqRepairOnDemandErrorHandle r::HandleMD5BlockError - file is not streamed(block #0, amount = 3704)
[11] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::MD5VerifyData::ValidateBlock - ValidateBlock fail 0 3704 1 0
[10] err=1006 text=Blizzard::Mopaq::MpqRepairOnDemandErrorHandle r::HandleMD5BlockError - file is not streamed(block #0, amount = 3704)
[9] err=87 text=System_Mopaq::mopaq_read - fail to repair offset 0 amount 23018
[8] err=87 text=System_Mopaq::SectorReadHandler::InitializeAn dRead - fail to repair offset 0 amount 23018
[7] err=-2062548855 text=System_Mopaq::SectorReadHandler::InitializeSe ctorTable - fail to read sector table of size:16, streaming:0
[6] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::MD5VerifyData::ValidateRead - InitializeMD5Buffer fail 1 0
[5] err=1006 text=System_Mopaq::MD5VerifyData::ValidateBlock - ValidateBlock fail 0 3704 3 0
[4] err=1006 text=Blizzard::Mopaq::MpqRepairOnDemandErrorH
WoWBuild: 15595
Version: 4.3.4
Type: WoW
Platform: X86
Patch data download failed.
Failed to parse patch data from server 'http://localhost'
InstallID: 'WoW'
Failed to parse patch data from server 'http://localhost'
InstallID: 'WoW'
SET locale "ruRU"
SET realmlist "logon.wowcircle.com"
SET patchlist "localhost"
SET enterWorld "1"
SET hwDetect "0"
SET videoOptionsVersion "4"
SET graphicsQuality "3"
SET playIntroMovie "4"
SET Gamma "1.200000"
SET readTOS "1"
SET readEULA "1"
SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"
SET showToolsUI "1"
SET accounttype "CT"
SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
SET terrainMipLevel "0"
SET farclip "507"
SET particleDensity "80"
SET projectedTextures "1"
SET shadowTextureSize "2048"
SET textureFilteringMode "4"
SET componentTextureLevel "9"
SET gameTip "98"
SET uiScale "0.79999995231628"
SET useUiScale "1"
SET Sound_EnableSoftwareHRTF "1"
SET Sound_MasterVolume "0.20000000298023"
SET checkAddonVersion "0"
SET waterDetail "2"
SET reflectionMode "0"
SET mouseSpeed "1"
SET rippleDetail "1"
SET sunShafts "1"
SET Sound_EnableAmbience "0"
SET Sound_EnableErrorSpeech "0"
SET Sound_EnableMusic "0"
SET Sound_EnableEmoteSounds "0"
SET Sound_EnablePetSounds "0"
SET Sound_EnableDSPEffects "0"
SET screenshotQuality "10"
SET realmName "WoW Circle 4.3.4 x100"
SET lastCharacterIndex "1"