Wetlands: Shattered Dam
Desolace: Slitherblade Shore
Ungoro: Galakka Hot Springs
Badlands: Crypt
Silithus: Hive'Zora
Western Plaguelands: Mardenholde Keep
Tanaris: Steamwheedle Port
Badlands: Fuselight by the Sea
Hellfire Peninsula: Rock near Dark Portal
Blasted Lands: The Tainted Forest
Duskwood: Dawning Wood Catacombs
The Cape of Stranglethorn: Janeiro's Point
The Northern Barrens: Wailing Caverns
Searing Gorge: Iron Summit
Wetlands: Black Channel Marsh
Moonglade: Nighthaven
Western Plaguelands: Scholomance
Northern Stranglethorn: The Sundering
Blasted Lands: West Mountain
Diremaul: Broken Commons
Northern Barrens: Fray Island
Tanaris: Lost Rigger Cove
Felwod: Irontree Woods
Badlands: Scar of the Worldbreaker
Arathi Highlands: Dabyrie's Farmstead