Hello! I truly apologise that this topic is written in English, but if i have to translate it in the google translator it would sound idiotic, so..
So recently, the x100 realmlist was closed along with memories, hours of playing, money, fun and etc. That was one of the most promising 2.4.3 servers left and you closed it. I get it, it had low population the last few months, but while i was making a ticket every day to increase the population by being creative nobody listened to me and here we are.
So, I as well as a lot of other players, play only Burning Crusade. I am not interested in any other patch nor i will ever will. So you basically left me without anything to play or to be good at. So here is my idea how to bring back the players and the life in this server!
1. Events
Yeah, you heard right - events! It may sound stupid to some, but a lot of people are tired of the Burning Crusade patch, because without the raids and battlegrounds it's the same. You don't have third continents, you don't have 10 more levels to go, you dont have no dungeons or Lich Kings to slay..
So my suggestion is that you start doing daily events. For an example:
1.Monday - PVP 1v1 Event in Gurubashi.
2.Tuesday - Stormwind invading Durotar (Since there are not enough allys to hold on to a horde invasion)
3.Wednesday - Hide'N'Seek Event
4.Thursday - Climb Event.
5. Friday - PVP 2v2 Event in Gurubashi.
6.saturday - Day off.
7.sunday - Day off.
This is just an example, you can have an event just one day a week or two, and you can have what event you like or please, i'm just making an example.
2. Unscript the instances for a month after the opening.
This may sound risky, because the main guilds can easily trash out a whole instance by themselves, but fuck it, there was ONLY one raiding guild from the Alliance such as "TrainedBy ChuckNorris" and nobody could get in, because it was full of all classes and they had their preferences about certain classes. So giving the chance to new guilds to grow would make the population increase, because everyone will come back to raid, without having to raid with only one guild.
This suggestion is both stupid and brilliant, because it will make easier go gear up, but it will increase the desire of people to raid and the activity population by itself, so what's better - To keep the server closed, or people to gear up was easier for a month or two??
Because do you know what? I play here for an year and a half and i've seen only THREE guys with Thoridal and Apolyon. So do you know what will happen when you ease Sunwell and make it more possible to let's say Kil'Jaeden? People would instantly come back to try their luck. Same is with Illidian, remove the need for fire resistance tankers and all that crap, make it like it was 7 years ago, when you reach Illidian, kick his ass the old fashioned way and that's it. This is a good idea, because new guilds will start rising, without having to join the same usual guilds.
THE SERVER IS NOT DEAD, The interest in it IS. So to keep people interested you need to EVOLVE and CHANGE. So apply this changes with in-game advertisements and take a look at what is going to happen with the activity.
This is barely a suggestion, you can moderate it by your own needs and desires, but please don't close forever the place where just four months ago there were running wild Alterac Valleys. The GM's just need to be creative, you can come up with something else to keep the interest in. You can't expect to have a Burning Crusade server WITHOUT anything interesting happening and then to wonder why nobody comes back.
And most of all, when you close it ONCE, people would try a few weeks to log in and then they will completely stop to even try to log in. Because except your native russians, there were people playing from ALL OVER the world. There were people from each continent enjoying their time and now it's gone, and they cannot go to the forums and read what's going on, because they don't understand your language, which means they give up on the server immidietly.
This topic was not created from me to tell anyone what to do, or to force anyone to like my ideas. It was made because i want the server active, i want to play with my friends, the way i was playing before, i want to play with the character that i spent over an year(and some even YEARS) to build, and most of all to have a good time with my favourite patch without having to go somewhere else, creating new character, new legacy, new friends and losing the same amount of time to create what i already have. Thanks to every person who gave his time to this server, i truly believe that one day, we'll meet again inside and hopefully it will be sooner than we expect.