пояснения автора аддона
-- Key is the spell ID whose tooltip will be modified
-- First value is the position of numeric param(s) within the English spell description
-- Second value is the PVP multiplier
-- Third value is an optional spec filter, if modifier only applies for a spec
-- Fourth value is an optional spell ID, whose name will appear next to the PVP modifier
-- @DK
[205223] = { 2, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Consumption
[192567] = { {1, 2}, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Unending Thirst
[206930] = { 2, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Heart Strike
[50842] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Blood Boil
[190778] = { 2, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Sindragosa's Fury
[207311] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Clawing Shadows
[191587] = { {1, 3}, 0.45, nil, nil }, -- Virulent Plague (UNUSED)
[77575] = { {}, 0.45, nil, 191587 }, -- Outbreak (Virulent Plague) (FIXME: -25% on 3, 5)
[207349] = { {}, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Dark Arbiter (affects "Val'kyr Strike" but document the main spell)
[207317] = { {2, 3}, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Epidemic
[220143] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Apocalypse
[191637] = { 1, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Dragged to Helheim (related to "Portal to the Underworld" artifact trait) (FIXME: verify this one)
[49998] = { 2, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Death Strike
[206931] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Blooddrinker
[152279] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Breath of Sindragosa
[49206] = { {}, 0.66666, nil, nil }, -- Summon Gargoyle (affects "Gargoyle Strike" but document the main spell)
[45524] = { 1, 0.71428, nil, nil }, -- Chains of Ice
[51271] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Pillar of Frost
[189179] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Frozen Core
[238078] = { 1, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Vampiric Aura
-- @DH
[204254] = { 2, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Shattered Souls (Vengeance)
[228477] = { 2, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Soul Cleave
[227225] = { {2, 3, 4}, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Soul Barrier
[204909] = { 1, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Soul Rending (Metamorphosis leech)
[201467] = { 1, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Fury of the Illidari
[206416] = { 2, 0.66666, nil, nil }, -- First Blood
[211048] = { 3, 0.75, nil, 6603 }, -- Chaos Blades (auto-attacks)
[211048] = { 1, 0.66666, nil, 223740 }, -- Chaos Blades (damage multiplier)
[191427] = { 6, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Metamorphosis (Leech)
[206491] = { 2, 0.50, nil, 141582 }, -- Nemesis (duration)
[206491] = { 1, 0.60, nil, 223740 }, -- Nemesis (damage multiplier)
[162794] = { 1, 0.95, nil, nil }, -- Chaos Strike
[201427] = { 1, 0.95, nil, nil }, -- Annihilation
[211053] = { 1, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Fel Barrage
[205629] = { 1, 0.50, nil, 70365 }, -- Demonic Trample (during flag)
-- @Druid
[200851] = { 3, 0.10, nil, nil }, -- Rage of the Sleeper
[210722] = { {3, 4}, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Ashamane's Frenzy
[33763] = { 3, 1.50, nil, nil }, -- Lifebloom
[22842] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Frenzied Regeneration
[740] = { 2, 2.00, nil, nil }, -- Tranquility
[1822] = { {1, 2}, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Rake
[1822] = { 7, 0.25, nil, 115191 }, -- Rake (stealth bonus)
[6807] = { 1, 0.53333, nil, nil }, -- Maul
[214508] = { 1, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Echoing Stars
[191034] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Starfall
[48484] = { 1, 0.60, nil, 157582 }, -- Infected Wounds (snare)
[8921] = { 2, 0.50, 102, nil }, -- Moonfire (DoT)
[93402] = { 2, 0.50, 102, nil }, -- Sunfire (DoT)
[202342] = { 3, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Shooting Stars
[190984] = { 1, 1.40, nil, nil }, -- Solar Wrath
[238120] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Bloodletter's Frailty
[202768] = { 1, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Half Moon
[202771] = { 1, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Full Moon
[5487] = { 2, 0.7272, 104, 7850 }, -- Bear Form (health)
[5487] = { 1, 0.625, -104, 58453 }, -- Bear Form (armor)
[238122] = { 1, 0.57143, nil, nil }, -- Deep Rooted
[18562] = { 1, 1.40, nil, nil }, -- Swiftmend
[202302] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Bladed Feathers
[24858] = { 2, 0.625, nil, 58453 }, -- Moonkin Form (armor)
[202028] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Brutal Slash
[210631] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Feral Instinct
[5221] = { 3, 0.30, nil, 115191 }, -- Shred (stealth bonus)
[155580] = { {}, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Lunar Inspiration
[155625] = { {1, 2}, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Moonfire (Lunar Inspiration)
-- @Hunter
[131894] = { 1, 0.65, nil, nil }, -- Murder of Crows (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship)
[206505] = { {}, 0.65, nil, nil }, -- Murder of Crows (Survival)
[120360] = { {2, 3}, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Barrage
[193455] = { 1, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Cobra Shot
[34026] = { 1, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Kill Command
[19434] = { 1, 1.05, nil, nil }, -- Aimed Shot
[185901] = { 1, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Marked Shot
[198670] = { {1, 2}, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Piercing Shot
[109304] = { {1, 2}, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Exhilaration
[194291] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Exhilaration (REMOVED)
[190503] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Healing Shell
[190928] = { 2, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Mongoose Bite (Mongoose Fury stack)
[162488] = { 7, 0.30, nil, nil }, -- Steel Trap (Waylay bonus)
[194277] = { 2, 0.80, nil, 106550 }, -- Caltrops (damage)
[194277] = { 4, 0.7142, nil, 157582 }, -- Caltrops (snare)
[214579] = { 1, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Sidewinders
[191339] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Rapid Killing
-- @Mage
[116011] = { 2, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Rune of Power
[194318] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Cauterizing Blink
[133] = { 1, 1.75, nil, nil }, -- Fireball
[11366] = { 1, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Pyroblast
[199786] = { 1, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Glacial Spike
[30451] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Arcane Blast
[30455] = { 1, 1.20, nil, nil }, -- Ice Lance (FIXME: incomplete / problem if Splitting Ice talent is taken + ru language)
[116] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Frost Bolt
[155147] = { 1, 0.64286, nil, nil }, -- Overpowered
[157976] = { 2, 0.60, 62, nil }, -- Unstable Magic (Arcane only)
[2120] = { 1, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Flamestrike
[153561] = { {2, 4}, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Meteor
[214634] = { 1, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Ebonbolt
[44614] = { 2, 0.95, nil, nil }, -- Flurry
[235224] = { 1, 0.66666, nil, nil }, -- Frigid Winds
[205708] = { 1, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Chilled
[195448] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Chilled to the Core
[12042] = { 2, 0.83333, nil, 106550 }, -- Arcane Power
-- @Monk
[113656] = { 1, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Fists of Fury
[205320] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Strike of the Windlord
[115310] = { 2, 2.00, nil, nil }, -- Revival
[152173] = { 2, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Serenity
[137639] = { 3, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Storm, Earth, and Fire
[195300] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Transfer the Power
[193884] = { 1, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Soothing Mist (passive)
[115313] = { {}, 0.80, nil, 193884 }, -- Summon Jade Statue
[123904] = { 5, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
[196740] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Hit Combo
[116849] = { 2, 1.10, nil, nil }, -- Life Cocoon
[100784] = { 1, 1.10, nil, nil }, -- Blackout Kick
[107428] = { 1, 0.90, nil, nil }, -- Rising Sun Kick
[195380] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Healing Winds
-- @Paladin
[20473] = { 1, 0.50, nil, 106550 }, -- Holy Shock (damage)
[20473] = { 2, 1.10, nil, 2060 }, -- Holy Shock (healing)
[31935] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Avenger's Shield
[53600] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Shield of the Righteous
[184092] = { 1, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Light of the Protector
[213652] = { 1, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Hand of the Protector
[213757] = { 1, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Execution Sentence
[85256] = { 1, 0.93, nil, nil }, -- Templar's Verdict
[215661] = { 2, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Justicar's Vengeance (stun bonus)
[19750] = { 1, 1.50, nil, nil }, -- Flash of Light
[82326] = { 1, 1.60, nil, nil }, -- Holy Light
[184575] = { 1, 0.90909, nil, nil }, -- Blade of Justice
[53385] = { 1, 0.93, nil, nil }, -- Divine Storm
[209376] = { 1, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Forbearant Faithful
-- @Priest
[17] = { 2, 1.10, 256, nil }, -- Power Word: Shield
[81749] = { 2, 1.25, nil, nil }, -- Atonement
[2060] = { 1, 2.00, nil, nil }, -- Heal
[33076] = { 1, 1.50, nil, nil }, -- Prayer of Mending
[34914] = { 1, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Vampiric Touch
[2061] = { 1, 1.60, nil, nil }, -- Flash Heal
[207946] = { {}, 0.50, nil, 223166 }, -- Light's Wrath (Overloaded with Light)
[139] = { 2, 1.75, nil, nil }, -- Renew
[8092] = { 1, 1.35, nil, nil }, -- Mind Blast
[15407] = { 1, 1.55, nil, nil }, -- Mind Flay
[589] = { {1, 2}, 0.80, 258, nil }, -- Shadow Word: Pain
[205351] = { 1, 1.20, nil, nil }, -- Shadow Word: Void
[232698] = { 2, 2.00, nil, nil }, -- Shadowform (physical damage taken reduction)
[228260] = { 1, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Void Eruption
[238137] = { 1, 0.66666, nil, nil }, -- Lash of Insanity
-- @Rogue
[185311] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Crimson Vial
[152150] = { 3, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Death from Above
[14062] = { 2, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Nightstalker
[1943] = { {2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17}, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Rupture
[192923] = { 1, 0.30, nil, nil }, -- Blood of the Assassinated
[196819] = { {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Eviscerate
[185438] = { 1, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Shadowstrike
[197406] = { {}, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Finality
[199804] = { {}, 0.50, nil, 37443 }, -- Between the Eyes (crit damage multiplier)
[195452] = { {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14}, 0.85, nil, 106550 }, -- Nightblade (damage)
[195452] = { 1, 0.60, nil, 157582 }, -- Nightblade (snare)
[1966] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Feint
[3408] = { 3, 0.60, nil, 157582 }, -- Crippling Poison (snare)
[185763] = { 2, 0.60, nil, 157582 }, -- Pistol Shot (snare)
[206760] = { 1, 0.60, nil, 157582 }, -- Night Terrors (snare)
[192657] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Poison Bomb (related to "Bag of Tricks" artifact trait)
[8679] = { {}, 0.80, nil, 2060 }, -- Wound Poison (healing debuff)
[212283] = { 2, 0.66666, nil, 106550 }, -- Symbols of Death
[210146] = { 1, 0.25, nil, nil }, -- Catlike Reflexes
-- @Shaman
[204945] = { 1, 0.60, nil, nil }, -- Doom Winds
[188070] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Healing Surge (Enhancement)
[168534] = { {}, 0.75, nil, 106550 }, -- Elemental Overload
[8042] = { 1, 0.625, nil, nil }, -- Earth Shock
[51505] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Lava Burst
[8004] = { 1, 1.20, 264, nil }, -- Healing Surge (Elemental, Restoration), buff limited to Resto
[77472] = { 1, 1.75, nil, nil }, -- Healing Wave
[5394] = { 3, 1.40, nil, nil }, -- Healing Stream Totem
[17364] = { 1, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Stormstrike
[115356] = { 1, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Windstrike
[205495] = { 2, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Stormkeeper
[210714] = { 1, 0.65, nil, 106550 }, -- Icefury (damage)
[210714] = { 3, 0.625, nil, 223740 }, -- Icefury (damage multiplier)
[196840] = { {}, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Frost Shock (Icefury damage multiplier, REMOVED in favor of a secondary modifier on Icefury itself)
[117014] = { 1, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Elemental Blast
[61295] = { {1, 2}, 1.15, nil, nil }, -- Riptide
[114051] = { 2, 0.625, nil, nil }, -- Ascendance
[188089] = { 2, 0.66666, nil, nil }, -- Earthen Spike
-- @Warlock
[211714] = { {}, 0.66, nil, nil }, -- Thal'kiel's Consumption
[219272] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Demon Skin (passive recharge effect)
[116858] = { 1, 1.15, nil, nil }, -- Chaos Bolt
[218572] = { {}, 0.33, nil, nil }, -- Doom, Doubled
[171975] = { 1, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Grimoire of Synergy
[196277] = { 1, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Implosion
[17877] = { 1, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Shadowburn
[205148] = { 2, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Reverse Entropy (Chaos Bolt cast time reduction)
[196406] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Backdraft (Chaos Bolt and Incinerate cast time reduction)
[603] = { 1, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Doom
[218567] = { 2, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Soul Skin
[172] = { 1, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Corruption
[980] = { 1, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Agony
[30108] = { 1, 1.10, nil, nil }, -- Unstable Affliction
[198590] = { 1, 1.15, nil, nil }, -- Drain Soul
[224103] = { 2, 0.33333, nil, nil }, -- Lord of Flames
-- @Warrior
[227847] = { 2, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Bladestorm
[207982] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Focused Rage (Mortal Strike)
[23881] = { 2, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Bloodthirst
[204488] = { 1, 0.50, nil, nil }, -- Focused Rage (Shield Slam)
[190456] = { 2, 0.80, nil, nil }, -- Ignore Pain
[2565] = { 2, 0.40, nil, nil }, -- Shield Block
[5308] = { 1, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Execute (Fury)
[163201] = { {1, 3}, 1.00, nil, nil }, -- Execute (Arms)
[184361] = { 2, 0.50, nil, 183239 }, -- Enrage (damage vulnerability)
[238111] = { 2, 0.70, nil, nil }, -- Soul of the Slaughter
[12294] = { 1, 0.75, nil, nil }, -- Mortal Strike
[772] = { {1, 2}, 0.85, nil, nil }, -- Rend
[197690] = { 2, -2.00, nil, nil }, -- Defensive Stance
[202743] = { 1, 0.50, nil, 66776 }, -- Booming Voice (rage generation)
[202743] = { 2, 0.60, nil, 223740 }, -- Booming Voice
-- @General
[239042] = { 1, 0.35, nil, nil }, -- Concordance of the Legionfall