1. https://ru.wowhead.com/npc=41379
2. Отсутствует перевод
Лорд Виктор Нефарий кричит: You won! How... disappointing. I could've easily watched you all continue to stand in the fire.
Лорд Виктор Нефарий кричит: I should've known better than to rely on something so stupidly named... to entertain me for long.
Лорд Виктор Нефарий кричит: Ah, Chimaeron! Truly a living testament to my scientific prowess. I reworked and twisted his form countless times over the years and the final result is truly something to behold.
Лорд Виктор Нефарий кричит: Stop fighting yourself THIS INSTANT Chimaeron!
Лорд Виктор Нефарий кричит: Congratulations! Allow me to grant you a title befitting the amazing achievement you just performed! Henceforth, you shall be known as the Slayer of Incompetent, Stupid and Disappointing Minions!
Лорд Виктор Нефарий кричит: A shame to lose that experiment...
наверн и тд.
3. Должно быть всё ру
4. х100
5. 3/10