21:13:57 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
21:15:59 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
21:17:01 Player Космомявт was kicked by the anti cheat
21:17:59 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
21:21:54 Player Космомявт was kicked by the anti cheat
21:23:17 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
21:24:12 Player Космомявт was kicked by the anti cheat
22:21:40 Player Космомявт was kicked by the anti cheat
22:44:19 Player Космомявт was kicked by the anti cheat
22:47:50 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
22:49:46 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
22:50:37 Player Memsnik was kicked by the anti cheat
22:50:56 Player Космомявт was kicked by the anti cheat
22:54:06 Player Смертий was kicked by the anti cheat
22:56:18 Player Смертий was kicked by the anti cheat
22:56:23 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
22:57:47 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat
22:58:06 Player Космомявт was kicked by the anti cheat
22:59:05 Player Johhnyringo was kicked by the anti cheat