PHP код:
local settings = nil
local GS_Settings = {
["Player"] = 1,
["Item"] = 1,
["Show"] = 1,
["Compare"] = -1,
["Level"] = -1,
["Average"] = 1,
GS_DefaultSettings = {
["Player"] = 1,
["Item"] = 1,
["Show"] = 1,
["Compare"] = -1,
["Level"] = -1,
["Average"] = 1,
GS_ItemTypes = {
["INVTYPE_RELIC"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.3164, ["ItemSlot"] = 18 },
["INVTYPE_TRINKET"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.5625, ["ItemSlot"] = 33 },
["INVTYPE_2HWEAPON"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 2.000, ["ItemSlot"] = 16 },
["INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 16 },
["INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 17 },
["INVTYPE_RANGED"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.3164, ["ItemSlot"] = 18 },
["INVTYPE_THROWN"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.3164, ["ItemSlot"] = 18 },
["INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.3164, ["ItemSlot"] = 18 },
["INVTYPE_SHIELD"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 17 },
["INVTYPE_WEAPON"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 36 },
["INVTYPE_HOLDABLE"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 17 },
["INVTYPE_HEAD"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 1 },
["INVTYPE_NECK"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.5625, ["ItemSlot"] = 2 },
["INVTYPE_SHOULDER"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.7500, ["ItemSlot"] = 3 },
["INVTYPE_CHEST"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 5 },
["INVTYPE_ROBE"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 5 },
["INVTYPE_WAIST"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.7500, ["ItemSlot"] = 6 },
["INVTYPE_LEGS"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 1.0000, ["ItemSlot"] = 7 },
["INVTYPE_FEET"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.75, ["ItemSlot"] = 8 },
["INVTYPE_WRIST"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.5625, ["ItemSlot"] = 9 },
["INVTYPE_HAND"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.7500, ["ItemSlot"] = 10 },
["INVTYPE_FINGER"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.5625, ["ItemSlot"] = 31 },
["INVTYPE_CLOAK"] = { ["SlotMOD"] = 0.5625, ["ItemSlot"] = 15 },
GS_Rarity = {
[0] = { Red = 0.55, Green = 0.55, Blue = 0.55 },
[1] = { Red = 1.00, Green = 1.00, Blue = 1.00 },
[2] = { Red = 0.12, Green = 1.00, Blue = 0.00 },
[3] = { Red = 0.00, Green = 0.50, Blue = 1.00 },
[4] = { Red = 0.69, Green = 0.28, Blue = 0.97 },
[5] = { Red = 0.94, Green = 0.09, Blue = 0.00 },
[6] = { Red = 1.00, Green = 0.00, Blue = 0.00 },
[7] = { Red = 0.90, Green = 0.80, Blue = 0.50 },
GS_Formula = {
["A"] = {
[4] = { ["A"] = 91.4500, ["B"] = 0.6500 },
[3] = { ["A"] = 81.3750, ["B"] = 0.8125 },
[2] = { ["A"] = 73.0000, ["B"] = 1.0000 }
["B"] = {
[4] = { ["A"] = 26.0000, ["B"] = 1.2000 },
[3] = { ["A"] = 0.7500, ["B"] = 1.8000 },
[2] = { ["A"] = 8.0000, ["B"] = 2.0000 },
[1] = { ["A"] = 0.0000, ["B"] = 2.2500 }
GS_Quality = {
[7000] = {
["Red"] = { ["A"] = 1, ["B"] = 6000, ["C"] = 0.00006, ["D"] = 1 },
["Green"] = { ["A"] = 0.3, ["B"] = 6000, ["C"] = 0.00047, ["D"] = -1 },
["Blue"] = { ["A"] = 0, ["B"] = 0, ["C"] = 0, ["D"] = 0 },
["Description"] = "ICC"
[6000] = {
["Red"] = { ["A"] = 0.94, ["B"] = 5000, ["C"] = 0.00006, ["D"] = 1 },
["Green"] = { ["A"] = 0.47, ["B"] = 5000, ["C"] = 0.00047, ["D"] = -1 },
["Blue"] = { ["A"] = 0, ["B"] = 0, ["C"] = 0, ["D"] = 0 },
["Description"] = "Legendary"
[5000] = {
["Red"] = { ["A"] = 0.69, ["B"] = 4000, ["C"] = 0.00025, ["D"] = 1 },
["Green"] = { ["A"] = 0.28, ["B"] = 4000, ["C"] = 0.00019, ["D"] = 1 },
["Blue"] = { ["A"] = 0.97, ["B"] = 4000, ["C"] = 0.00096, ["D"] = -1 },
["Description"] = "Epic"
[4000] = {
["Red"] = { ["A"] = 0.0, ["B"] = 3000, ["C"] = 0.00069, ["D"] = 1 },
["Green"] = { ["A"] = 0.5, ["B"] = 3000, ["C"] = 0.00022, ["D"] = -1 },
["Blue"] = { ["A"] = 1, ["B"] = 3000, ["C"] = 0.00003, ["D"] = -1 },
["Description"] = "Superior"
[3000] = {
["Red"] = { ["A"] = 0.12, ["B"] = 2000, ["C"] = 0.00012, ["D"] = -1 },
["Green"] = { ["A"] = 1, ["B"] = 2000, ["C"] = 0.00050, ["D"] = -1 },
["Blue"] = { ["A"] = 0, ["B"] = 2000, ["C"] = 0.001, ["D"] = 1 },
["Description"] = "Uncommon"
[2000] = {
["Red"] = { ["A"] = 1, ["B"] = 1000, ["C"] = 0.00088, ["D"] = -1 },
["Green"] = { ["A"] = 1, ["B"] = 000, ["C"] = 0.00000, ["D"] = 0 },
["Blue"] = { ["A"] = 1, ["B"] = 1000, ["C"] = 0.001, ["D"] = -1 },
["Description"] = "Common"
[1000] = {
["Red"] = { ["A"] = 0.55, ["B"] = 0, ["C"] = 0.00045, ["D"] = 1 },
["Green"] = { ["A"] = 0.55, ["B"] = 0, ["C"] = 0.00045, ["D"] = 1 },
["Blue"] = { ["A"] = 0.55, ["B"] = 0, ["C"] = 0.00045, ["D"] = 1 },
["Description"] = "Trash"
GS_CommandList = {
[1] = "---GearScore Options List---",
[2] = "/gs player -> Toggles display of scores on players.",
[3] = "/gs item -> Toggles display of scores for items.",
[4] = "/gs level -> Toggles iLevel information.",
[5] = "/gs reset --> Resets GearScore's Options back to Default.",
[6] = "/gs compare --> Toggles display of comparative info between you and your target's GearScore.",
GS_ShowSwitch = {[0] = 2,[1] = 3,[2] = 0,[3] = 1}
GS_ItemSwitch = {[0] = 3,[1] = 2,[2] = 1,[3] = 0}
-- GearScoreLite --
-- Version 3x03 --
-- Mirrikat45 --
function GearScore_OnEvent(GS_Nil, GS_EventName, GS_Prefix, GS_AddonMessage, GS_Whisper, GS_Sender)
if ( GS_EventName == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" ) then GS_PlayerIsInCombat = false; return; end
if ( GS_EventName == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" ) then GS_PlayerIsInCombat = true; return; end
if ( GS_EventName == "PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED" ) then
local MyGearScore = GearScore_GetScore(UnitName("player"), "player");
local Red, Blue, Green = GearScore_GetQuality(MyGearScore)
PersonalGearScore:SetText(MyGearScore); PersonalGearScore:SetTextColor(Red, Green, Blue, 1)
-------------------------- Get Mouseover Score -----------------------------------
function GearScore_GetScore(Name, Target)
if ( UnitIsPlayer(Target) ) then
local PlayerClass, PlayerEnglishClass = UnitClass(Target);
local GearScore = 0; local PVPScore = 0; local ItemCount = 0; local LevelTotal = 0; local TitanGrip = 1; local TempEquip = {}; local TempPVPScore = 0
if ( GetInventoryItemLink(Target, 16) ) and ( GetInventoryItemLink(Target, 17) ) then
local ItemName, ItemLink, ItemRarity, ItemLevel, ItemMinLevel, ItemType, ItemSubType, ItemStackCount, ItemEquipLoc, ItemTexture = GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemLink(Target, 16))
if ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON" ) then TitanGrip = 0.5; end
if ( GetInventoryItemLink(Target, 17) ) then
local ItemName, ItemLink, ItemRarity, ItemLevel, ItemMinLevel, ItemType, ItemSubType, ItemStackCount, ItemEquipLoc, ItemTexture = GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemLink(Target, 17))
if ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON" ) then TitanGrip = 0.5; end
TempScore, ItemLevel = GearScore_GetItemScore(GetInventoryItemLink(Target, 17));
if ( PlayerEnglishClass == "HUNTER" ) then TempScore = TempScore * 0.3164; end
GearScore = GearScore + TempScore * TitanGrip; ItemCount = ItemCount + 1; LevelTotal = LevelTotal + ItemLevel
for i = 1, 18 do
if ( i ~= 4 ) and ( i ~= 17 ) then
ItemLink = GetInventoryItemLink(Target, i)
GS_ItemLinkTable = {}
if ( ItemLink ) then
local ItemName, ItemLink, ItemRarity, ItemLevel, ItemMinLevel, ItemType, ItemSubType, ItemStackCount, ItemEquipLoc, ItemTexture = GetItemInfo(ItemLink)
if ( GS_Settings["Detail"] == 1 ) then GS_ItemLinkTable[i] = ItemLink; end
TempScore = GearScore_GetItemScore(ItemLink);
if ( i == 16 ) and ( PlayerEnglishClass == "HUNTER" ) then TempScore = TempScore * 0.3164; end
if ( i == 18 ) and ( PlayerEnglishClass == "HUNTER" ) then TempScore = TempScore * 5.3224; end
if ( i == 16 ) then TempScore = TempScore * TitanGrip; end
GearScore = GearScore + TempScore; ItemCount = ItemCount + 1; LevelTotal = LevelTotal + ItemLevel
if ( GearScore <= 0 ) and ( Name ~= UnitName("player") ) then
GearScore = 0; return 0,0;
elseif ( Name == UnitName("player") ) and ( GearScore <= 0 ) then
GearScore = 0; end
if ( ItemCount == 0 ) then LevelTotal = 0; end
return floor(GearScore), floor(LevelTotal/ItemCount)
------------------------------ Get Item Score ---------------------------------
function GearScore_GetItemScore(ItemLink)
local QualityScale = 1; local PVPScale = 1; local PVPScore = 0; local GearScore = 0
if not ( ItemLink ) then return 0, 0; end
local ItemName, ItemLink, ItemRarity, ItemLevel, ItemMinLevel, ItemType, ItemSubType, ItemStackCount, ItemEquipLoc, ItemTexture = GetItemInfo(ItemLink); local Table = {}; local Scale = 1.8618
if ( ItemRarity == 5 ) then QualityScale = 1.3; ItemRarity = 4;
elseif ( ItemRarity == 1 ) then QualityScale = 0.005; ItemRarity = 2
elseif ( ItemRarity == 0 ) then QualityScale = 0.005; ItemRarity = 2 end
if ( ItemRarity == 7 ) then ItemRarity = 3; ItemLevel = 187.05; end
if ( GS_ItemTypes[ItemEquipLoc] ) then
if ( ItemLevel > 120 ) then Table = GS_Formula["A"]; else Table = GS_Formula["B"]; end
if ( ItemRarity >= 2 ) and ( ItemRarity <= 4 )then
local Red, Green, Blue = GearScore_GetQuality((floor(((ItemLevel - Table[ItemRarity].A) / Table[ItemRarity].B) * 1 * Scale)) * 11.25 )
GearScore = floor(((ItemLevel - Table[ItemRarity].A) / Table[ItemRarity].B) * GS_ItemTypes[ItemEquipLoc].SlotMOD * Scale * QualityScale)
if ( ItemLevel == 187.05 ) then ItemLevel = 0; end
if ( GearScore < 0 ) then GearScore = 0; Red, Green, Blue = GearScore_GetQuality(1); end
if ( PVPScale == 0.75 ) then PVPScore = 1; GearScore = GearScore * 1;
else PVPScore = GearScore * 0; end
GearScore = floor(GearScore)
PVPScore = floor(PVPScore)
return GearScore, ItemLevel, GS_ItemTypes[ItemEquipLoc].ItemSlot, Red, Green, Blue, PVPScore, ItemEquipLoc;
return -1, ItemLevel, 50, 1, 1, 1, PVPScore, ItemEquipLoc
-------------------------------- Get Quality ----------------------------------
function GearScore_GetQuality(ItemScore)
local Red = 0.1; local Blue = 0.1; local Green = 0.1; local GS_QualityDescription = "Legendary"
if not ( ItemScore ) then return 0, 0, 0, "Trash"; end
for i = 0,6 do
if ( ItemScore > i * 1000 ) and ( ItemScore <= ( ( i + 1 ) * 1000 ) ) then
local Red = GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Red["A"] + (((ItemScore - GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Red["B"])*GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Red["C"])*GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Red["D"])
local Blue = GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Green["A"] + (((ItemScore - GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Green["B"])*GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Green["C"])*GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Green["D"])
local Green = GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Blue["A"] + (((ItemScore - GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Blue["B"])*GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Blue["C"])*GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Blue["D"])
--if not ( Red ) or not ( Blue ) or not ( Green ) then return 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, nil; end
return Red, Green, Blue, GS_Quality[( i + 1 ) * 1000].Description
return 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
----------------------------- Hook Set Unit -----------------------------------
function GearScore_HookSetUnit(arg1, arg2)
if ( GS_PlayerIsInCombat ) then return; end
local Name = GameTooltip:GetUnit();local MouseOverGearScore, MouseOverAverage = 0,0
if ( CanInspect("mouseover") ) and ( UnitName("mouseover") == Name ) and not ( GS_PlayerIsInCombat ) then
NotifyInspect("mouseover"); MouseOverGearScore, MouseOverAverage = GearScore_GetScore(Name, "mouseover");
if ( MouseOverGearScore ) and ( MouseOverGearScore > 0 ) and ( GS_Settings["Player"] == 1 ) then
local Red, Blue, Green = GearScore_GetQuality(MouseOverGearScore)
if ( GS_Settings["Level"] == 1 ) then
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("GearScore: "..MouseOverGearScore, "(iLevel: "..MouseOverAverage..")", Red, Green, Blue, Red, Green, Blue)
GameTooltip:AddLine("GearScore: "..MouseOverGearScore, Red, Green, Blue)
if ( GS_Settings["Compare"] == 1 ) then
local MyGearScore = GearScore_GetScore(UnitName("player"), "player");
local TheirGearScore = MouseOverGearScore
if ( MyGearScore > TheirGearScore ) then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("YourScore: "..MyGearScore , "(+"..(MyGearScore - TheirGearScore )..")", 0,1,0, 0,1,0); end
if ( MyGearScore < TheirGearScore ) then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("YourScore: "..MyGearScore, "(-"..(TheirGearScore - MyGearScore )..")", 1,0,0, 1,0,0); end
if ( MyGearScore == TheirGearScore ) then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("YourScore: "..MyGearScore , "(+0)", 0,1,1,0,1,1); end
function GearScore_SetDetails(tooltip, Name)
if not ( UnitName("mouseover") ) or ( UnitName("mouseover") ~= Name )then return; end
for i = 1,18 do
if not ( i == 4 ) then
local ItemName, ItemLink, ItemRarity, ItemLevel, ItemMinLevel, ItemType, ItemSubType, ItemStackCount, ItemEquipLoc, ItemTexture = GetItemInfo(GS_ItemLinkTable[i])
if ( ItemLink ) then
local GearScore, ItemLevel, ItemType, Red, Green, Blue = GearScore_GetItemScore(ItemLink)
--local Red, Green, Blue = GearScore_GetQuality((floor(((ItemLevel - Table[ItemRarity].A) / Table[ItemRarity].B) * 1 * 1.8618)) * 11.25 )
if ( GearScore ) and ( i ~= 4 ) then
local Add = ""
if ( GS_Settings["Level"] == 1 ) then Add = " (iLevel "..tostring(ItemLevel)..")"; end
tooltip:AddDoubleLine("["..ItemName.."]", tostring(GearScore)..Add, GS_Rarity[ItemRarity].Red, GS_Rarity[ItemRarity].Green, GS_Rarity[ItemRarity].Blue, Red, Blue, Green)
function GearScore_HookSetItem() ItemName, ItemLink = GameTooltip:GetItem(); GearScore_HookItem(ItemName, ItemLink, GameTooltip); end
function GearScore_HookRefItem() ItemName, ItemLink = ItemRefTooltip:GetItem(); GearScore_HookItem(ItemName, ItemLink, ItemRefTooltip); end
function GearScore_HookCompareItem() ItemName, ItemLink = ShoppingTooltip1:GetItem(); GearScore_HookItem(ItemName, ItemLink, ShoppingTooltip1); end
function GearScore_HookCompareItem2() ItemName, ItemLink = ShoppingTooltip2:GetItem(); GearScore_HookItem(ItemName, ItemLink, ShoppingTooltip2); end
function GearScore_HookItem(ItemName, ItemLink, Tooltip)
if ( GS_PlayerIsInCombat ) then return; end
local PlayerClass, PlayerEnglishClass = UnitClass("player");
if not ( IsEquippableItem(ItemLink) ) then return; end
local ItemScore, ItemLevel, EquipLoc, Red, Green, Blue, PVPScore, ItemEquipLoc = GearScore_GetItemScore(ItemLink);
if ( ItemScore >= 0 ) then
if ( GS_Settings["Item"] == 1 ) then
if ( ItemLevel ) and ( GS_Settings["Level"] == 1 ) then Tooltip:AddDoubleLine("GearScore: "..ItemScore, "(iLevel "..ItemLevel..")", Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue, Green);
if ( PlayerEnglishClass == "HUNTER" ) then
if ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_RANGED" ) then
Tooltip:AddLine("HunterScore: "..floor(ItemScore * 5.3224), Red, Blue, Green)
if ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPON" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_HOLDABLE" ) then
Tooltip:AddLine("HunterScore: "..floor(ItemScore * 0.3164), Red, Blue, Green)
Tooltip:AddLine("GearScore: "..ItemScore, Red, Blue, Green)
if ( PlayerEnglishClass == "HUNTER" ) then
if ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_RANGED" ) then
Tooltip:AddLine("HunterScore: "..floor(ItemScore * 5.3224), Red, Blue, Green)
if ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_2HWEAPON" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_WEAPON" ) or ( ItemEquipLoc == "INVTYPE_HOLDABLE" ) then
Tooltip:AddLine("HunterScore: "..floor(ItemScore * 0.3164), Red, Blue, Green)
--RebuildThis if ( GS_Settings["ML"] == 1 ) then GearScore_EquipCompare(Tooltip, ItemScore, EquipLoc, ItemLink); end
if ( GS_Settings["Level"] == 1 ) and ( ItemLevel ) then
Tooltip:AddLine("iLevel "..ItemLevel)
function GearScore_OnEnter(Name, ItemSlot, Argument)
if ( UnitName("target") ) then NotifyInspect("target"); GS_LastNotified = UnitName("target"); end
local OriginalOnEnter = GearScore_Original_SetInventoryItem(Name, ItemSlot, Argument); return OriginalOnEnter
function MyPaperDoll()
if ( GS_PlayerIsInCombat ) then return; end
local MyGearScore = GearScore_GetScore(UnitName("player"), "player");
local Red, Blue, Green = GearScore_GetQuality(MyGearScore)
PersonalGearScore:SetText(MyGearScore); PersonalGearScore:SetTextColor(Red, Green, Blue, 1)
----------------------------- Reports -----------------------------------------
---------------GS-SPAM Slasch Command--------------------------------------
function GS_MANSET(Command)
if ( strlower(Command) == "" ) or ( strlower(Command) == "options" ) or ( strlower(Command) == "option" ) or ( strlower(Command) == "help" ) then for i,v in ipairs(GS_CommandList) do print(v); end; return end
if ( strlower(Command) == "show" ) then GS_Settings["Player"] = GS_ShowSwitch[GS_Settings["Player"]]; if ( GS_Settings["Player"] == 1 ) or ( GS_Settings["Player"] == 2 ) then print("Player Scores: On"); else print("Player Scores: Off"); end; return; end
if ( strlower(Command) == "player" ) then GS_Settings["Player"] = GS_ShowSwitch[GS_Settings["Player"]]; if ( GS_Settings["Player"] == 1 ) or ( GS_Settings["Player"] == 2 ) then print("Player Scores: On"); else print("Player Scores: Off"); end; return; end
if ( strlower(Command) == "item" ) then GS_Settings["Item"] = GS_ItemSwitch[GS_Settings["Item"]]; if ( GS_Settings["Item"] == 1 ) or ( GS_Settings["Item"] == 3 ) then print("Item Scores: On"); else print("Item Scores: Off"); end; return; end
if ( strlower(Command) == "level" ) then GS_Settings["Level"] = GS_Settings["Level"] * -1; if ( GS_Settings["Level"] == 1 ) then print ("Item Levels: On"); else print ("Item Levels: Off"); end; return; end
if ( strlower(Command) == "compare" ) then GS_Settings["Compare"] = GS_Settings["Compare"] * -1; if ( GS_Settings["Compare"] == 1 ) then print ("Comparisons: On"); else print ("Comparisons: Off"); end; return; end
print("GearScore: Unknown Command. Type '/gs' for a list of options")
--GS_Settings = settings.GS_Settings
if not ( GS_Data ) then GS_Data = {}; end; if not ( GS_Data[GetRealmName()] ) then GS_Data[GetRealmName()] = { ["Players"] = {} }; end
for i, v in pairs(GS_DefaultSettings) do if not ( GS_Settings[i] ) then GS_Settings[i] = GS_DefaultSettings[i]; end; end
------------------------ GUI PROGRAMS -------------------------------------------------------
local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "GearScore", UIParent);
f:SetScript("OnEvent", GearScore_OnEvent);
GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", GearScore_HookSetUnit)
GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", GearScore_HookSetItem)
ShoppingTooltip1:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", GearScore_HookCompareItem)
ShoppingTooltip2:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", GearScore_HookCompareItem2)
ItemRefTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetItem", GearScore_HookRefItem)
PaperDollFrame:HookScript("OnShow", MyPaperDoll)
PersonalGearScore:SetText("GS: 0")
GearScore_Original_SetInventoryItem = GameTooltip.SetInventoryItem
GameTooltip.SetInventoryItem = GearScore_OnEnter
SLASH_MY2SCRIPT1 = "/gset"
SLASH_MY2SCRIPT3 = "/gearscore"