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missing npc

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Тема: missing npc

  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
    Репутация: 0

    missing npc

    Hi my character name Duhul i belive he is missing some aura or have some wrong auras who modify the character phase and hes not see the npc for quest for example i have quest id https://www.wowhead.com/quest=38691/jarods-mission and when i arrive to destination the npc is not there to give him the quest which makes to belive hes not spawned or hes in wrong phase him or me and second problem is another quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=41220/down-to-azsuna i go to location to turn the quest in complete and no npc who receive is missing or in wrong phase or me i have wrong phase maybe, i did character repair from control panel to remove errors but that dont help me and because of this issues i cant complete the achievements to fly in legion map so please help me with this i try several times multiple ways even drop the quests and take them again still dont work and i use also a second character to complete the achievements to fly name fakename he is druid still dont help. By the way is any chance to put for sale in the website (fly in legion?) it is just spell that allowed players to fly its like core check if the player have that spell if spell X fly=true, the second character fakename is also bug im stuck similary like the other character at a quest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVADQKKzZIA after i kill the npc the quest giver it should go outside and get the complete quest from me and when i go out there is no npc who receive quest from which is makes me wounder if is missing spawn for the phase i have and i check also the https://cpleg.wowcircle.com/#antierror Repair character its not reset phase from the player it is just teleport the player at the place where its appear first time so that is not helping players who have an aura stuck on the character or resetting the phases, imagine how meny hours i lose to try and retry a few times questing the same quest missions with out any luck and i hope some one will fix the issue for me soon and also inform me about that with a reply here i hope is not one of the server and forum who required several weeks before some answers or do something about this so thanks in advance and if is required me to pay anything i do it just tell me how much.If you ask me what kind of client i have well is download from your site and after i sue that anti error thing from website control panel i also delete my cache folder from wow and in all this time it was offline the character so it should be working but is not
    Последний раз редактировалось duhul; 13.08.2018 в 15:05.

  2. #2
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
    Репутация: 0
    well i made a new character and i take the quest Into the Fray and look after teleport where is my character WoWScrnShot_081418_164616.jpg so looks like in my account everything have issues no matter what character i make all of them have by the way do you think some one will answer me to this topic and issue before christmas this year ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    you also have another issue i was with my dk and i fall down at elevator in high montain and guess what i release the spirit from character and i appear in |Eastern Kingdoms-Sentinel Hill which is show you guys into the database have a missing graveyard, i can help you with the query that fix this issue if you need just reply me but this year please

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