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Бешенство совуха

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  1. #1
    Старожил Аватар для flesh
    Получено благодарностей: 51 (сообщений: 23).
    Репутация: 51

    Question Бешенство совуха

    Собственно вопрос заключается в том как данный талан работает в PvE уклоне. Давно были подозрения, а сегодня проверил что на профе и лане (где постоянное АОЕ) http://wowroad.info/?spell=48393 3/3 не прокнуло ни разу, так и должно быть?

  2. #2
    Дедушка форума Аватар для ciklopper
    Получено благодарностей: 1,527 (сообщений: 894).
    Репутация: 2662
    Всё довольно просто, ищем любой лог где у совы прокает данный талант, я нашел: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-i3dm5xs2m5zqs3uj/log/
    с маской [{"spellNames": ["Owlkin Frenzy"]}]
    Открываем бой с леди. Там было 3 трая прок всего 1н http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-i3...ses&boss=37955

    [22:25:39.840] Gtg gains Owlkin Frenzy from Gtg
    [22:25:41.809] Gtg gains 70 mana from Gtg's Owlkin Frenzy
    [22:25:42.230] Gtg's Owlkin Frenzy fades from Gtg
    [22:20:54.313] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3283 (R: 900)
    [22:20:56.364] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3282 (R: 900)
    [22:20:58.264] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3282 (R: 900)
    [22:21:06.074] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 130 (A: 3152, R: 900)
    [22:21:08.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3693 (R: 450)
    [22:21:10.089] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:21:12.121] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:14.074] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:16.059] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:18.042] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:20.121] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:22.105] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:21:24.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:26.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:28.152] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:30.160] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:21:32.121] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:34.090] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:36.089] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:38.235] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:40.167] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:42.206] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:44.168] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:46.175] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:21:48.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:50.183] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:52.152] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:21:54.203] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:21:56.215] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:21:58.167] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2379 (A: 636, R: 1418)
    [22:22:00.183] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3242 (A: 636, R: 472)
    [22:22:02.183] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2811 (A: 636, R: 945)
    [22:22:04.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2810 (A: 636, R: 945)
    [22:22:06.267] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2811 (A: 636, R: 945)
    [22:22:08.230] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:22:10.246] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:22:12.248] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:22:12.870] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 5805 (R: 6366)
    [22:22:14.292] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4063 (R: 495)
    [22:22:16.277] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:22:18.324] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2889 (R: 990)
    [22:22:28.340] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 1527 (A: 1723, R: 495)
    [22:22:30.308] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:22:32.324] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:22:34.386] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:22:36.359] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:22:38.397] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:22:40.349] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:22:42.340] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3009 (A: 602, R: 990)
    [22:22:44.392] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3009 (A: 602, R: 990)
    [22:22:46.456] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3009 (A: 602, R: 990)
    [22:22:48.417] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3009 (A: 602, R: 990)
    [22:22:50.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:22:52.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2557 (A: 602, R: 1485)
    [22:22:54.152] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2557 (A: 602, R: 1485)
    [22:22:56.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:22:58.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:23:00.042] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:23:02.060] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:23:04.451] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:23:06.146] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:23:08.064] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:23:10.042] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:23:10.423] Sejam Bloodbolt Splash Gtg 9764 (R: 1190)
    [22:23:12.060] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2889 (R: 990)
    [22:23:12.316] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 3659 (R: 11707)
    [22:23:14.050] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2888 (R: 990)
    [22:23:16.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2888 (R: 990)
    [22:23:18.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:23:20.086] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:23:22.095] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 1620)
    [22:23:24.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2954 (R: 2160)
    [22:23:26.089] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:23:28.183] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:23:30.184] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:23:32.202] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:23:34.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:23:36.171] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:23:38.197] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:23:40.183] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:23:42.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:23:44.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:23:46.183] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:23:48.277] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2844 (A: 602, R: 1620)
    [22:23:52.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3212 (A: 727, R: 1080)
    [22:23:54.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 2844 (A: 602, R: 1620)
    [22:23:54.199]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:23:54.646]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2280
    [22:23:55.042]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:23:55.808]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 1677 (A: 602)
    [22:23:56.231] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:23:56.231]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:23:56.688]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:23:57.031]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2280
    [22:23:57.824]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 1677 (A: 602)
    [22:23:58.231] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:23:58.289]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2280
    [22:23:58.706]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:23:58.999]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2280
    [22:23:59.875]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2735
    [22:24:00.261] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:24:00.261]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2735
    [22:24:00.652]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2736
    [22:24:01.042]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2736
    [22:24:01.843]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2735
    [22:24:02.285] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:24:02.292]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2735
    [22:24:02.636]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2735
    [22:24:04.230] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:24:06.246] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:24:08.325] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:24:10.325] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:24:12.293] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:24:14.279] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:24:16.308] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:24:18.261] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4103 (R: 1125)
    [22:24:19.608] Creeperzz Vampiric Bite Gtg 7587
    [22:24:20.324] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3590 (R: 1688)
    [22:24:22.355] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:24.434] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 840 (A: 3181, R: 1890)
    [22:24:26.371] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2240 (A: 2355, R: 1260)
    [22:24:30.355] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4398 (A: 198, R: 1260)
    [22:24:32.340] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:34.371] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:36.356] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5170 (R: 630)
    [22:24:38.339] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:40.468] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4021 (R: 1890)
    [22:24:42.344] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:44.402] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:46.356] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:47.982] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5170 (R: 630)
    [22:24:48.763] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 7694 (R: 8438)
    [22:24:49.949] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:53.950] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:55.996] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:24:58.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4769 (A: 401, R: 630)
    [22:25:00.076] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3640 (A: 381, R: 1890)
    [22:25:02.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3660 (A: 361, R: 1890)
    [22:25:04.183] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:25:06.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5170 (R: 630)
    [22:25:08.214] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:25:10.214] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:25:12.138] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:25:14.074] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3676 (R: 1260)
    [22:25:16.138] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3677 (R: 1260)
    [22:25:18.138] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3677 (R: 1260)
    [22:25:20.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3569 (R: 2610)
    [22:25:22.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4308 (R: 2025)
    [22:25:23.356] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1102 (R: 4838)
    [22:25:23.815] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1658 (R: 4243)
    [22:25:24.355] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4451 (R: 2092)
    [22:25:24.597] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1603 (R: 4102)
    [22:25:24.949] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1620 (R: 4145)
    [22:25:26.152] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4185 (R: 3060)
    [22:25:28.204] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5026 (R: 2362)
    [22:25:30.187] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5026 (R: 2362)
    [22:25:30.589] Onehitkos Whirlwind Gtg *12851*
    [22:25:30.589] Onehitkos Whirlwind Gtg 3502
    [22:25:31.386] Limeskittles Divine Storm Gtg *14896*
    [22:25:31.386] Isengard Revenge Gtg *8559*
    [22:25:31.623] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 1942
    [22:25:31.623] Rendx Consecration Gtg 849
    [22:25:31.839] Keytachi Divine Storm Gtg 2764
    [22:25:32.104] Kûdos Consecration Gtg 824
    [22:25:32.105] Limeskittles Manifest Anger Gtg *5919*
    [22:25:32.518] Onehitkos Deep Wounds Gtg 658
    [22:25:32.605] Rendx Consecration Gtg 850
    [22:25:32.605] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2114
    [22:25:32.964] Kûdos Consecration Gtg 824
    [22:25:33.319] Isengard Deep Wounds Gtg 154
    [22:25:33.389] Onehitkos Deep Wounds Gtg 658
    [22:25:33.672] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2114
    [22:25:33.672] Rendx Consecration Gtg 849
    [22:25:33.996]  Kûdos Consecration Gtg 823
    [22:25:34.199] Limeskittles Righteous Vengeance Gtg 1151
    [22:25:34.199] Isengard Deep Wounds Gtg 154
    [22:25:34.440] Onehitkos Deep Wounds Gtg 657
    [22:25:34.640] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2115
    [22:25:34.640] Rendx Consecration Gtg 849
    [22:25:34.746] Papacow crits Gtg *5620*
    [22:25:35.105] Papacow Mangle (Cat) Gtg *17042*
    [22:25:35.172] Isengard Deep Wounds Gtg 200
    [22:25:35.233] Papacow hits Gtg 2475
    [22:25:35.418] Onehitkos Deep Wounds Gtg 855
    [22:25:35.590] Rendx Consecration Gtg 849
    [22:25:35.590] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2114
    [22:25:35.797] Magma Totem VII Magma Totem Gtg 1598 (R: 195)
    [22:25:35.852] Rendx Divine Storm Gtg 2808
    [22:25:35.855] Limeskittles Divine Storm Gtg *15117*
    [22:25:35.855]  Kûdos Divine Storm Gtg 3098
    [22:25:35.855] Papacow crits Gtg *5600*
    [22:25:36.185] Papacow Rake Gtg 1600
    [22:25:36.185] Fabled Cleave Gtg *13071*
    [22:25:36.199] Limeskittles Righteous Vengeance Gtg 1151
    [22:25:36.199] Isengard Deep Wounds Gtg 200
    [22:25:36.424] Papacow hits Gtg 2505
    [22:25:36.424] Onehitkos Deep Wounds Gtg 855
    [22:25:36.686] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2114
    [22:25:36.917] Papacow hits Gtg 2472
    [22:25:37.167] Isengard Deep Wounds Gtg 200
    [22:25:37.402] Onehitkos Deep Wounds Gtg 855
    [22:25:37.402] Papacow crits Gtg *5227*
    [22:25:37.575] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2114
    [22:25:37.808] Magma Totem VII Magma Totem Gtg *2597* (R: 584)
    [22:25:37.890] Papacow Shred Gtg *19629*
    [22:25:37.943] Papacow crits Gtg *5178*
    [22:25:37.949] Fabled Deep Wounds Gtg 1123
    [22:25:38.156] Fabled Cleave Gtg 7196
    [22:25:38.234] Isengard Deep Wounds Gtg 200
    [22:25:38.425] Papacow crits Gtg *5257*
    [22:25:38.686] Limeskittles Righteous Vengeance Gtg 1743
    [22:25:38.686] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2136
    [22:25:39.011] Fabled Deep Wounds Gtg 1124
    [22:25:39.259] Papacow crits Gtg *5259*
    [22:25:39.261] Papacow Rake Gtg *13644*
    [22:25:39.477] Papacow hits Gtg 2147
    [22:25:39.709] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2136
    [22:25:39.840] Magma Totem VII Magma Totem Gtg 1420 (R: 389)
    [22:25:39.840] Gtg gains Owlkin Frenzy from Gtg
    [22:25:39.840] Fabled Whirlwind Gtg *22890*
    [22:25:39.840] Fabled Whirlwind Gtg *13533*
    [22:25:39.855] Fabled Cleave Gtg *19680*
    [22:25:39.964] Fabled Deep Wounds Gtg 1124
    [22:25:40.154] Papacow crits Gtg *5267*
    [22:25:40.183] Papacow Maim Gtg *9601*
    [22:25:40.589] Keytachi Divine Storm Gtg *5893*
    [22:25:40.652] Limeskittles Divine Storm Gtg *15468*
    [22:25:40.652] Limeskittles Righteous Vengeance Gtg 1743
    [22:25:40.652] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2136
    [22:25:40.652] Papacow crits Gtg *5264*
    [22:25:40.942] Keytachi Consecration Gtg 859
    [22:25:41.185] Papacow crits Gtg *5179*
    [22:25:41.720] Fabled Deep Wounds Gtg 1958
    [22:25:41.720] Papacow crits Gtg *5741*
    [22:25:41.734] Magma Totem VII Magma Totem Gtg 1449 (R: 397)
    [22:25:41.734]  Kûdos Exorcism Gtg 5395
    [22:25:41.734] Fabled Cleave Gtg *19803*
    [22:25:41.809] Gtg gains 70 mana from Gtg's Owlkin Frenzy
    [22:25:41.809] Keytachi Consecration Gtg 860
    [22:25:42.214] Rendx Divine Storm Gtg 3199
    [22:25:42.230] Gtg's Owlkin Frenzy fades from Gtg
    [22:25:42.230] Papacow Rake Gtg *9362* (O: 5798)
    [22:30:33.864] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3384 (R: 900)
    [22:30:35.558] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3807 (R: 450)
    [22:30:37.590] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3693 (R: 450)
    [22:30:39.542] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3283 (R: 900)
    [22:30:41.589] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2051 (R: 2250)
    [22:30:43.622] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2462 (R: 1800)
    [22:30:45.542] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2462 (R: 1800)
    [22:30:47.652] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3283 (R: 900)
    [22:30:49.708] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:30:51.589] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:30:53.589] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:30:53.605] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 3651 (R: 9344)
    [22:30:55.714] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:30:57.574] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2584 (R: 1890)
    [22:30:59.606] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:31:01.606] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:31:03.642] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:31:05.621] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:31:07.636] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2757 (R: 945)
    [22:31:09.605] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3102 (R: 472)
    [22:31:11.636] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2757 (R: 945)
    [22:31:13.678] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 945)
    [22:31:15.652] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:31:19.774] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 138 (A: 3309, R: 945)
    [22:31:21.717] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:31:23.687] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2710 (A: 305, R: 1418)
    [22:31:25.723] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3573 (A: 305, R: 472)
    [22:31:27.732] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:31:29.308] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1357 (A: 305, R: 4252)
    [22:31:29.705] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 945)
    [22:31:30.121] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1111 (R: 4875)
    [22:31:30.503] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1102 (R: 4835)
    [22:31:30.503] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1629 (R: 4168)
    [22:31:30.919] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1323 (A: 305, R: 4166)
    [22:31:30.919] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 2188 (R: 3599)
    [22:31:31.297] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1616 (R: 4136)
    [22:31:31.717] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:31:32.058] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1093 (R: 4797)
    [22:31:32.511] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1121 (R: 4919)
    [22:31:32.933] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 2208 (R: 3631)
    [22:31:33.313] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1658 (R: 4243)
    [22:31:33.778] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2710 (A: 305, R: 1418)
    [22:31:34.907] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 1093 (R: 4795)
    [22:31:35.324] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 2140 (R: 3520)
    [22:31:35.701] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 945)
    [22:31:35.739] Swarming Shadows Swarming Shadows Gtg 603 (O: 1001, R: 4104)
    [22:36:55.108] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3693 (R: 450)
    [22:36:57.175] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3283 (R: 900)
    [22:36:59.208] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3693 (R: 450)
    [22:37:01.204] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2461 (R: 1800)
    [22:37:02.811] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3283 (R: 900)
    [22:37:04.787] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2729 (A: 553, R: 900)
    [22:37:06.824] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 1766 (A: 1106, R: 1350)
    [22:37:08.839] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2872 (R: 1350)
    [22:37:10.824] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3016 (R: 1417)
    [22:37:12.811] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:37:14.864] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3276 (A: 602, R: 472)
    [22:37:18.834] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3363 (A: 84, R: 945)
    [22:37:20.839] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:37:22.792] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:37:24.808] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:37:26.855] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:37:28.871] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:37:30.855] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:37:32.890] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3015 (R: 1418)
    [22:37:34.902] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:37:36.839] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:37:38.874] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:37:40.887] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 945)
    [22:37:48.919] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2452 (A: 1426, R: 472)
    [22:37:50.917] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 472)
    [22:37:52.917] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:37:54.971] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2413 (A: 602, R: 1418)
    [22:37:56.933] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3016 (R: 1418)
    [22:37:58.951] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:38:00.934] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 945)
    [22:38:02.966] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2413 (A: 602, R: 1418)
    [22:38:04.996] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2844 (A: 602, R: 945)
    [22:38:09.015] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 2845 (A: 602, R: 945)
    [22:38:10.997] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 945)
    [22:38:12.968] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:38:15.028] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:17.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4063 (R: 495)
    [22:38:19.012] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:21.042] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:22.996] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:38:25.105] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:27.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:38:29.042] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:31.075] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:38:33.152] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:38:34.812] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 4402 (R: 7242)
    [22:38:35.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:38:37.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:39.121] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:41.089] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:43.140] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:38:43.917]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2280
    [22:38:44.404]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2280
    [22:38:45.157]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:38:45.157] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:45.636]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:38:45.949]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:38:46.333]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:38:47.168]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:38:47.168] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:38:50.796] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 559 (A: 2600, R: 1485)
    [22:38:52.809] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:54.792] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:56.824] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:38:58.808] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:39:00.777] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:39:02.839] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4062 (R: 495)
    [22:39:04.777] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:39:06.809] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:39:08.813] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:39:09.894] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 6502 (R: 10696)
    [22:39:10.841] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:39:12.810] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:39:14.808] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3159 (R: 1485)
    [22:39:16.808] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:39:18.875] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3611 (R: 990)
    [22:39:20.886] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3775 (R: 1035)
    [22:39:22.918] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:39:24.886] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:39:26.908] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:39:29.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:39:30.903] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:39:32.917] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:39:35.190] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3447 (R: 1620)
    [22:39:36.996] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:39:38.375] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 3379 (R: 8648)
    [22:39:38.933] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:39:49.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 1824 (A: 1622, R: 1620)
    [22:39:50.965] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 753 (A: 3186, R: 1080)
    [22:39:53.028] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:39:55.030] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:39:56.230]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2100 (A: 180)
    [22:39:56.667]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:39:57.014] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:39:58.998] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 1599 (A: 2340, R: 1080)
    [22:39:59.458]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:39:59.871]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2280
    [22:40:00.231]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:40:00.621]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2279
    [22:40:01.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:40:01.487]  Gtg Pact of the Darkfallen  Gtg 2735
    [22:40:03.011] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:40:05.105] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:40:07.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 360 (A: 3086, R: 1620)
    [22:40:09.089] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:40:11.114] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3446 (R: 1620)
    [22:40:13.092] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:40:15.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 540)
    [22:40:17.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3337 (A: 602, R: 1080)
    [22:40:19.089] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3337 (A: 602, R: 1080)
    [22:40:21.091] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3939 (R: 1080)
    [22:40:23.164] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4616 (R: 562)
    [22:40:25.142] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4986 (R: 607)
    [22:40:27.136] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5170 (R: 630)
    [22:40:29.154] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3960 (A: 636, R: 1260)
    [22:40:31.199] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 1452 (A: 3144, R: 1260)
    [22:40:32.843] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4021 (R: 1890)
    [22:40:34.793] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:40:36.761] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4021 (R: 1890)
    [22:40:38.855] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5170 (R: 630)
    [22:40:40.787] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4596 (R: 1260)
    [22:40:42.809] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 1260)
    [22:40:44.761] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5170 (R: 630)
    [22:40:46.874] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4021 (R: 1890)
    [22:40:48.795] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4021 (R: 1890)
    [22:40:48.977] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Twilight Bloodbolt Gtg 6344 (R: 10436)
    [22:40:49.254] Rainiee Bloodbolt Splash Gtg 8082 (R: 3799)
    [22:40:50.831] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3878 (R: 1822)
    [22:40:52.898] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 1215)
    [22:40:54.833] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3545 (R: 1215)
    [22:40:56.833] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3545 (R: 1215)
    [22:40:58.857] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3988 (R: 607)
    [22:41:00.809] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 805 (A: 3184, R: 607)
    [22:41:02.855] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 694 (A: 2408, R: 1823)
    [22:41:04.871] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3989 (R: 607)
    [22:41:06.889] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4431 (R: 1215)
    [22:41:08.886] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4432 (R: 1215)
    [22:41:10.886] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4431 (R: 1215)
    [22:41:12.933] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4986 (R: 607)
    [22:41:14.855] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4431 (R: 1215)
    [22:41:16.964] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4986 (R: 607)
    [22:41:18.997] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 3877 (R: 1823)
    [22:41:20.934] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 3877 (R: 1823)
    [22:41:22.186] Brael Vampiric Bite  Gtg 8830
    [22:41:22.934] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 4021 (R: 1890)
    [22:41:24.933] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 4760 (R: 1305)
    [22:41:26.964] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 1913 (A: 2251, R: 1957)
    [22:41:28.996] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 4595 (R: 2160)
    [22:41:31.042] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 4596 (R: 2160)
    [22:41:32.965] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow  Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:34.996] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:37.059] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:39.023] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:41.011] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:43.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:45.052] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:46.996] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5909 (R: 720)
    [22:41:49.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:51.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 2160)
    [22:41:53.111] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:41:55.011] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 2160)
    [22:41:57.027] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 4595 (R: 2160)
    [22:41:59.042] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:42:01.058] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:42:03.085] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:42:05.097] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5252 (R: 1440)
    [22:42:07.113] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5909 (R: 720)
    [22:42:09.121] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5088 (R: 1395)
    [22:42:11.091] Blood-Queen Lana'thel Shroud of Sorrow Gtg 5088 (R: 1395)
    Столько ударов, а прока не было.

    И прок произошел в момент:
    [22:25:39.259] Papacow crits Gtg *5259*
    [22:25:39.261] Papacow Rake Gtg *13644*
    [22:25:39.477] Papacow hits Gtg 2147
    [22:25:39.709] Limeskittles Consecration Gtg 2136
    [22:25:39.840] Magma Totem VII Magma Totem Gtg 1420 (R: 389)
    [22:25:39.840] Gtg gains Owlkin Frenzy from Gtg

    Когда игрок был под контролем, при этом удары босса не разу не вызвали прок, как и пакт.
    Последний раз редактировалось ciklopper; 25.01.2016 в 18:56.
    Мой канал: https://www.youtube.com/c/CiklopperPlay
    Есть вопросы по игровой механике, подозрение на баг? Тогда тебе сюда Мастерская.

    Циклоппер x300 Ршам

    Этот мир спасёт шаман танк!

  3. 1 пользователь сказал cпасибо ciklopper за это полезное сообщение:

    flesh (25.01.2016)

  4. #3
    Старожил Аватар для flesh
    Получено благодарностей: 51 (сообщений: 23).
    Репутация: 51
    Цитата Сообщение от ciklopper Посмотреть сообщение
    Когда игрок был под контролем, при этом удары босса не разу не вызвали прок, как и пакт.
    Спасибо, я примерно так и догадывался. Спасибо.

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