Realm problem : Legion x4
Account name :
Character name in game : Sylent

Hello everyone so today at 18h24 and 18h25 in France i donated 20 euros x2, i bouth one relic 985 ilvl for 800 bonuses and 2 trinkets for 800 bonuses each one too for the first trinket Acrid Catalyst Injector id : 151955 there is no problem in game it was 985 ilvl, but the problem is the second trinket Norgannon's Prowess id : 154177. it cost 800 bonuses too and in game the trinket is only 940 ilvl.

I put 3 screens of the relics and the trinkets :

First trinket :

Relic :

Bugged trinket :

I asked in game and people told me that this trinket Norgannon's Prowess id : 154177. is only 940 and can be upgrade to 1000 ilvl with Pantheon's Blessing id : 155831. my question is : can i get enough of this item Pantheon's Blessing to ugrade my trinket from 940 to 985 because i bough it at a price of an 985 ilvl item. thank you for your answers staff.