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Skiv Ozai titles

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Тема: Skiv Ozai titles

  1. #1
    Получено благодарностей: 0 (сообщений: 0).
    Репутация: 0

    Skiv Ozai titles

    if I understood well, the admins let themselves be influenced by an army of 1.5 animals who send them messages telling them that me putin and simbo do not merrit our place in the top ?? When we are all three supreme/glad and high rated players from at ?? Jesus christ how fun is that shit . You know it's a secret for nobody if I tell you that a lot of peoples from others 3.3.5 servers have negative thoughts about wow circle: "shit delay, irrevelant players, corrupted and imcompetend gm" and acting like you did it you just proved that they are right to talk about this server in this way.
    Ozai and Skiv (theses two admins who decide about titles) they never been and will never be a good player as I am, so at least be a good admin and do your job please, by debugging my character by giving me my deadly glad title, and giving titles to simbo and putinourhero, how can you miss theses two players realy they are both best players of their class, the whole 3.3.5 community know that except admins of this «*server*». Waiting for a clear answer. My best regards

    Последний раз редактировалось Lyhnx; 02.02.2019 в 19:19.

  2. #2
    Верховный лидер страны Огня FUN / legion x4 / TBC x2 Аватар для Озай
    Огненная нация
    Получено благодарностей: 2,754 (сообщений: 2,106).
    Репутация: 7433
    simbo and putinourhero, how can you miss theses two players realy they are both best players of their class
    Good players don't break the rules.

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