We want to present the main fixes, done in logon 3.3.5a core during the last 2 months from 08.01.19 till 14.03.19.
Status: applied to logon.
- Fixed giving gladiator/duelist/challenger/rival titles for having some arena season titles.
- Players can now register arena team without getting needed checks.
- Added party members automatic invite to arena team in case of team creation.
- Maximum starter auction bid has now 200.000 gold cap.
- Transmogrification: allowed transmogrification of trinkets, for aficionados of this.
- Fixed presence of some summoned creatures control panel.
- Old nickname release price is now 25 CWC.
- Multifunctional NPC: added character name declension option for 10 CWC.
- Festive Lootbox can now be used from 70 level.
- Creatures that can ignore path finding no longer lose this ability after resurrection.
- Cross server messages can now be sent to a player even if he is on a cross server.
- Now all current quest items are deleted when you abandon quest.
- Fixed mute work if a player is on a cross server at the moment of applying mute.
- Spreading list of items, that are converted after faction change.
- Added automatic dungeon combat reset method.
- Fixed possibility to attack neutral guards in towns.
- Added sent emotion amount limit.
- Added automatic fix of twin nicknames in database. Nickname of a player, who was inactive longer than other owner of a nickname is changed to random one.
- Fixed CMSG_MOVE_TIME_SKIPPED opcode processing, that should improve players movement display.
- Players can now use personal game menu (.menu) to perform several actions, for example:
* Queue for arena/solo-arena.
* Queue for 1v1 arena.
* Queue raid up to 10 people for random battleground, as a premade party.
* Option to spectate arena fight of exact player.
* MMR reset option.
* MMR range change option, for searching 3v3-solo teammates.
- Added Black market. Every 6 hours special NPC spawns in random goblin neutral city, where players can place bid for unique and rare items.
- Fixed various exploits with ingame items and honor/arena points.
- Fixed an exploit with applying enchants without needed profession skill.
- Warden: fixed bypass methods.
- Warden: added and updated some cheat verification.
Dungeons and raids:
Icecrown Citadel:
- General:
* Fixed current dungeon difficulty sending (affects some addons).
* https://wowhead.com/?npc=36829 no longer spins after death.
* https://wowhead.com/?npc=37217 and https://wowhead.com/?npc=37025 NPC received visual buffs.
- The Lich King:
* One stack of https://wowhead.com/?spell=73737 dispel no longer removes aura, but transfers it to the neares character in 10 yards range.
* Dispel of https://wowhead.com/?spell=73914 from a character, https://wowhead.com/?spell=73914 moves to another character with one stack.
* Now after returning from Frostmourne Hall characters appear at the position, where they were before the hall.
* Now characters return from Frostmourne Hall with pets.
- Blood Prince Council:
* Size of Taldarams Ball of Inferno Flame is now decreased even if https://wowhead.com/?spell=72787 was absorbed.
* Fixed spontaneous eaid teleport to the beginning of a dungeon during fight.
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel: fixed proc of https://wowhead.com/?spell=71447 during air phase (testing mode).
Trial of the Crusader:
- Northrend Beasts: fixed loot in 25ppl heroic mode - 3 items are now dropped.
- Twin Val'kyr:
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/?spell=64238 cast timer.
* After "color switch" matching debuff https://wowhead.com/?spell=67298 and https://wowhead.com/?spell=67283 is removed.
* Fixed https://wowhead.com/?spell=67298 and https://wowhead.com/?spell=67283 target selection.
- Anub'arak: https://wowhead.com/?npc=34607 and https://wowhead.com/?npc=34605 now attack raid correctly.
- Fixed Obsidium Ore spawn when killing some creatures.
The Ruby Sanctum:
- Halion:
* https://wowhead.com/?spell=74792 and https://wowhead.com/?spell=74562 no longer focus boss on another target.
* Fixed SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS event for https://wowhead.com/?spell=74792 and https://wowhead.com/?spell=74562.
- Algalon the Observer: https://wowhead.com/?spell=62311 damage is no longer decreased by magic resistance.
Blackwing Lair:
- Nefarian: fixed possible bugs with combat start.
- Implemented mailbox script and summon of https://wowhead.com/?npc=11143.
- Minimal weapon level, for applying https://wowhead.com/?item=3829 is now 30.
- Fixed transmogrification option for Gamemaster set items.
- Battlegrounds: implemented crossfaction battles option.
- Soloq: players now see enemies when they enter arena. Spectators can see players in 15 seconds before arena start.
- Soloq: high-priority search time of solo-teams now has a 2 minute limit.
- Soloq: 1v1 teams are created with 1000 starter rate.
- Soloq: 1v1 team is now created automatically when you queue for 1v1.
- Arena spectator: added amount of every type arena spectators display.
- Arena spectator: now spectate option is available before the combat begins.
- Fixed buying availability display of items, that require solo rate.
- Added appearance changing option when playing for other faction on battlegrounds to https://wowhead.com/?npc=35364 NPC.
- Fixed https://wowroad.info/?item=38265 use.
- Turned use of https://wowroad.info/?item=21044 at arena off.
- Turned https://wowroad.info/?spell=13159 on battlegrounds off.
- Now reinforcements on Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest are only decreased when player dies from another player.
- Turned off automatic player resurrection in case of death on a battleground in inapproachable place.
- Nickname information is now updated every time you enter arena, to exclude possible issues.
- Temporary weapon enchants of Shaman no longer disappears when entering arena.
- Movement option of spectators and cheking enemies at solo arena is now activated in 15 seconds before the start.
- Players at solo arena can now chat using party channel.
- Now Mages automatically create Refreshment Table when entering the arena, and Warlocks summon Soulwell.
- Spells now have instant cast during preparing for arena.
- Dalaran Sewers: Fixed throw out of starter spots timer.
- Some fixes of parties queue for battleground.
- Added personal MMR calculation, if players MMR differs by more than 350 points from average MMR of a team. Personal MMR calculation of solo fights in case of defeat works if the difference is 700+ points.
- Fixed updating amount of weekly arena games for 1v1 teams.
- Fixed possible exploit when arena team could queue against itself.
- Absorption effects are now counted in battleground statistics as healing effects.
- Strand of the Ancients: fixed health amount of Destroyers.
Spells and talents:
- Fixed applying some spells, working on definite area when moving and on maximum distance.
- Attempt to fix possible bugs with interaction of control effects, invulnerability auras and dispel effects.
- Fixed ignoring cast time for spells with SPELL_ATTR4_CAN_CAST_WHILE_CASTING attribute.
- Fixed clearing control panel and spell list of controlled creature after the end of control effect.
- Fixed possible falling under the ground when player is under the effect of fear.
- http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=20424 no longer proc from applying Judgment.
- http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=57318 talent also ignores decrease aoe damage effect, for example http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=72723.
- P2T10 Retribution bonus no longer resets global cooldown, if it was caused by Divine Storm.
- http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=25988 can now be caught by shamans Grounding Totem.
Death Knight:
- Fixed health amount of Gargoyle.
- Fixed affection of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=49576 on target under the effect of fear and similar control.
- Improvements of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=49576 grip speed calculation.
- http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=43549 glyph no longer works for http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=49206.
- Attempt to fix possible bugs with cooldown display of http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=46584.
- http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=64380 no longer removes active http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=498.
- Grounding Totem effect no longer affects taunt spells.
- Fixed stacking http://shoot.tauri.hu/?spell=26990 with various scrolls.
- Fixed launch date and duration of Love is in the Air.
Settling and scripts of quests/npc:
- Removed drop of https://wowhead.com/?item=43215 (received by using).
- https://wowhead.com/?item=33086 no longer drops from https://wowhead.com/?npc=4328.
- Implemented restore of Winterhoof Emblem (https://wowhead.com/?item=33340) if it was lost at Chieftain Ashtotem (https://wowhead.com/?npc=24129).
- Fixed text of https://wowhead.com/?npc=7854.
- Fixed quest blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=3062.
- Implemented blizzlike quest Король Гиблой Чащи https://wowhead.com/?quest=6621.
- Implemented blizzlike quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=5721.
- Resettled blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?npc=18909.
- Fixed up scripts of https://wowhead.com/?npc=28327, https://wowhead.com/?npc=16516.
- https://wowhead.com/?npc=29796 now gives one random daily quest, not all existing.
- Resettled blizzlike and scripted https://wowhead.com/?npc=861.
- Implemented guards of https://wowhead.com/?npc=12339.
- Fixed optional menu of https://wowhead.com/?npc=23567.
- Implemented https://wowhead.com/?npc=10926 speech after accepting https://wowhead.com/?quest=5149.
- Implemented https://wowhead.com/?npc=3230 speech after accepting https://wowhead.com/?quest=11003.
- Fixed quest blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=11614.
- Implemented blizzlike quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=13075.
- Implemented blizzlike quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=9531.
- Implemented blizzlike quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=9537.
- Fixed work of quest complete event of https://wowhead.com/?quest=24558 and https://wowhead.com/?quest=24454.
- Resettled blizzlike and scripted https://wowhead.com/?npc=19425, https://wowhead.com/?npc=19426, https://wowhead.com/?npc=19006.
- Implemented periodic lightning, hitting containers from a portal on Isle of Quel'Danas.
- Increased drop chance of https://wowhead.com/?item=33050 from https://wowhead.com/?npc=23714.
- Implemented blizzlike quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=13073.
- Localization of https://wowhead.com/?quest=13074.
- Scripted https://wowhead.com/?npc=16522 NPC.
- Implemented blizzlike quests https://wowhead.com/?quest=12862 and https://wowhead.com/?quest=13060.
- Fixed drop chance of https://wowhead.com/?item=22934 for https://wowhead.com/?quest=9293 quest.
- Fixed quest order in camp of https://wowhead.com/?npc=27986 in Sholazar Basin.
- Fixed quest blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=9294.
- Fixed quest blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=9312.
- Fixed blizzlike quests https://wowhead.com/?quest=24558 and https://wowhead.com/?quest=24454.
- Resettled blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?npc=7136, https://wowhead.com/?npc=9879, https://wowhead.com/?npc=7156, https://wowhead.com/?npc=7157, https://wowhead.com/?npc=7158, https://wowhead.com/?npc=23693.
- Resettled blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?npc=23550.
- Resettled blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?npc=7100, https://wowhead.com/?npc=7092, https://wowhead.com/?npc=14345.
- Added phases to questline beginning with https://wowhead.com/?quest=24461 end ending with https://wowhead.com/?quest=24522.
- Fixed rare creatures spawn https://wowhead.com/?npc=32630 https://wowhead.com/?npc=32517 https://wowhead.com/?npc=32481.
- Implemented script of https://wowhead.com/?npc=35477.
- https://wowhead.com/?npc=29747 no longer moves.
- Localization of https://wowhead.com/?quest=9283.
- Fixed Alexstraszas speech when completing https://wowhead.com/?quest=14444.
- Fixed quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=8481.
- Quests: fixed https://wowhead.com/?quest=24849, https://wowhead.com/?quest=24851.
- Fixed an exploit with massive creature farm when doing https://wowhead.com/?quest=14112 quest.
- Fixed faction of https://wowhead.com/?npc=29377.
- Implemented scripts of https://wowhead.com/?npc=9462.
- Implemented scripts of https://wowhead.com/?npc=2192.
- Resettled blizzlike Timbermaw Hold area in Felwood.
- Implemented scripts of https://wowhead.com/?npc=2803, https://wowhead.com/?npc=15315.
- Fixed status of https://wowhead.com/?npc=24145.
- Fixed talking menu of https://wowhead.com/?npc=26117 NPC.
- https://wowhead.com/?npc=29500 now correctly start the fight.
- Deleted https://wowhead.com/?npc=15663 from the world.
- Fixed position and implemented script of https://wowhead.com/?npc=12384.
- Fixed position of https://wowhead.com/?npc=10739.
- Fixed possible exploit with taming https://wowhead.com/?npc=17854.
- Fixed an exploit when doing https://wowhead.com/?quest=12869.
- Fixed quest blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=24451.
- Fixed quest blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=20439.
- Fixed quest blizzlike http://wowhead.com/?quest=9612.
- Fixed quests of https://wowhead.com/?quest=12796 series blizzlike.
- Fixed quest blizzlike https://wowhead.com/?quest=8481.
- Added emotions to NPC, accepting quests https://wowhead.com/?quest=14443, https://wowhead.com/?quest=24554.
- Implemented blizzlike quests https://wowhead.com/?quest=14444, https://wowhead.com/?quest=24555.
- Implemented The Sunreaver Plan quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=14457.
- Implemented The Silver Covenant's Scheme quest https://wowhead.com/?quest=24557.
- https://wowhead.com/?quest=12692 and https://wowhead.com/?quest=12695 quests now require completing previous quests for getting them.
- Fixed vanish of https://wowhead.com/?npc=28315 NPC when you interact with it.
* The date of the latest update and the current online can be learned in the game by typing ".server info" command, actual update is 14.03.19.