1. берём кв новый друг ru.wowhead.com/quest=29679
2. по идеи ты должен попасть в фонтан воды и подлететь - это защитывается как поиграл (нужно 5 раз) но фонтаны не появляются ждём уже втроём
3.(инглиш коммент) You found the Pool of Reflection from the previous quest. There is a little spirit running around on top of the rocks - but he really has very little if nothing to do with the quest.Around the pool you will see water spouts shooting into the air. The trick of the quest is to get on one of these spouts before it is formed.You will see an area of the water start to glow and boil. A moment after that water will shoot into the air. The best way to complete this is to stand near the single oblong stone to your right and wait for the water to glow and bubble. Quickly stand on it before it erupts. If you miss the chance, nothing happens. If you get there in time, the water spout will shoot you into the air and you will get one credit toward finishing the quest.
4. 10.07.2014
5.Скорее всего от старта сервера
6. 10
7. -
8. ничего делать ненужно
Скорее всего отсутствует скрипт