Omen of Clarity: I always recommend taking Omen of Clarity, even if you think to yourself "But I never run out of Rage!
Even if you don't have any Rage-Starvation issues, Omen of Clarity will still be useful to you! Guaranteed.
Our reliance on Omen of Clarity has a LOT to do with the fact our threat generation is so heavily reliant on the ability Maul; Maul is an ability that you must ALWAYS be trying to cast as often as possible, it is responsible for the VAST majority of our total threat single-handedly.
But Maul DOES have a very big downside; Maul REPLACES our Auto Attacks, and if a bear always Mauls, they never Auto Attack.
What's so bad about not doing Auto-Attacks you ask? Well, it's because we rely on Rage to cast abilities, and Rage doesn't just grow on trees. (Actually, with the Revitalize talent... NVM, that's off topic. If you get this reference you're a total druid-nerd)
Here are the 2 main sources for Bears to generate Rage:
1) Receiving Damage from enemies; The more damage, the more Rage.
2) Using regular Auto-Attacks. Yet thanks to Maul, this should NEVER occur.
As you can see there is realistically only ONE reliable source of Rage for bears; Taking damage. Taking damage means that you need to hold aggro, and this is where a big paradox occurs.
>>Bears need Rage to hold Aggro, but need Aggro to generate Rage<<
And so begins a vicious cycle; Bears who lose aggro will struggle to regain Aggro, because they'll have no Rage to generate threat anymore, because they're not taking damage.
Luckily, Bears come equipped with a few tools like Growl, Challenging Roar and Enrage which, if properly used can get the situation back under control. But the proper usage of these abilities takes a fair amount of experience, reflexes, and LUCK to consistently pull off.
And therein lies the greatest strength that Omen of Clarity gives to us: CONSISTENCY.
The ability to more consistently cast our abilities. The ability to more consistently hold aggro.
Omen of Clarity also gives regular Auto-Attacks additional purpose; When Bears run out of Rage, they'll default back to using Auto Attacks even against their will. These Auto Attacks have a chance to proc Omen of Clarity, and generate some Rage, giving bears a greater chance of pulling back Aggro successfully.
Why is consistency so important? Well, the more geared your bear becomes, and the better you play your Bear, 2 things happen:
The better you play your Bear, the more Mauls you cast, and the less Auto Attacks you should be doing.
The better geared your bear is, the LESS damage you take, and the more often you Dodge!
This means you as you gear up, and get better at playing Bear, you both GENERATE LESS rage, but at the same time, USE MORE rage. Also when unlucky, you could Dodge multiple attacks in a row. Although lucky dodge-streaks are a GOOD thing, it would be a disaster if you lost Aggro just for this same reason.
There's also other scenarios where Omen of Clarity is useful: Anytime you're tanking targets which aren't fighting back. Although this includes targets you've lost aggro on, this could also include any enemies who are channeling spells, or fleeing, or running, are stunned, or any other possible reason where the enemy target isn't attacking the Tank.
All in all, Omen of Clarity gives Bears a big boost in consistency, and it's utility should not be underestimated. It makes our biggest sin; Regular Auto-Attacks have additional value, and becomes incredibly helpful in critical situations.
It only costs a single talent point, is conveniently positioned in the Talent Tree, so I can never see a circumstance where it won't be worthwhile to take.