1) http://www.wowhead.com/item=28455/ar...vargoths-staff
2) Не реагирует на эмоции.
3) Должен реагировать на эмоции; при вызове в воде падает на дно как надо, но после эмоции не всплывает как должен.

Топ коммент:
He reacts to:

Slap: Does /no emote
Dance: Laughs
Sexy: Flexes
Wave: Waves back
Point: Does /ponder
Bow: Bows back.
I was levitating while fishing in the middle of a pond and decided to say hi to Vargoth. When I summoned him, he sank down to the bottom of the pond. I /waved at him and he bolted right up and stayed "levitating" on the water. :)
Ещё комменты
Anyother Interesting Concept, when put into Water he will sink to the bottom o.O

Fwibbles on 2009/01/03 (Patch 3.0.3)
after making him fall a couple hundred yards, /wave at him and he will shoot up into the sky

verokast on 2010/09/27 (Patch 3.3.5)
He breathes air bubbles while underwater too.
4) 21.10.2017, logon, x10
6) 1/10